How to get rid of back acne

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid of Back Acne the Natural Way | Effective Home Remedies
Video: How To Get Rid of Back Acne the Natural Way | Effective Home Remedies


Back acne is a common irritating problem. Pre-pubertal teens and adults with back acne understand that this is a very different problem than facial acne. Because back acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands, the treatments are similar to other types of acne. If you want to know how to get rid of back acne, read this article.


Method 1 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Wear a clean bra. If you are wearing a bra, it is imperative that you keep it clean. Wear a clean bra every day. The straps should fit snugly enough so that they don't chafe pimples as you move or cause additional irritation. If possible, wear a strapless bra as this will significantly reduce the redness on your shoulders.
  2. 2 Wear loose, clean, breathable clothing. Make sure the material on your back is clean and made from cotton or other natural fabrics. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing. Finally, wash your clothes regularly, preferably after each wear.
    • Wash laundry in a detergent that has little or no odor. Detergents that are too harsh or heavily scented can make the problem worse.
    • Use bleach for light colored items.Bleach kills bacteria that may be on clothing and prevents acne from spreading. However, rinse your clothing thoroughly to prevent the chemicals in the bleach from irritating your skin.
  3. 3 Remember to shower after you sweat. After jogging or playing basketball, don't forget to shower. The perspiration left on your skin after exercise creates a fertile ground for the bacteria that cause acne to grow. In addition, sweat clogs the pores, contributing to the appearance of acne in large quantities.
  4. 4 When you shower, be sure to rinse the conditioner out of your hair. One of the possible reasons for acne on the back is conditioner that has not been completely rinsed from the hair. Conditioner works great for hair, but not for back. There are several ways to protect your back from getting conditioner on it, which can cause nasty pimples:
    • Turn on cool water when rinsing the conditioner out of your hair. Warm water opens pores and cool water closes them. Opening your pores before rinsing off conditioner is not the best option if you want to get rid of acne.
    • Wash your back last after you rinse off the shampoo and conditioner.
    • Instead of applying and rinsing conditioner in the shower, use a no-rinse conditioner.
  5. 5 Change your laundry detergent. If you have sensitive skin, the detergent you are using may be the cause of irritation. Choose a powder that won't irritate your skin.
  6. 6 Wash your sheets regularly. Dead skin cells and dust accumulate on bedding. Pets that sleep on the bed also leave their footprints. Change your sheets twice a week.
    • If possible, use bleach in your wash to remove any bacteria. However, be sure to rinse your laundry thoroughly to prevent the chemicals in the bleach from irritating your skin.
    • Wash duvets, blankets, and other bedding regularly.

Method 2 of 3: Using medicines

  1. 1 Wash with a medication that does not contain oil. Give preference to a product whose active ingredient is 2% salicylic acid. Neutrogena Body Clear is a great option. Apply the product to the acne-covered area and wait about a minute before rinsing the product off your skin. The medicine should be absorbed into the skin and have a healing effect.
  2. 2 Moisturize your skin with a medicated lotion that does not contain oil. The skin is an organ, in the literal sense of the word. And like all other organs, for normal functioning, it needs water and other nutrients. Therefore, be sure to use a moisturizing lotion after washing your back with cleanser (daily).
    • Alternatively, you can use a drug-free lotion. However, make sure the product you choose is non-comedogenic. This is important because salicylic acid dries out the skin.
  3. 3 Use a medicated cream to treat acne. Since you are already using salicylic acid for washing and lotion to moisturize your skin, use another medication, such as 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, for topical treatment. Do not use 5% or 10% benzoyl peroxide if you have very sensitive skin, as this can increase irritation. If you are allergic to benzoyl peroxide, use a 10% sulfur solution.
  4. 4 Use a retinol cream. Apply retinol cream to your back at night. This will help exfoliate your skin and prevent acne breakouts.
  5. 5 Use alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy acids work primarily as exfoliants. They act on the cells of the epidermis, allowing dead skin cells to be removed unhindered, thereby reducing the likelihood of acne.Beta hydroxyl acids fight the bacteria that cause acne from the inside out. If you can, get a body scrub that contains alpha hydroxy acids. Use it three times a week. After showering and applying moisturizers, wipe your back with beta hydroxy acid wipes.
  6. 6 Consult a dermatologist. It is possible that you need a pill or medication that requires a doctor's prescription. Be sure to consult a dermatologist.

