How to get rid of enlarged breasts for men

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Man B**bs, Saggy Chest, or Gynecomastia.
Video: How to Get Rid of Man B**bs, Saggy Chest, or Gynecomastia.


There are many reasons why men have enlarged breasts, and fortunately, there are many ways to combat this problem. Read on, this article will show you some helpful tips and techniques for reducing your breasts.


Method 1 of 4: Quick Tricks

  1. 1 Wear patterned, dark, or loose shirts. Dark-colored or oversized shirts can help visually shrink your breasts. For the same purpose, you can wear loose shirts.
  2. 2 Wear shape-shifting shirts. Shapewear shirts are an excellent short-term solution to the problem of visually reducing thick breasts. If your mom, sister, or girlfriend has ever worn shapewear, then you've already seen the principles of a shapewear shirt. These shirts are made from a skinny material like elastane that compresses your breasts, making them look smaller and thinner.

Method 2 of 4: Assess Your Health

  1. 1 Understand the role that age plays. Age can have a profound effect on the appearance of your breasts. Both teenage boys and older men may temporarily develop enlarged breasts as a result of hormonal imbalances. Talk to your doctor, but keep in mind that the problem will most likely go away on its own.
  2. 2 Consult your doctor. The best first step in reducing thick breasts is to consult a doctor. Enlarged breasts can be a sign of serious health problems for a man, or just a manifestation of mild diseases. Only a doctor can know for sure, so various tests may be needed.
  3. 3 Determine the reason. The key to breast reduction is figuring out why it has grown. This will allow you to solve the problem by finding out the root cause. There are many common reasons why men have breast enlargement:
    • Weight is a very significant factor. If you are overweight, you are more likely to have fatty deposits in the chest area, which can give it a feminine appearance. The treatment will then be weight loss and exercise.
    • Certain medications may also play a role. There are many medications that cause fat to accumulate in the chest area in men. These include steroids, some illegal drugs, and even some antidepressants.
    • Consideration should be given to the likelihood of getting gynecomastia. This condition is an atypical enlargement of breasts and is usually identified by their weight, which is disproportionately high in relation to body weight. It can be caused by marijuana use, hormonal changes, liver and kidney problems, cancer, or other health problems.If you are concerned that one of these conditions may be the problem, check with your doctor, as some of them can be very serious.
  4. 4 Consider surgery. If, after reading this article, you still have not managed to reduce your breasts, or if you need an effective short-term solution, then you can have plastic surgery. However, you still need to treat the underlying cause, and surgery will likely not come cheap.
  5. 5 Consider diet. Certain foods can cause disproportionate weight gain in the chest and abdomen, and beer is an example. An unhealthy diet can also cause water retention and fat accumulation. Take what you eat seriously and consider the tips below for transitioning to a healthy diet.

Method 3 of 4: Weight Loss Exercise

  1. 1 Concentrate on overall weight loss. The idea of ​​training targeting a specific body fat area is a myth. If you decide that the problem lies in excess weight or fat accumulation, then in order to reduce your breasts, you will need to lose weight all over the body.
  2. 2 Calculate how many calories you need to consume to lose weight. The main weight loss trick is to burn more calories than you consume. This does not mean that you need to count every calorie, you just need to eat healthy portions of healthy food and exercise a lot. You can be full and lose weight! Use the exercise techniques below to keep you moving and challenging your body. The greater the calorie deficit, the more weight you will lose.
  3. 3 Walk up the stairs. You can climb real steps or exercise on the step trainer in the gym. At the gym, you can use a preset training program, however if you train at home on your own, walk up and down stairs for at least 10 minutes without interruption. You must be out of breath.
  4. 4 Jump rope. Jumping rope is an inexpensive and effective way to raise your heart rate and start burning calories. There are many rope exercise modes that can be easily found on the Internet or from a trainer, but even the simplest jumps will allow your body to begin the process of losing weight.
  5. 5 Do jumps "legs together, legs apart". This classic military and sports exercise increases heart rate and requires no special equipment - it can be done at home. This makes jumping like this an ideal exercise for those with little money.
  6. 6 Walk or jog. Because jogging puts a lot of stress on the knees for some people, walking will be a more affordable exercise that studies have shown can help maintain the same weight or gradually lose weight.
  7. 7 Swim. Swimming is a wonderful and fun type of exercise. It is well known that swimming helps people with problem joints or those who are overweight because it relieves stress on the bones while still providing enough exercise to raise the heart rate and provide a training effect. Swim in the pool or nearby bodies of water, but be sure to follow all safety precautions.
  8. 8 Ride your bike. Cycling is an affordable and effective way to train. You don't need to overwork yourself uphill: the simplest exercise technique will help you lose weight. You can ride a bike on the street, or buy an exercise bike and exercise at home.
  9. 9 Do interval training. Interval training consists of alternating high-intensity jerky physical activity with short periods of normal-paced exercise or rest.This applies to any type of exercise where it is possible to intensify the load, such as running, swimming, cycling, or some strength training.

