Being in a relationship with an older woman

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What to expect when dating an older woman | Should you date an older woman #askRenee
Video: What to expect when dating an older woman | Should you date an older woman #askRenee


If you enter into a relationship with an older woman, you will experience a lot of excitement, adventure and fun. If you are concerned about how to go about it, know that the most important thing is to have confidence and not to pay too much attention to the age difference. After that, you can sit back and enjoy the relationship, just like you would with a girl or woman your own age.

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Part 1 of 3: Make her want you

  1. Radiate confidence. If you really want a relationship with an older woman, then you have to believe in who you are. If you have low self-esteem, or if you feel like you can't be yourself in a love affair, it will be difficult to be in a relationship with an older woman. Older women who are in a relationship with a younger man are not looking for a new son or someone to babysit; they want a man who knows who he is no matter what his age. If you don't have a lot of confidence, it is time to do your best to start loving yourself more, while working on the areas of yourself that could be improved.
    • Try to avoid putting yourself down or saying negative things about yourself often. Focus on the things you like about yourself.
    • Take on new challenges with enthusiasm, instead of making excuses that would explain why you couldn't do it anyway.
    • Do your best to show self-confidence through your body language as well. Stand up straight, make eye contact, smile and avoid fidgeting or sitting or walking with a crooked back.
    • Of course, it can take a while for your confidence to really grow, but you can take baby steps by changing the things you don't like about yourself and accepting the things you can't change. Make a list of all the things you like about yourself, and do your best to expand the list as you progress.
    • Another aspect of self-confidence is that you are friends with people who make you feel good about yourself; if your friends are always putting you down, you are more likely to feel bad about yourself.
  2. Impress her by showing her that you are independent. Older women don't want lap dogs to follow wherever they go; they want a man who has his own friends, his own interests, and his own goals that he is pursuing. Make sure there are enough fun things in your life, separate from your older girlfriend, so that you can make time for her without wanting to see her 24/7. If your older friend starts to feel like she's the only fun thing in your life, she might be thrown off by that.
    • And, having your own interests, goals, and other things in your life that you enjoy is a sign of maturity and shows that you are evolved. If you don't do much different than the games you play, your older girlfriend probably won't think of you as a mature, interesting man.
    • Try to keep meeting with your friends whenever you can. Don't cancel everything just because you want to meet up with your older girlfriend. Show her that your friends are important to you.
    • Don't be jealous either. If you ask her too often where she was or what she's been up to, she'll start to think you're not mature enough because you can't trust her.
  3. Take control whenever you have the opportunity. While you should be careful not to dominate your older girlfriend, you shouldn't be too passive and approve of anything she suggests just because you're younger. While she may have ideas about what she wants to do with you, it's important that you think about some things too: She shouldn't feel like she has to put in all the effort and think about everything about the two of you together. Make sure you have also thought about where you can go for a bite to eat, which films you can see, or what things you can do together.
    • Take turns thinking about what you're going to do when you're together. She really doesn't have to be the only one who takes care of everything just because she's older.
    • If you kiss or are otherwise intimate, you can be the first to start. She's not supposed to think you don't dare to do things like that.
    • While taking charge shows that you are mature for your age, it should also be okay to ask for the opinion of your older girlfriend if you really don't know what to do for a moment. If you can admit that you don't know something, then you show that you are an adult.
  4. Use your age to your advantage. Don't see your age as something that makes you less able to enjoy your relationship with an older woman or that you would not be so likely to enter into the relationship. After all, there's a reason why she likes to be in a relationship with a younger boy, right? You may have less experience and knowledge than an older man, but you may have more enthusiasm, freshness, energy and a positive attitude to life. Show your older girlfriend the benefits of dating a younger man.
    • Impress her with your boundless energy and your ability to engage in new things over and over again. Don't be skeptical if you're trying something you've never even heard of: rather take your chances when they come your way.
    • Even if you haven't done much in your life yet, you can talk about all the things you would like to do in your life.
    • Don't say, "I'm only eighteen, but ..." You don't want your age to be a disadvantage to her.
  5. Don't talk too much about her age. If there is one thing you want to avoid if you want to have a successful relationship with an older woman, it is always emphasizing that she is "an older woman." Although it is no problem for some women to talk about this, there are also women who do not want to be seen as an "older woman", and who just want to enter into relationships in their own way.
    • Of course, you want to avoid accidentally insulting the woman you're in a relationship with: try not to pay too much attention to it unless she brings it up herself.
    • Emphasizing her age makes her feel like you're having a hard time dating someone who has so much more experience than you. You then come across as somewhat insecure.
  6. Don't change all kinds of things about yourself for her. You may think that you have to change your entire personality in order to be able to have a successful relationship with an older woman. But if you change too much, the woman may lose interest in you because you are no longer the guy she fell in love with. While it's okay to try to become more experienced, mature, and be yourself in the relationship, don't change so that your older girlfriend barely recognizes you as the guy who's dating her. asked.
    • After all, you want your older girlfriend to like you, and not a polished, slick version of you. If you feel like you are no longer yourself, end the relationship.
    • If you really want to have a meaningful relationship with an older woman, then it shouldn't be necessary to hide important parts of yourself just to appear older. Show her who you really are.