Method 3 of 3: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne

  1. 1 Exfoliate with a sponge or washcloth. However, do not rub too vigorously to avoid aggravating the irritation.
  2. 2 Go to the beach. Submerge in salt water for about 10 minutes. Then sit in direct sunlight for 10-15 minutes. The sun will dry out acne. Don't overdo it, though, as sunburn can make your acne problem worse. Repeat the process several times and you will see the result very soon.
  3. 3 Use zinc. Although zinc is not a very common acne treatment, it is nonetheless effective at fighting acne. Zinc is a metal that the body needs in small doses. Zinc not only fights acne, but it is also important for maintaining the immune system. To get rid of back acne, use 2 methods:
    • Apply zinc directly to your skin. Use a lotion containing 4% erythromycin and 1.2 zinc acetate. Massage into skin twice a day. If you cannot get the lotion, use a zinc gel capsule. Pierce it, squeeze the gel onto a clean finger or cotton swab and apply directly to your back.
    • Take zinc daily. Take zinc picolinate every day, about 25-45 mg. Not take more than 50 mg per day, as this can provoke a lack of copper in the body. Large doses of zinc interfere with the absorption of copper.
  4. 4 Exfoliate with natural ingredients. This will remove dead cells that clog pores and cause inflammation and acne. Squeeze the juice of one grapefruit into a bowl, mix with 1 1/2 cup white sugar and 1/2 cup coarse sea salt. Massage the damaged area of ​​skin, and then wait for the mixture to dry on the skin.
  5. 5 Change the pH level of your skin. The pH level is the acid-base balance of the skin. According to scientists, a skin pH below 5 (ideally 4.7) has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin and the bacterial flora, which has a positive effect on the skin. Watering and using soap can cause the skin's pH to rise above 5, leading to dryness, flaking and acne.
    • Change your shower head to filter out chlorine. Thanks to this, you will see noticeable improvements in the condition of your skin. Find out the price of the nozzle equipped with a filter in your area. The use of such a nozzle will have a positive effect on the condition of your skin.
    • Mix equal proportions of filtered water and apple cider vinegar. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. After showering and before going to bed, spray the solution onto your skin and let it dry. This will help to naturally lower the skin's pH level.
    • Instead of apple cider vinegar, use witch hazel tincture and filtered water in equal proportions, this mixture will have the same effect.


  • Lemon juice helps dry acne quickly.
  • Don't do anything that can irritate your acne, as this can cause more inflammation and scarring.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Adequate water intake will help to ensure that the body does not secrete too much sebum, which can accumulate bacteria, resulting in acne on the back.
  • Clean the washcloth thoroughly after use, as germs and bacteria can grow in it.
  • Avoid junk food as this can be the cause of acne. Also, do not scratch your back, as this can spread acne all over your back.
  • Make a mixture of baking soda and water. You should have a mixture of pasty consistency. Apply it on your back.
  • Avoid junk food not only because you want to get rid of back acne. Avoiding junk food will significantly improve the condition of the skin, not only on the face, but on the whole body as a whole!
  • Get a back scrubber. As a rule, it is quite cheap. Thanks to this device, you will be able to remove dirt from your back, which in turn will help to reduce the formation of acne and acne scars.
  • Use products with 2% salicylic acid as the active ingredient.
  • If you are allergic to salicylic acid or do not see the desired effect with this remedy, try a medicated skin powder. This is a fairly effective remedy that will not dry out the skin. Check with your pharmacist when choosing this product.
  • Do not touch your bare back against the wall or dirty objects.
  • Alternative options:
    • Tea tree oil soap
    • Anti-dandruff shampoo with zinc
    • Tea tree oil is a natural acne treatment that can be used in place of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
    • Rubbing the skin with lemon (cut the lemon into wedges and rub into the skin) or tomatoes can help with acne, as the acid in them kills harmful bacteria. These remedies are most effective if you have sensitive skin, as treatment with chemicals can do more harm than good.


  • Don't pop pimples. This only increases the likelihood of infection. Any pimple that breaks out should be treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide or 10% benzoyl peroxide to reduce the chance of infection.
  • If you are using Accutane, the acne medicine, do not use Neutrogena or benzoyl peroxide. Accutane helps to get rid of acne by removing the subcutaneous sebaceous glands and thereby removing the source of excess oil production.