How to use a money clip

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Use A Money Clip -- THE FASTEST & EASIEST WAY!
Video: How To Use A Money Clip -- THE FASTEST & EASIEST WAY!


Tired of lugging around a bulky wallet or a wallet full of cards you don't even use? An attractive alternative to this is an elegant money clip. This accessory can be tucked neatly into the breast pocket of a jacket or discreetly hidden in the side pocket of your trousers. Its slim design, ease of use and sense of taste make it a great choice for carrying currency. To use the money clip, read a few simple tips.


Part 1 of 3: How to Organize a Money Clip

  1. 1 Learn the basics of using the money clip. When you learn how to use money clips, you will have mastered an easy and convenient way to handle money. If you have never used clamps before, use the instructions below. In general terms, the process for using money clips is as follows:
    • Collect your paper bills and credit cards.
    • Fold the bills in half.
    • Slide the bills (folded side first) into the clip. The prongs should hold them there.
    • Insert credit cards under the prong. Some clips also have a pocket or tape to hold them in place.
    • Put the clip in your pocket. For easy access, some clips can be attached to the pocket material.
    • If you want to use the money, you can climb in and pull out the bill, or take out the entire clip and find the one you want.
  2. 2 Fold the bills in order. Later in this section, you will learn how to use the money clip at a professional level. To get started, collect your banknotes and put them in a neat little stack. There are two approaches to how to stack them:
    • For facilities put large notes down and small notes up. Thus, when you roll them up, small bills can be easily removed from the clip in the middle of the stack for everyday shopping.
    • In order to security, place the lower denomination notes down the stack. Thus, you draw attention to the smaller bills - which will be a good way to discourage pickpockets.
  3. 3 Insert your cash and cards into the money clip. Insert a folded wad of money (fold first) into the clip. The pressure from the prongs will hold them in place. If you are using a simple money clip, insert your cards (ID, bank cards) into the center of the folded cash first. Then attach the clip to the bundle (consisting of cash and cards).
    • If you are using a money clip with a card holder, insert your cards (ID, bank cards) into the card holder. Then, insert the cash into the money clip and fasten securely.
    • When using the magnetic money clip, keep your credit cards somewhere else. Over time, the magnet demagnetizes and spoils the magnetic stripes on the cards.
  4. 4 Put the money clip in your pocket. Your clamp is now ready to use. Now you just need to decide where to wear it. Here are some options for you:
    • Putting the clamp in front pocket your trousers, you have easy access to it, but it will take up space that you could use for your phone, keys, and so on.
    • Back pocket trousers are also comfortable, but in it the clip becomes more attractive for pickpockets.Some people experience lower back pain from carrying everything in their back pockets (thus, this option is worst for thick wallets).
    • Storage in breast pocket a coat or jacket seems a little safer, as long as you remember not to leave your outerwear unattended.
  5. 5 Pull the money out of the clip as needed. With a little experience, it shouldn't take long to learn how to pull individual bills out of the clip. If you have memorized the order in which you put the bills in the stack, you can even do it without pulling the clip out of your pocket. It is also perfectly acceptable to take out the clip, take out the folded wad of money and flip through it to find the bills or cards you want.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the Right Clamp for You

  1. 1 Try a simple two prong pattern. Most money clips are based on this simple, functional design. They hold money by clamping it between two metal or plastic prongs. They usually look like clothespins, large decorative paper clips, or two bent pieces of metal.
    • These are the simplest but most elegant money clips. They don't have as much capacity compared to other types, but their "classic" design looks pretty attractive. Expensive, quality pieces can be made of precious metals or use materials such as leather.
  2. 2 Try a money clip with a card holder. It's basically a small square pocket attached to a clip where you can put your credit cards. Its capacity depends on the model.
    • They give you a little more storage space than other clips, making them handy if you need to carry more than one or two cards with you. However, they are slightly more cumbersome.
  3. 3 Try a money tape clip. It is a small piece of elastic tape or fabric that is wrapped around banknotes or cards. This item is often offered in addition to the cardholder.
    • They are great for storing irregularly shaped items. Again, this part makes the clamp more bulky.
  4. 4 Try a double-sided money clip. Some clips have an extra prong on the back, giving you another place to store your money. The additional clamp almost always works in the same way as the first.
    • These clips provide more storage space, making them more cumbersome. However, holding money or cards on both sides means that you must allow the clip to sit in your pocket if you cannot insert the fabric of your clothing between the items and the prong.
  5. 5 Try a magnetic money clip. This type of clip usually consists of two small magnets connected by a strip of leather or fabric. To keep the clip closed, the magnets are attracted to each other through its contents.
    • The main disadvantage here is that they are not suitable for credit cards. Magnets can damage the magnetic stripe of the card and render it unusable over time.

Part 3 of 3: Moving from a wallet to a money clip

  1. 1 Reduce the contents of your wallet to the bare essentials. Money clips hold much less than a regular wallet, so you should get rid of anything you don't necessary have with you. As a general rule, you need to carry in your clip paper bills and several important cards... Typically, you won't have room for anything else.
    • Be ruthless about what you put in your wallet. Throw away everything that is of no use. Remember, the money clip is good because it is so thin. By stuffing it with unnecessary things, you will refute this statement.
  2. 2 Choose the cards to carry in the clip. Even clamps with card holders may have less card space than your old wallet.Some of the essentials you should have with you include:
    • Your ID / Driver's License... Your ID is needed in many situations, from checking documents when you are driving, to buying alcohol, and should always be with you.
    • Debit card... Although you may have several, choose the one that you will use the most.
    • Credit card... As with debit cards, you can have more than one. Choose the one you use the most. You always have the option to change them on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  3. 3 Find the best places to store the things that were once in your wallet. Rarely used but important items (for example, a library pass, or photographs, mementos) should be stored somewhere other than a clip. Find new placement for these things in reasonable, comfortable places.
    • For example, your car club member card might be in the glove compartment of your car. Your gym pass can be in your gym bag, or your work pass can be in your briefcase or bag.
    • Don't forget where you store these things! Maybe you should carry one folded bill with you in the clip until you get used to the new way of handling money.
  4. 4 Transfer different bills to your clip. The exact amount you decide to wear is up to you, but you should come up with a handy set of different bills. By wearing multiple bills of each denomination, you can pay for most of your purchases without adding a lot of change to your clip. For example, with the following combination, you can pay any expense up to $ 89, without having to take change over $ 1:
    • Four $ 1 bills
      One $ 5 bill
      One $ 10 bill
      One $ 20 bill
      One $ 50 bill
    • If necessary, you can safely increase the number of $ 10, $ 20 and $ 50 bills. Most likely, you should not add $ 1 and $ 5 bills - you will receive them all the time in the form of change.


  • Come to the store to buy your first clip? Typically, you can find them where wallets are sold, such as department stores, large hypermarkets, and specialty stores. Online shopping is also a great place to look for one - you can find antiques on a site like eBay and non-serial handicrafts on sites like Etsy.
  • “Prettier” money clips (such as those made of fine materials such as silver and leather) will be the perfect gift for upcoming coming of age celebrations, bat mitzvah, first communion, and so on.
  • While you can occasionally see clamps discussing in men's magazines, clamps aren't just for men. In fact, they will be perfect for women looking to get rid of bulky wallets.