How to use the "Secret"

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
quot;Сверхвозможности человека quot; Secret Techniques Rese
Video: quot;Сверхвозможности человека quot; Secret Techniques Rese


The incredible popularity of the movie "The Secret" (sometimes translated as "The Secret") has led millions of people to try to improve their lives by projecting thoughts that reflect their dreams and bringing positive things into their lives. But thoughts alone are not enough to make your desires come true. There are, however, very simple ways to help you truly live the life you want.


Part 1 of 4: Comprehending the Mystery

  1. 1 Watch the movie. Released on DVD in 2006, the Mystery documentary is a self-help video course that the creators claim will help uncover the secret of a happy, fulfilling life.
    • The main secret, in fact, is that thinking about something turns it into reality.
    • The film claims that throughout human history, many of the greats, including Plato, Beethoven, William Shakespeare, and Albert Einstein, have practiced this secret truth.
    • According to the film's official website, “Ronda Berne's discovery of the Mystery began with a glimpse of the truth of life, which she saw while reading a book published over a century ago. Studying the ways of this knowledge over the centuries, Rhonda tracked and uncovered the great Mystery underlying the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions of the world. " The entire film is riddled with historical mystical mysteries, starting with the Emerald Tablet, which allegedly contained information about the Secret, and ending with the Rosicrucian Order, who were rumored to be its guardians.
  2. 2 Read the book. The Mystery was written by Rhonda Byrne as a companion to the film.
    • The book tells about the Law of Attraction and the fact that the ability to visualize something and act as if this something is already present in your life, can lead to the fact that the Universe will provide you with this something.
    • The book's official website says: “Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no restrictions. Everything you dream about can become yours if you use the Secret. "
  3. 3 Try to understand the ideas behind the Mystery. The main thing that you must realize is that all energy is relative and mutual. If you send positive energy, positive energy will return to you. Because of this, there are two ways to make positive changes in your life:
    • Gratitude. Your feeling of gratitude to the universe is an indication that you believe in getting what you want. Plus, gratitude creates positive energy, which means more positive energy will come back to you.
    • Visualization. Visualizing desire allows you to convey the message of the universe more clearly.

Part 2 of 4: Understanding the Law of Attraction

  1. 1 Find out what the Law of Attraction really means. Basically, this is the idea that people and their thoughts are, in fact, energy received from the universe.
    • If you radiate positive, positive energy will return to you. If you are emitting negative energy, you will receive negative energy.
    • For example, if you are waiting for a response about a promotion and you are positive and expect better results, then you will soon be informed that you have actually landed the desired position. If, however, you mentally prepare for the worst, the result will be a negative decision about your promotion.
  2. 2 Let the Law of Attraction help you achieve real change. The idea that “like attracts like” does not mean that it’s enough to just think about something and it will be reflected in your life. You have to become a person who can actually make what he wants to manifest.
    • The philosopher writer James Allen wrote that a person becomes what he thinks. However, this is only true if the person acts in accordance with their thoughts.
  3. 3 Remember, thoughts are energy. Encouraging yourself to focus on positive thoughts will inevitably lead to an accumulation of positive energy. Negative energy (thoughts) will transform into positive energy, which ultimately will cause real changes in your life.
    • Thoughts are incredibly powerful and have a huge impact on how you react to everything in life. But to truly learn to use the Law of Attraction, know that you will only be able to attract what you want after you start reflecting those desires in your own life. In other words, act like someone who already has what you want.
    • If you want more money, it's not enough just to think about getting a huge amount, you need to get used to the image of a person who already has this money. This simple change in thinking will make a real difference in your life.

Part 3 of 4: Understanding the Universe

  1. 1 Live for today. We spend a lot of time thinking about the past or imagining the future, but the universe knows only "now". The universe is always in the present, so you must act and think here and now to discover what you desire.
    • By thinking of your desires as something that you will achieve in the future, you are sending a message to yourself and the Universe that you will always be a person "receiving in the future." This means that you will always be identified as a “future recipient,” and therefore never receive at the present time. But the future never comes, only the present is real. Think and act as if you are in the now.
  2. 2 Do not apply time limits. Remember, there is only now. Saying that you want something to materialize in your life in the future (two months later, two years later, and so on) is tantamount to sending a message to the Universe that you don't really want it at all. "Now" is the only thing that really exists. Any delay in fulfilling a desire is actually giving up that desire.
    • For example, by saying that you want to meet new love within the next month, you are signaling to the Universe that you do not want love now.
  3. 3 Surround yourself with like-minded people. Nothing can drain your energy faster than having to listen to someone's complaints or interact with someone who is immersed in their own negativity. Over time, their negative predictions will begin to affect you and make you act and think like the person you don't want to be at all. Again, you must focus on sharing positive energy, and negative people around you will prevent this from happening.

Part 4 of 4: Using the Secret

  1. 1 Radiate positive energy. Think like a happy person. Speak like a happy person. Compliment people. Help them. Be generous and kind. Everything you do for others will come back to you. What you try to do for people, you bring into your own life. Be happy! There is a lot that can be done for this:
    • Spend more time doing your favorite activities.
    • Indulge in fond memories of your friends and family. Spend time with those you love!
    • Try what you've always wanted to do!
    • Listen to the fun and joyful music you love!
    • Watch funny videos and movies!
  2. 2 Learn to visualize. Your reality is created by images in your brain - the universe does not understand words. It is usually easier to conjure up moving images in your imagination. When you want to visualize something, think of all five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. It is important to keep them in mind when you formulate your desires. The visualization should feel so real that you should feel completely immersed in it.
    • When you visualize, concentrate — truly concentrate — on what you want. Then you have to act and think as if you already have it. This is yours. You just need to wait for the opportunity when you have it. However, don't get too carried away. If you get too hung up on this, you may have negative thoughts and feelings.
  3. 3 Change your entire existence to get everything you want. Do you want money? Feel like you just won a million dollars! Want to meet your one and only? Let the feeling of love for this person - the person who will come into your life - fill you completely! Decide for yourself what your life will be like, do what you would do if your wish had already come true! If you do everything right, what you want is already on its way to you - you just need to believe that it is already yours.
  4. 4 Believe it! The secret to using the Law successfully is faith. Believing is your job. The Universe will take care of the rest. When in doubt, start small. Mentally create an image of a specific leaf, stone, feather - something small. Let this item be so unique that you can unmistakably recognize it at a glance. Read fantastic stories written by people who have used the Fa. Perhaps you will write your own.
  5. 5 Love yourself. The importance of this step cannot be expressed by locks. What you feel and think will soon become parallel to your reality. Learn to make yourself happy. Always remember that our emotions and our body reflect what is happening in our brain. This can be changed at any time, but you need to start from the inside.
  6. 6 Practice meditation. This will make you feel refreshed and give you a sense of peace.
  7. 7 Spend time each day in the space between your thoughts (called GAP meditation). This type of meditation, originally developed by the popular spiritual teacher Wayne Dyer, is based on spending time in the silence that exists in the intervals between your thoughts.
    • GAP meditation includes Christian and Hindu elements - the repeating beginning of the Lord's Prayer, which helps to calm the mind, and the Hindu chant of japa, which aims to create a vibration of the body that connects with the vibrations of the world around you.
    • GAP meditation for 15 minutes every day helps you better control your thoughts. This is a great way to recharge. You will be able to concentrate on the inner work of your soul without being distracted by the outside world.
  8. 8 Practice your religion. If you are religious, try combining meditation with prayer. Allowing yourself to calmly communicate with your god will help you bring more positive energy into your life.