How to get rid of cellulite on the thighs

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally | Glamrs Skin Care
Video: How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally | Glamrs Skin Care


As they age, some people begin to notice an increase in lumpy, uneven fatty tissue around the shoulders, abdomen, buttocks, and especially the thighs. This fatty tissue is commonly referred to as cellulite. Often, cellulite begins to form during the period of maturation of a person, and there is no sure way to prevent or predict its appearance. Therefore, its occurrence can be very upsetting. Fortunately, cellulite can be counteracted with a well-planned diet, consistent exercise, and healthier lifestyles. A couple of small changes to your daily schedule, plus a little patience and discipline, and you can go back to your open bikini or proudly put on your favorite pair of shorts again.


Method 1 of 3: Exercise to Burn Excess Fat

  1. 1 Do certain types of strength training. Start regularly lifting a barbell, doing yoga, or other physical activity in which you need to work with weights. Strength training shapes and tones the muscles that put pressure on the skin, giving the thighs a smoother look. In addition, at rest, muscles burn more calories (compared to other types of tissue), helping to reduce the total amount of fat in the body.
    • Set aside 3-4 hours of strength training each week.
    • Emphasize squats, leg lifts, and lunges as these are designed to strengthen your thigh muscles.
  2. 2 Set aside a couple of hours each week for cardio. In addition to strength training, spend several hours a week on a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical trainer. At moderate intensity, sustained cardio training burns a huge amount of calories and also tightens up the "pockets" where the fat accumulates, which creates a bumpy "orange peel" on the skin. Sports is one of the best ways to make cellulite less noticeable right now.
    • Start small and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. To notice the difference, you just need to start with long walks.
    • Try fasting cardio once or twice a week (doing cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach or after a small snack). Without the deposited glycogen (animal starch), your body will immediately start burning fat for energy.
  3. 3 Enjoy an active hobby. Even if you don't have enough funds or motivation to go to the gym, you can find useful ways to be physically active and get rid of problem areas with excess fat. Get out of the house and do yoga, swim, or cycle as often as possible. Sign up for yoga classes, kayak, or throw a frisbee (flying disc) in the park. Constantly take part in sports or other activities that will bring you genuine pleasure and keep you active.
    • To make your class even more fun, invite a friend to join you.
    • Since your goal is to get rid of cellulite in the thigh area, do not forget to actively use your legs during physical activity.
  4. 4 Get over your passive lifestyle. Eliminate the effects of constant sitting at the table by spending more time on your feet, even if you have to work standing up to do so. Take short breaks to walk, pump up your blood, and do some squats or lunges. Go up the stairs, not the elevator. Instead of lying on the couch at home, stretch or do difficult static poses. Simply put, find ways to move more. Even a little movement will already be beneficial.
    • Reduce the amount of time per week spent doing activities such as watching TV.
    • Look for reasons to move as needed. For example, check your inbox not on your way home or on the street, but at a separate time.Or get up more often at work or while on the phone.

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Diet

  1. 1 Eat more fiber. Eat fiber-rich foods such as leafy vegetables, oatmeal, and whole grain baked goods. As part of the digestive process, fiber destroys fats, toxins, and other waste in the body. The more fiber in your diet, the more efficient your digestion will be, which will ultimately help you break down more calories and reduce fat storage in the future.
    • Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, bananas, and raspberries, along with foods like oatmeal and wheat bread, are excellent sources of fiber.
    • Avoid foods high in sugar, such as sweetened cereals or cookies (even if they are claimed to be made from whole grains).
  2. 2 Get enough protein. High protein foods should be a significant part of your regular diet. Choose lean meats such as skinless chicken, steak, and fish, as well as protein sources that contain healthy fats (such as eggs, nuts, and beans). By supplying your body with protein, you will build and maintain lean muscle mass, which burns calories as well as makes you stronger, more energized and improves your overall appearance.
    • The average adult needs 50–70 grams of protein per day. Most of the protein can be obtained from natural food sources.
    • Along with your regular meals, take protein supplements such as milkshakes or chocolate bars to help you meet your daily intake.
  3. 3 Stop eating junk food. The caloric density of foods that have no real nutritional value greatly exacerbate the problem of cellulite. Avoid fast food, high sugar foods (sweets, soda, sports drinks, and the like) or carbohydrates (such as bread, pasta, and potatoes). Aim for balanced proportions of natural whole foods, including lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you eat a sensible, balanced diet, you will soon notice that irritating cellulite bumps will become less pronounced.
    • Prepare and freeze food in advance to relieve yourself of the headaches associated with the constant search for food.
    • Read the labels carefully before purchasing. Even foods labeled “natural” or “organic” can contain a huge amount of added sugar, salt and trans fats.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of water. This point is greatly underestimated when it comes to health and wellness. Water is not only a vital part of every cell in our body, it also improves the functioning of the body and helps a person feel energized and full of energy. Water flushes out toxins, repairs damaged tissues, and even burns a small amount of calories in the process. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day (or more if you have been physically active).
    • One surefire way to determine if your body has enough water is to check the color of your urine throughout the day. If it is relatively clear, then you are maintaining healthy water circulation in your body. If your urine is cloudy or yellow, you may need to drink more fluids.
    • If you're tired of drinking only water all the time, switch to unsweetened green tea or coffee. Above all, make sure you are drinking enough fluids. Caffeinated drinks are diuretics, which means you will go to the bathroom more often afterwards.

