How to buy a guinea pig

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guinea Pig Shopping The Perfect One
Video: Guinea Pig Shopping The Perfect One


Guinea pigs can make great pets with proper care. Before you buy an animal, find out what kind of care it will need and have everything you need ready. First of all, you need to choose the right place of purchase in order to buy a healthy pet. In this article, we will tell you what you can and cannot do when purchasing a guinea pig.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing where to buy

  1. 1 Consider buying from a pet store. The easiest way to buy a pet is at a pet store. You can quickly select, buy and bring your pet home without wasting time waiting. However, this place of purchase also has its drawbacks that you should be aware of. A sick animal or an animal with behavioral problems may be sold to you.
    • One of the main downsides to buying guinea pigs and other caged animals is that pet store employees often don't know how to care for the animals.Pigs can be kept in poor conditions, and store staff are not always able to answer customer questions about care. Very often in stores, pigs are assigned the wrong breed and gender is incorrect, so it is difficult to be sure of your purchase there.
    • To be on the safe side, you can buy a guinea pig from a reputable store with good reviews. In such stores, employees usually know everything about caring for guinea pigs. They will explain to you how to take care of your animal's health, how to care for it and how to communicate with it. Guinea pig prices vary.
    • Understand - it is not necessary to buy a guinea pig in a pet store. Some of them are notorious for selling animals of the wrong sex or even pregnant animals. In addition, they can sell you equipment that is completely unsuitable for guinea pigs. Always look for reputable stores.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Veterinarian Dr. Elliot, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal care. Graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Has been working in the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Pippa Elliot, an experienced veterinarian, notes: “Sometimes you can find more than just cats and dogs in animal shelters. Of course, the easiest way to buy a guinea pig is at a pet store, but you can also look for her in shelters... This will not only save the animal's life, but also make room for the guinea pig, which may end up in the shelter. "

  2. 2 Try taking an animal from an animal shelter. Shelters may contain animals abandoned by their owners. The staff of the shelters are very interested in finding a good family for their wards, so they talk in great detail about the care.
    • Look for guinea pigs on shelter websites, or visit shelters in your city and find out if these animals are there.
    • Taking an animal from a shelter is sometimes not so easy. You will need to fill out a questionnaire to confirm your willingness to care for the animal. You may be asked for recommendations. In this case, you should ask people who in the past followed your animals while you were away to write letters. Recommendations will validate your ability to be a responsible pet owner.
    • Shelters can usually be trusted as they usually employ volunteers who put their hearts and souls into saving animals and finding a new home for them. There you will probably be able to find a guinea pig, about whose health or that you have been incorrectly informed about something, you will not have to worry.
  3. 3 Ask your acquaintances. You can find a guinea pig by talking to other owners of these animals. They will tell you how they got their pets.
    • If you know someone who has a guinea pig, ask her where he got it and if he can recommend this shelter or store.
    • Ask friends who have guinea pigs to let you know if their females will bring offspring. You can take the animal from friends or acquaintances, but in this case, you will have to spend money on vaccinations and sterilization or castration if you decide to do these operations.
    • You can consult your veterinarian. He can guide you to reliable breeders or shelters.

