How to avoid foods that trigger pancreatitis

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Acute Pancreatitis: What foods and beverages should I avoid?
Video: Acute Pancreatitis: What foods and beverages should I avoid?


Pancreatitis is a disease in which there is inflammation and malfunctioning of the pancreas (a large gland that takes part in digestion and processes food into a form that the body can absorb). There are two forms of pancreatitis: the acute form (sudden and short inflammation) and the chronic form (prolonged inflammation). Pancreatitis is usually the result of gallstones and chronic alcoholism.


Part 1 of 2: Avoiding foods that cause pancreatitis

  1. 1 Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. There is a very clear link between excessive alcohol consumption and pancreatitis. If you are prone to getting pancreatitis, the first thing you can do for your body is to reduce your alcohol intake. About 7 out of 10 cases of chronic pancreatitis are caused by long-term alcoholism.
    • Cigarettes increase the negative effects of alcohol on pancreatitis, so you should quit smoking as well.
    • If you or someone you know has an alcohol problem, you may need to seek help. Go to a rehab or Alcoholics Anonymous group.
  2. 2 Learn about the relationship between gallstones and pancreatitis. Gallstones are one of the main causes of acute pancreatitis. They are caused by the accumulation of large amounts of cholesterol in bile (a substance in the liver that promotes the emulsification of fats).
  3. 3 Avoid fatty and fried foods. If you are prone to pancreatitis, then you should cut out anything that contains saturated or trans fats. In particular, if you are recovering from an attack of pancreatitis, fatty foods can lead to a second attack. Try to avoid the following foods:
    • fatty meats like organ meats, bacon, pepperoni, and salami
    • fatty foods like burgers and fries
    • foods high in trans fat, such as packaged baked goods, fast food, and frozen pizza
    • whole milk, yogurt and cheese
  4. 4 Minimize your intake of foods high in fast carbohydrates. Foods loaded with fast carbs increase your triglyceride levels (the amount of fat carried in your blood), which can lead to gallstones and pancreatitis. These include sweets and high-calorie drinks. Particular attention should be paid to the following products:
    • sweet water
    • cakes, cookies and tarts
    • candies
    • semi-finished products, such as jam and some fillings
  5. 5 Don't go on a rigid diet. If you are trying to lose weight, do it gradually, otherwise your body may not be able to handle it. Rapid weight loss can cause your liver to produce high levels of cholesterol, which in turn can lead to gallstones.

Part 2 of 2: Foods to Improve Pancreatitis

  1. 1 Eat lots of whole grains. White flour foods greatly increase triglyceride levels (the amount of fat carried in the blood), which can trigger a pancreatitis attack. Avoid white bread, cereals, rice and pasta made from refined white flour. Instead, opt for whole grain analogues.
  2. 2 Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. In particular, you should switch to foods rich in B vitamins and iron (such as leafy greens). Most fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which can help prevent an attack of pancreatitis.Pay attention to the following products:
    • green vegetables
    • berries and cherries
    • tomatoes
    • pumpkin
    • bell pepper
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. The National Pancreatic Foundation recommends that people who have been diagnosed with pancreatitis always carry a bottle of water with them to avoid dehydration (which can cause an attack of pancreatitis). You can also bring Gatorade and other sports drinks with you, but beware of high sugar drinks.


  • To reduce your risk of pancreatitis, you should start exercising regularly and quit smoking.
  • Talk to your doctor about your diet if you think you may have pancreatitis.

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