How to burp when needed

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Trying To Learn HOW TO BURP! Only Burped 6 times in my life!
Video: Trying To Learn HOW TO BURP! Only Burped 6 times in my life!


So, you needed to cause yourself to burp. Perhaps you just need to bleed air from the digestive system, or perhaps you just decided to make others laugh.Whatever the reason, a simple muscle movement will help you burp: first take in the extra air, and then release all the gas in one go, getting the necessary burp. Try drinking a carbonated drink to increase the gas pressure in your stomach.


Part 1 of 2: Swallow Air

  1. 1 Keep your back straight. A straight back in a sitting or standing position allows the lungs to be fully extended. By expanding your lungs, you will be able to push more air out of your digestive system, thereby stimulating belching as you exhale. Trying to push your chest out as you exhale can also expand your lungs somewhat and help make belching more natural.
  2. 2 Drink a carbonated drink to increase the gas pressure in your stomach. It can be table water or mineral water with gas or any other carbonated drink. Carbonated drinks contain a large amount of carbon dioxide bubbles, so you swallow gas with the drink. Gas will build up in your stomach shortly after you consume the carbonated drink. You will need to release this gas with the help of belching. You may need to wait a few minutes for the carbonated drink to take effect.
    • Thus, using carbonated drinks can soothe an upset stomach. Gas bubbles will rise up the walls of your stomach, causing bloating, which literally makes you burp. Burping will release excess gas that has accumulated in your digestive system.
    • Try to drink directly from a can or bottle, rather than through a straw, to swallow more gas with the drink.
  3. 3 Swallow air. When you swallow air, your body needs to release that gas. With the right technique, you can learn to use this gas to emit loud burps. As you swallow air, you should feel the increased pressure at the base of your throat.
    • If you find it difficult to just swallow air, try closing your mouth and pinching your nose. This will make it easier for you to swallow whatever air is in your mouth.

Part 2 of 2: Burp the air

  1. 1 Burp. Once there is sufficient gas pressure inside, you will be able to push it out through the burp. When you feel gas ascending up the esophagus to your throat, open your mouth and allow the gas to escape through the base of the larynx. Try moving your jaw up and down to increase the flow of gas. You may need to change your head or mouth posture to find the ideal jaw position when burping.
    • The more air you swallow, the stronger the burp will be. Try to burp a couple of times to flush as much gas out of your body as possible.
  2. 2 Learn to burp yourself in one well-coordinated action. Try to combine a breath of air and pushing it out into one coordinated action. After a while, you will learn to consciously contract the muscles of the larynx for a pharynx-burp.
  3. 3 Try to swallow a lot of air at first until you can effectively belch. Continue to practice swallowing movements. You will feel how air accumulates inside and its pressure begins to build up. Eventually, you will feel the urge to contract the muscles in your larynx to burp. This is exactly what should happen when you consciously burp yourself.
    • As the skill improves, the process will become easier and less painful. In fact, not much air is required for an impressive burp. Keep practicing and you will succeed.


  • If you find it difficult to "swallow" air, try to inhale, close your windpipe, but keep trying to inhale. Then some of the air will seep into your esophagus.Imagine that you need to drink a large volume of water, so you take a very deep breath to swallow it in one gulp.
  • If you don't like carbonated drinks, you can drink anything as long as you swallow a lot of air.
  • Sometimes pushing out or sucking in the belly can help induce belching.
  • It takes practice to learn how to burp. Keep training and you will soon be successful.
  • Put some water in your mouth, take two sips with your mouth open, then gargle with water (still with your mouth open) and swallow it.
  • Do not overdo it with burping, as doing so runs the risk of tightening the muscles in your throat.


  • If you purposefully induce belching for a long time, you can get mild digestive upset.
  • Burping may not release all of the air you have swallowed, so the remaining air can cause bloating and escape through the intestines.