Part 2 of 3: Being a great boyfriend

  1. Be courteous. If you want to succeed in dating an older woman then you have to be a real gentleman. You don't want her to think you're ill-mannered or that you don't know how to treat a woman. There are, of course, women who think that some of the courteous gestures of men, such as holding the door open for a woman, or pulling a chair for a woman, are old-fashioned; so pay attention to what she likes. But it doesn't hurt to be polite and not to broach crude topics. If you want to be a true gentleman, the most important thing is to respect the woman you are courting.
    • Be on time when you are on a date with her and bring a present every now and then.
    • Make sure you pay attention to your appearance when you have an appointment with her. Of course, you want to make your older girlfriend feel like she's worth dating a guy who goes out of the way to look well-groomed for her.
    • Compliment her, because it shows her how beautiful and wonderful you think she is.
    • Treat those around you with respect, too. Being kind and polite to people who serve you, friends, and strangers, shows that you respect others, rather than pretending to be you to impress her.
  2. Don't worry about not being that experienced yet. Sure, your older girlfriend probably has more life experience and been in more relationships than you. But that doesn't mean you have to talk about that all the time, or worry because you don't think you have enough to offer. If she has more experience in bed, that's great - enjoy the things she teaches you. Try not to focus too much on the past and enjoy the experience you have with your older girlfriend in the here and now.
    • If you want to do well as an older woman's boyfriend, don't say you aren't that experienced yet. This can cause your older girlfriend to become too aware of the experience she already has. Or you run the risk of appearing insecure as a result.
    • If the two of you are intimate, try not to worry about it if you don't have much experience in that regard. Because if you spend too much time on it, you will enjoy it less.
  3. Be assertive. Be a man who knows what he wants and who is not afraid to ask for it. If you keep coming back to what you've said, mumbling, or waiting to say what you really think, you run the risk of your older girlfriend looking for someone more assertive. Try to be comfortable with her, tell her what you'd like to do with her when you meet up, let her know if she hurt you, and ask for the things you want.
    • If you want to be assertive, it is important that you have a steady, clear voice when the moment has come when you want to say something. If your voice is too soft, or if you falter too much, it is difficult to be assertive and to appear that way.
    • While it is best not to interrupt your older friend when she is talking, it is important that you feel comfortable and can express what is on your mind when it is your turn to speak.
  4. Be mature. While you may not be the most grown-up boy in the world, you can make the effort to grow up a bit. Avoid arguing for being grumpy, or getting angry about small things, or appearing silly. Make yourself smart, and look things up if you don't know what is going on. Learn to be polite to others and to treat others with respect, instead of just thinking about yourself. Your older girlfriend just wants a man who behaves mature.
    • Don't whine or complain about things that don't really matter. Because that is a sign of immaturity.
    • Get rid of childish behaviors like biting your nails, making fun of other people, or arguing with your siblings.
    • Try not to get too angry or hurt when things don't go the way you want them to.
  5. Keep it cheerful and light. Your older girlfriend may have had more than enough of serious relationships with older men. Show her that you are different by making the contact exciting, fun and light, because then she will enjoy being together. Try not to talk too much about the future of your relationship because it will quickly become too difficult and worrisome. Instead of worrying about the future, focus on enjoying the relationship every time you are together.
    • Talk about fun, light topics and make her laugh. Show her how much fun it is to be with you.
    • Of course, you can be vulnerable to her and tell her intimate things about yourself if you're ready. But in general, you better make sure that things are fun and relaxed.
  6. Don't talk about your age difference all the time. If you want a long-term relationship with her, don't talk all the time about how much older than you she is. If you keep talking about it, she may start to think that you are doubting the relationship.
    • If she brings it up and laughs about it, then of course it's okay to laugh about it too. But if she doesn't mention it, then you better not do it either.

