How to use roulette systems

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Roulette Strategy: How to Win at Roulette with the Advanced System
Video: Best Roulette Strategy: How to Win at Roulette with the Advanced System


1 A little about the Martingale system. This is perhaps the most famous roulette game system, its essence lies in doubling the bet after each loss in the game with a 50/50 probability of success. Thus, the very first win returns previous losses and even brings the player a small profit.
  • The main advantage of this system is its simplicity. In simple roulette, you are essentially playing a coin. You bet on a color, and the bet either wins, paying 1 to 1, or loses. If you bet on one color, you continue to double your bet until you win. If you double after a loss, the winnings will return the loss to you.
  • This system has several serious disadvantages. First, probability is not reality. If you have lost several bets on red in a row, this does not mean that now the probability of getting red is higher. The odds are still 50-50: this is the law of large numbers.
  • Another disadvantage of this system is that sooner or later you will reach your betting limit. Once this happens, you will be on the losing side even if you win one bet. To get your losses back, you need to keep increasing your bets - and winning.
  • 2 Find a table with a low low and high high. Starting from a minimum, you will get a Martingale game space. If you're lucky, you won't even hit the maximum.
  • 3 Bet small on equally probable events: black or red, odd or even, 1-18 or 19-36. There are 37 numbers on American tables, including zero and sometimes double zero.
    • For example, let's say you bet on a color, odd or odd, 1-18 or 19-36.
  • 4 If your bet wins, you will make a small profit. You can also leave the table, but leaving with two dollars instead of one is not very fun, although it is undeniably better than leaving without a dollar.
  • 5 If your bet loses, you need to double your bet and bet on the same event, in our example, on the same color.
  • 6 If the second bet wins, take your winnings and place your initial small bet. However, you can leave. If you won now, then in the end you were in the black by the same amount as if your first bet won.
  • 7 If you lose again, double your bet and try your luck again.
  • 8 Repeat these steps until you play out to smithereens... or until you get to the max. Remember, this is not a way to get rich quick by beating the casino. This is just an old way of somehow trying to increase your chances in a losing game beforehand.
  • Method 2 of 5: Anti-Martingale System

    1. 1 A little about the Anti-Martingale system. Its essence is to increase the rates if you win and decrease if you lose. The idea is that the player has lucky streaks, and thus the winnings can be increased, and when the black streak comes, the losses can be reduced.
    2. 2 Find a roulette table with a small minimum and a large maximum. Again, this system is almost the same as Martingale, just the opposite.
    3. 3 Bet small on equally probable events: black or red, odd or even, 1-18 or 19-36. For example, let's say you bet on red.
    4. 4 Wait for your color to drop out. If you lose, keep betting to the minimum.
    5. 5 After your color comes up and you win, double your bet on the same color.
    6. 6 If you won, double it again. You can bet this amount if you win 14 bets in a row:
      • 1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - 64 - 128 - 256 - 512 - 1024 - 2048 - 4096 - 8192
    7. 7 If you lose, go back to your original minimum bet. Using this strategy is very risky, because you lose all previous winnings due to a loss. To win, you need to catch luck by the tail, and then be able to jump off in time.

    Method 3 of 5: The D'Alembert System

    1. 1 A little about the d'Alembert system. This system is safer than the two described above, it uses an increase and decrease in rates in an arithmetic progression, not a geometric one. That is, instead of doubling the bet after a loss (Martingale), you increase the bet by 1 unit.
    2. 2 Make a small initial bid. The d'Alembert system requires betting on equiprobable events, so bet on color, odd-even, 1-18 or 19-36.
    3. 3 If you win, increase the bet by one unit, if you lose, decrease it. If the number of wins and losses is equal, then playing by this system, you will remain in the black.
      • For example, let's say you started with a $ 5 bet on black. If you lose, bet $ 6 on black. We lost again - $ 7 for black. Win - reduce your bet to $ 6.
      • Using this example: you won and lost the same number of bets, but remained in the black: - 5 - 6 + 7 + 6 = +2.
    4. 4 Exit the game when there are as many victories as there are losses. If you are overtaken by a black streak, wait for it to end. If you are lucky, keep playing until the number of wins equals the number of losses.

    Method 4 of 5: Fibonacci System

    1. 1 A little about the Fibonacci system. Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, also known as Fibonacci, is a famous Italian mathematician who discovered an interesting sequence of numbers named after him. The sequence is as follows: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21 - 34 - 55 - 89 - 144 - 233 - 377 - 610.
      • According to the Fibonacci system, the sum of the last two bets should be placed. One of the advantages of this system is that you can stay in the black even after losing more bets than winning. However, a significant disadvantage of the system is that the further you go, the more you lose. In other words, if you're unlucky right away, quit the game.
    2. 2 Start with a small bet on an equiprobable event, i.e.e. on color, even-odd, 1-18 or 19-36.
    3. 3 If you lose, keep walking down the lane. If you started with $ 1 and lost, bet $ 1 more. Lost - another $ 2 - $ 1 + $ 1 = $ 2.
    4. 4 After winning, step back two numbers in sequence. Here's an example using the Fibonacci system:
      • Black bet, $ 3 - lose
      • Black bet, $ 3 - lose
      • Black bet, $ 6 - lose
      • Black bet, $ 9 - lose
      • Black bet, $ 15 - win
      • Black bet, $ 6 - lose
      • Black bet, $ 9 - win
      • Black bet, $ 3 - win
      • Black bet, $ 3 - win
        • - 3 - 3 - 6 - 9 + 15 - 6 + 9 + 3 +3 = +3
        • You have lost five bets and won four, but in the black by 3.

    Method 5 of 5: The James Bond System

    1. 1 A little about the James Bond system. Ian Fleming, the author of the 007 novels, argued that this "infallible" system would allow you to make a "good dinner" every night. To play this system, you need at least $ 200. You will be placing a so-called column bet.
    2. 2 Bet $ 140 on the big numbers (19-36).
    3. 3 Bet $ 50 on 6 numbers 13-18.
    4. 4 Bet $ 10 on 0 for insurance.
    5. 5 Possible results. If you are unlucky and a number from 1 to 12 appears, then you will lose all the money. Then you should start playing on the Martingale system (see above). If you're lucky, you've made good money:
      • If the roll is 19-36, you win $ 80
      • If the roll is 13-18, you win $ 100
      • If the roll is 0, you won $ 160


    • This system is only beneficial in the short run. This system is as risky as the others: you may be able to win a little, but in the end you will still lose. Take your winnings and leave while you still have something.


    • No roulette system will give you a mathematical edge over the casino. Thus, in the long run, you are still a loser. Play systems like these are for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken lightly.
    • Even if the casino does not have a limit on the bets and you have unlimited credit, the system does not actually work, it is just not so obvious. If you continue to play on the Martingale system indefinitely and without regard to betting limits, your win or loss will be expressed in completely arbitrary positive or negative values. The expected value is still negative, but the fluctuations are so significant that your budget will not remain positive or negative.
    • The Martingale system "works" only if there is no bet limit. The presence of a limit means that in the long term you will INAVELY lose money.
    • In the long run, mathematics is against any roulette system. By playing the martingale system, you can achieve some success, but only in the short term. Yes, it can work 9 times out of 10, but these 9 wins will not be enough to cover one loss, which will inevitably happen sooner or later. The casino always has an edge, and not vice versa. Statistically speaking, it's like selling a lottery ticket. You have a high chance of winning a small win (the cost of a losing ticket sold) and a low chance of a big loss (having to pay the holder of a winning ticket).