How to get rid of homesickness while spending the night with friends

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOMESICKNESS 😔How to deal with + overcome being homesick while travelling
Video: HOMESICKNESS 😔How to deal with + overcome being homesick while travelling


When you are at a sleepover or somewhere else away from your parents, waves of sadness can come over you. Welcome to homesickness. Learn to release this feeling and restore a good mood after homesickness.


Method 1 of 4: Reducing the stress of spending the night away from home

  1. 1 Ask your parents to talk to your friends' parents. Let them know that you are not used to spending the night yet and may not be able to last through the night. This will give them the opportunity to reconcile their plans if this does happen. Do not cheat, parents will notice it, so it is better to talk about everything openly. It will be easier for you to relax if you understand that you are not trapped and there is a plan B. Friends' parents will also be aware of your situation, and when everyone starts to go to bed, they may even ask you if you would like to go home. It is better to tell them about everything directly than to wake up the whole house by leaving at 3 in the morning.
  2. 2 Make some tentative attempts at staying at these friends' house at night. The first couple of times your parents may pick you up before or after bedtime.
  3. 3 Wait for the moment when you have more experience of sleeping away from home. You can get used to spending the night away from home, sleeping with your grandmother or visiting your aunt and uncle, where you know you are with your family. An overnight stay is usually easier when you know that parents and other children are also in the house.

Method 2 of 4: Bring Comfort With You

  1. 1 When heading out for the night, make sure to take everything with you necessary, plus things like a pillow, blanket or stuffed animal from home. It will also help if your parents come to the door or to the place where you will be dropped off. Ask if they can walk to the door so you can say good night to them.
  2. 2 Bring everything you need with you so that the landlord doesn't have to do the laundry for you and you don't have to borrow anything from him. If you are staying with friends when your parents are away and an event is scheduled the next day (going to church or a school celebration), you will be more comfortable in your clothes.
  3. 3 Check the list of things especially carefully if you are going on an overnight picnic. Don't bring many toys with you, but bring things that will make you comfortable.

Method 3 of 4: Stay Optimistic

  1. 1 Don't mope. Have fun! This will help a lot when you find yourself overnight.
  2. 2 Try not to think about home when it's time to go to bed. Most likely, you will be too tired, and in any case, you will not have the energy to think! Also, try not to think about home during your overnight stay, in principle, and if you realize that you are very sad about the house, you can always just call home and ask to pick you up. You may not yet be ready to spend the night away from home.
  3. 3 Get ready for something new. Life in every home is different, and your friends' daily routines may also be slightly different. These differences can be in the trouble before bed, in helping brothers and sisters in the morning before school, in going to church, or in another activity. Before packing, ask the person about their plans for the next day and their usual schedule.
  4. 4 Just remember to see your parents / guardians again soon. Try to forget that they are at home. Imagine that they are sleeping in the next room, and will go out to meet you if you go to them.

Method 4 of 4: Dealing with homesickness during a sleepover

  1. 1 If you honestly can't sleep and are homesick, try turning your TV on low to avoid waking the owner of the house.
  2. 2 If you are having trouble dealing with homesickness, ask your elders for permission to call home. This can be quite embarrassing, so it’s okay if you say you’re in a bad mood. It always helps to talk to your parents once or twice before going to bed.
    • If you succeed, just try to push the feeling away from you. By doing this over the course of the evening, you can convince yourself that you will succeed, thereby defeating homesickness.
  3. 3 Do not forget to clean up after yourself, do not shout or make noise. Be extremely polite and offer your help whenever possible. If you behave this way, your friend's parents will be grateful to you and will be happy to invite you next time.
  4. 4 Focus on what you will be doing the next day. Don't feel like you don't want to sleep. Think about tomorrow instead.


  • If you are very homesick, try the following. Try to have a lot of fun during the day and be very tired so that you can be sleepy in the evening. You will be too tired to think about your homesickness. And in the morning you will feel great!
  • Bring your personal belongings with you from your home so that you don't feel like you are a thousand kilometers from home.
  • Try not to think about your pets, siblings, your parents, or your home in general.
  • If you find yourself feeling homesick, ask your friends 'and your parents' parents if they can arrange for you to be picked up early the next morning (but not too early).
  • If you are shy, you can change in the toilet. Do not forget to take sleepwear from home that you can wear in front of other people, and in which, if anything, you can go outside if suddenly a fire alarm is triggered or any other unforeseen circumstances arise. You are not at home, so it is helpful to have clothes with you that cover both your torso and legs. You can also bring a bathrobe with you.
  • Bring some clothes, a book or several, and other necessary items with you. Don't take too many toys with you.
  • Carefully study the list of necessary things (if your friend or parents did not give it to you, look for examples of such lists on the Internet). This will help you understand what things to take with you and what you need to bring to ensure your comfort.
  • If you are going on a picnic, make sure to bring enough bedding. If you feel uncomfortable lying down, the night will not be easy. If you need to take your sleeping gear with you on a hike, make sure to fold the correct sheets, a regular pillow (or several), a pillowcase, a mattress topper (so you don't have to sleep on the rustling plastic surface of the air mattress), a thin blanket, and a regular blanket. ... It can be very cold at night while sleeping on picnics.
  • Overnight in a tent can be quite challenging. If this is your first sleepover away from home, talk to someone who has already slept in a tent and discuss the problem with your parents.
  • Have fun!


  • Do not be bullies, obey your elders. As you grow up, your friends' parents will remember what a good guest you were. Don't create problems, even if it means going home out of homesickness.
  • Do not leave your friends' house on your own without warning anyone.
  • Don't lie about getting sick or make up any “emergency” reasons to go home.

What do you need

  • Something from home that will keep you in a good mood.
  • Appropriate clothing for the day and for sleeping.
  • If you are going on a picnic, read the list of essentials and collect them with your parents.
  • If the list of things says "Bring your own bedding", you should bring a bag with sheets, pillows, pillowcases, a mattress topper, a comfy blanket (take a light or warm one if you tend to be cold at night, or bring sweaters or whatever something warm, in which you can sleep). Remember that “bed linen” also sometimes includes towels. Take at least 2 bath towels for a week, if you know how to handle them carefully and do not forget to dry them (if not, take more), clean linen and 2 beach towels (see.(See the rules for the number of towels above) if you are planning to have fun on the water. If you swim often, bring more towels and linens.