Method 4 of 4: Provide a Healthy Diet

  1. 1 Balance your diet. A healthy and balanced diet is an important part of keeping you full while minimizing your calorie intake. Eat as little unhealthy fat and sugar as possible, while increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and healthy whole grains.
    • Avoid chips (even "healthy" ones), soda, candy, white bread, cracklings, fried foods, hydrogenated fats, sugar substitutes (as well as real sugar). Imagine foods like cakes and grilled cheese ... and don't eat them again.
    • Try wholemeal rye bread, quinoa, kale, citrus fruits, broccoli, salmon, nuts, garlic, and spinach. Healthy food doesn't have to be tasteless tofu bars: all of these foods take on the flavor of the food you cook with them, so get ready to use spices.
  2. 2 Watch your portion sizes. You should eat in moderation. Your stomach can adapt to the fact that you are consuming large portions of food at one time, so it may take a while to readjust to its normal routine. Remember not to put as much food on your plate as if you were sitting at the New Year's table - take moderate portions.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. Really a lot of water. Adults are advised to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Of course, you can divide this amount into several types of liquids (juices, soups, etc.), but they should definitely be healthy. Drink plain water whenever possible.
  4. 4 Eat often. It is much healthier to eat often and in small portions than to eat large portions of food two or three times a day. This will give you a feeling of fullness, or simply reduce the feeling of hunger, and also reduce the load on your metabolism.
    • For example: Eat a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast at 7 a.m., a handful of nuts at 9 a.m., an orange at 11 a.m., a tuna, onion and salad at 1 p.m., a couple of carrots and broccoli at 3 a.m., and wholemeal rye bread flour with pieces of cheese and salami at 5 pm. Finish off your meal with dessert if you want - eat some apple mousse.
    • It is advisable not to eat right before going to bed. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down, converting the food you just eaten into fat, but not burning it.
  5. 5 Watch the amount of salt you eat. Although salt is an essential component of the human diet, it should be consumed in moderation. Salt can cause high blood pressure and other negative effects, as well as water retention (which makes a person look swollen). Foods to avoid include:
    • French fries, chips, pigskin and salty popcorn.
    • Salty foods and cheese. These foods are soaked in brine during cooking, resulting in a high salt content.
    • Smoked meat, salami and bacon. Yes, and bacon. We are sorry.
    • Canned soups and broths.


  • Swap potatoes and polished rice for unpolished rice.
  • Walking up the stairs or walking around the house once is not considered exercise. Go outside and walk two or three kilometers.
  • When walking, listen to music so the time flies by. Buy a small mp3 player and download the workout music that inspires you.
  • Be prepared to refuse to dine with friends, especially if they often visit restaurants with junk food.
  • Beware of salads. Just the name "salad" does not mean that it is healthy. People often add dressings, nuts, eggs, cheeses, etc. to salads, so a salad may contain more calories than a fast food hamburger.If you're making a salad, add only fresh vegetables, low-fat vinaigrette, syringe dressing, or other low-calorie foods. Control your portion sizes.
  • Don't buy expensive diet pills. This is a waste of money. You can do without them.
  • Cut back on your beer consumption.
  • Avoid sodas. Drink green tea sweetened with stevia. And avoid drinks with sweeteners like saccharin.


  • If your prescribed medications are causing gynecomastia, do not stop taking them. Talk to your doctor, discuss alternatives, and work with your doctor to avoid side effects.
  • Check with your doctor before starting a diet or exercise routine.