Method 3 of 3: Developing Good Habits

  1. 1 Try anti-cellulite lotions and creams. Many women are helped by the use of anti-cellulite creams and other similar products.They nourish and tighten the skin and restore firmness, making cellulite less visible. However, this is not some kind of miraculous remedy, since it does not get rid of the problem forever. However, it can be a useful addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise.
    • Get in the habit of applying an anti-cellulite serum daily.
    • In cosmetics stores, you can buy Biotherma Celluli Eraser concentrate recommended by dermatologists. The price of this product is quite high (about 3,000 rubles), but it effectively counteracts cellulite in problem areas such as thighs.
  2. 2 Do a lymphatic drainage massage. Look for local health centers that offer deep tissue massage or lymphatic drainage massage. The strong pressure applied to the main lymph nodes during the procedure will smooth out the bumps in the connective tissue under the skin and stimulate blood circulation, which will make the skin surfaces smoother. It will also help you relax, which is important in countering cellulite naturally.
    • If you don't have the ability to have your procedure done by a specialist, you can still take advantage of the benefits of a hand held massager.
  3. 3 Make sure your hormone levels are normal. Get an appropriate test by a doctor. The concentration of hormones in the body often changes with age, especially after puberty and during menopause. If something is wrong, one of the more unpleasant side effects can be insulin sensitivity and increased body fat. Your therapist may prescribe certain medications for you that will normalize high or low hormone levels.
    • Women who have reached menopause need to be careful about regulating hormone levels. Many women start taking hormonal drugs between the ages of 40 and 50.
    • Other factors that you can control (such as diet, exercise and stress management) can also play an important role in hormonal imbalances.
  4. 4 Relax. If you are exposed to chronic stress, your hormones can get out of control, and one of the consequences is excess weight, premature aging and many associated physiological problems. If you are easily agitated or anxious, find ways to bring some harmony into your life. Calm down with deep breathing, a long hot bath, or playing with pets. By learning to control your natural stress response, you will improve your appearance and well-being.
    • Stress is one of the most harmful behavioral indicators. It leads to obesity, depression and even heart disease.
    • To relieve stress instantly, try a simple breathing exercise: close your eyes and inhale for a count of five. Then hold your breath and begin to exhale, again counting to five. Continue breathing in this manner, clearing your mind of worry, criticism, and negative thoughts.


  • There is nothing shameful in the presence of cellulite. Research has shown that 80–90% of women have noticeable cellulite on their bodies, which most often increases over the years. This is a very common occurrence, so you don't need to be shy or unattractive.
  • Getting rid of cellulite takes time, effort and patience. Don't be discouraged if you don't see the result right away. The only sure way to tell the difference is to improve your overall health through proper nutrition, exercise, and other good habits over the long term.
  • Dark skin can hide cellulite. Try spending some time in the sun or using a self-tanner to help reduce cellulite.
  • Squeezing lightly, such as from tight-fitting jeans or yoga pants, can smooth out problematic bumps caused by cellulite.


  • Don't trust products or services that claim to help you reduce or eliminate cellulite. Such advertising only benefits from a common female problem, but often has no effect at all.
  • Anti-cellulite creams and serums have skin tightening properties that can be dangerous for people with circulatory problems.