Part 3 of 3: Being in a long relationship with your older girlfriend

  1. Show an interest in who she really is. If you really want a successful and long-term relationship with your older girlfriend, then you have to give it a go, and not just see her as that sexy older woman you've just dated. You have to make an effort to find out how it really works, and be aware that age doesn't always matter. Show her that you want to get to know her better and that you really appreciate the time you spend together. Below you can read how to make that clear:
    • Really try to take the time to listen to her when she's talking to you. Put your phone away, make eye contact, and don't interrupt her.
    • Ask her questions about her childhood, her job, her friends, her family, and the things she's interested in. Show her that you really want to learn everything about her.
    • If you're not together, get in touch with her to let her know you'd like to know if she's having a good day and that she knows you're thinking about her.
    • Compliment her to show her that you really think she is special. Just saying you like her isn't enough; say she's funny, or name other parts of her personality that really matter.
  2. Give her space. If you want a long-term relationship with her, then you shouldn't be too clingy. Respect the fact that your older girlfriend is independent and that she also has a life outside of you. This could include work, nights out with her friends, or the time when she does her own things like yoga, writing poetry or cooking. Don't claim her, don't ask her to spend all her time with you, and appreciate that she still has a life outside of your relationship.
    • Be interested in the things she does when the two of you are not together. Ask about her friends, her job, and her hobbies so she knows you care.
    • You can call her when you're not together, but don't call her three times in a night when she's out on a night out with her friends; you don't want to appear as though you have no life or as if you are jealous.
  3. Learn to contribute to a conversation. If you are looking for a long relationship, it is important that you are able to have a good conversation with your girlfriend. Of course you don't want her to feel like she has to keep the conversation going, or make it seem like you don't have an opinion of your own. Show her that you're thoughtful, mature with a mind of your own - then she'll be more likely to keep liking you.
    • Keep up with the news, politics, world events and current affairs. Then if she brings up something topical, at least you can say something meaningful.
    • Talk about experiences you have had, such as childhood or trips you may have taken. Don't think that your experiences matter less because you are younger.
    • If you experienced something funny the day you saw her, feel free to tell her. Don't think everything has to be serious because she's older.
    • Don't talk about topics if it makes you appear immature. If you've had a stupid fight with your roommate, or if you've had to beg for money from your parents, you shouldn't call it that.
  4. Keep the relationship exciting. If you want a long-term relationship with your girlfriend, you can't keep doing the same things when you go out. Find out where there is a nice new restaurant, where there are new fun places to go together, and undertake new activities together, such as taking salsa lessons together or making fresh pasta together. If you get too used to doing the same things every day, you run the risk of appearing boring, and your older girlfriend who is more experienced may want something other than a daily grind.
    • While it's fun to develop habits together, it's not fun having the same daily routine every day. Make sure to do something new together at least once a week.
    • Write a love letter for her, letting her know how much she means to you just because you feel like it. Don't think there should be no more romance because the two of you have been together for a while.
    • Be spontaneous. Tell her you want to go away for the weekend the day before, or take her as a surprise somewhere she's always wanted to go, such as a place where you can go rock climbing.
  5. See if the relationship has a future. After you've been in a relationship with your older girlfriend for a while, you can start asking yourself if you want to continue. If you feel like you've completely forgotten about the age difference, and that you have a valuable, fun, and fulfilling relationship, that's great. But if you notice that the most exciting thing about the relationship is the age difference, and that novelty has faded a bit, then it's time to move on.
    • If you find that the relationship with an older woman is just something you've ever wanted to try, the relationship may not have the right foundation.
    • Be honest with yourself. If your older girlfriend wants more than you want to give, it might be time to say goodbye.
    • But if you are having the time of your life with your older girlfriend, continue your wonderful relationship for as long as you want.