Method 2 of 3: Preparing to Groom Your Pet

  1. 1 Remember the basic rules for caring for your guinea pig. Before you buy a pet, find out what kind of care the pet will need. Make sure you have the time and money you need before you buy a mumps.
    • Guinea pigs are very sociable. A guinea pig can live in a cage alone, but she will often be sad. Guinea pigs are most comfortable when they have a companion, which is why shelters are often asked to take a pair of guinea pigs. Consider buying two pigs so they don't get bored.Do not put two males or a female and a male in the same cage. There are already a lot of guinea pigs in the world, so any offspring will be undesirable. Two males can live in one cage only if at least one of them has been castrated or if they are related to each other.
    • Guinea pigs live for about 6 years. Find out the age of the guinea pig at the time of purchase to roughly estimate how long it will live. You must decide if you can provide your guinea pig with proper care during these years.
    • Find a doctor or clinic that can provide you with all the medical care you need. Guinea pigs are often considered exotic animals by doctors, which is why they are not accepted in some clinics. Find a good veterinary clinic before buying a mumps.
    • Many people mistakenly believe that guinea pigs are primarily decorative and, like fish, can simply be caged unattended. This is wrong. Guinea pigs need to run outside the cage and play with people. Your pet will need your attention and care every day. If you buy a long-haired pig, you will also need to monitor the condition of its coat.
    • If you have cats, guinea pigs may not be for you. Cats see guinea pigs as prey. If you have cats, set aside a place for your guinea pig that is not accessible to other animals. However, you cannot put the cage on the street. Guinea pigs do not tolerate cold well.
  2. 2 Buy food. By the time you bring the animal into the house, you should already have everything you need prepared. Choose good food first.
    • Guinea pig food is sold at most pet stores. It is important to buy special food for guinea pigs so that your pet gets all the nutrients it needs. In addition to special food, guinea pigs also eat vegetables and fruits daily.
    • Guinea pigs need vitamin C because the organisms of these animals cannot produce or retain this vitamin. Add vitamin C to your pets' water to get them all the nutrients they need daily.
  3. 3 Buy a cage and all the necessary items. A guinea pig needs a cage because it cannot live in a house without supervision.
    • You can buy a cage at a pet store. Go to a trusted store and choose a suitable cage. Ask the store employees all the questions that interest you.
    • The cage should be ventilated and there should be room for a bowl of food, a drinker, and a bed. There are no requirements for cell size, but the larger the better. This is especially important if you have two or more guinea pigs, as a larger cage is less likely to fight over territory.
    • It is important to set aside a place to sleep. Guinea pigs must have enough hay or straw to bury in them. You can buy a crib at a pet store. Create a separate sleeping area in the cage.
  4. 4 Buy a food bowl and drinker. You will need a water bottle and a food bowl.
    • You will need to hang up a special drinker. Guinea pigs like to throw everything around, and food and debris can get into the bowl of water. Buy a special drinker from the pet store and hang it in the cage. Some cages already have a drinking bowl.
    • Food bowls are also available at pet stores. Better to buy a special bowl for guinea pigs. If you are unsure which bowl will work, ask your consultant or veterinarian.
  5. 5 Buy toys. Guinea pigs love to play, so you should have a lot of toys.
    • You can install special houses made of wood or cardboard in the cage, in which the pig could hide. These houses are sold on the Internet, but you can make them yourself. It is better to install at least one house for each animal so that they do not fight.
    • Buy a couple of small balls at the pet store - guinea pigs love to throw them around to chase them.It is best to buy special balls for guinea pigs, since regular balls can be made of material that is not safe for the health of the pigs.
    • Guinea pigs also love to chew. You can put paper towels or toilet paper in their cages to keep your pets entertained.

Method 3 of 3: How to choose a guinea pig

  1. 1 Decide what gender the animal should be. This is the very first thing to do.
    • If you are planning to buy a pair, it is best to choose two same-sex animals. Two males or two females get along better than two pigs of the opposite sex. In addition, this way you eliminate the risk of unwanted offspring. If you've never had a guinea pig, it's best to buy a same-sex pair.
    • Males can defend their territory. If you have two males, buy a large cage so that there are fewer reasons to fight.
    • In any case, each animal should have its own bowl, drinker and its own house so that the pigs do not fight when they are at your home.
    • In some places you may not be able to sell guinea pigs of different genders. The thing is that guinea pigs are constantly multiplying, almost without stopping! In females, the mortality rate is 20%. This risk poses a threat to both guinea pigs and their cubs, which is why selling guinea pigs of different genders is often frowned upon.
  2. 2 Choose a breed. Guinea pigs have many breeds and breed mixes. You have to imagine what breeds are in order to make the right choice.
    • Long-haired guinea pigs (Peruvian or Shetland) have a long, shiny coat that requires daily grooming. If you want such a pig for yourself, remember that you will need time to comb the animal. You will also need to take your pig to a haircut from time to time, so find a good groomer.
    • If you decide to adopt a guinea pig from a shelter, it will most likely be a mestizo. Ask the shelter staff about the main characteristics of the breeds that are mixed in your animal to understand if the temperament and personality of the pig is right for you and if you can care for it.
  3. 3 Make sure the guinea pig you choose is healthy. It is important to know how a healthy animal should behave.
    • Healthy guinea pigs run on four legs. If the pig moves slowly, if its skin is peeling and hair falls out, this indicates a disease.
    • Guinea pigs should have calm, even breathing, ears and eyes should be clean, without discharge.
    • Feel your guinea pig's body to make sure there are no lumps or unusual lumps.


  • When you bring your guinea pig home, it may hide or become nervous for several days. This is fine. She needs time to get used to. Let the animal settle down and calm down.
  • Don't buy cages from pet stores. Their size does not match the price, and even those that are sold marked "for two guinea pigs" do not have enough room for one. Better to use a coroplast cage and modular lattices. This will save you money, and you won't have to worry about the health and well-being of your pets.


  • Don't buy your piggy wheel. Guinea pigs find it uncomfortable to run in a wheel - they can injure themselves if they get stuck with their paws between the partitions.
  • Guinea pigs most often need company. It is best to buy guinea pigs in pairs, as these animals can develop depression and health problems when alone.