How to use grape seed oil on oily skin

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Video: GRAPE SEED OIL FOR THE SKIN | Doctorly Explains


Grape seed oil is an oil that is obtained from the seeds of grapes. It has many beneficial properties, such as helping to retain moisture, softening dry skin, reducing breakouts and reducing sebum production. You may find it odd to advise using oil to reduce oily skin, but grape seed oil will help balance sebum production to prevent excess sebum. If you use grape seed oil to cleanse your skin and learn how to select and store it correctly, you can successfully deal with oily skin.


Method 1 of 3: Cleanse Oily Skin with Grape Seed Oil

  1. 1 First, test the product. Apply some grape seed oil to a small area of ​​your cheek or neck. Monitor your skin for irritation or an allergic reaction within 24 hours. Look for redness, swelling, itching, rashes, and other signs of skin irritation.
    • If you have an allergic reaction, do not use oil. It is very important to test each new product first to avoid a serious or painful allergic reaction on a large area of ​​skin.
  2. 2 Apply grape seed oil to damp skin. Before using the product, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Pour half a teaspoon of grape seed oil into the palm of your hand. Gently rub your palms and spread the product over them, paying special attention to your fingertips. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    "Grape seed oil has antibacterial and astringent properties, so it is great for oily, combination and acne-prone skin."

    Joanna kula

    Licensed Beautician Joanna Kula is a Licensed Beautician, owner and founder of Skin Devotee Facial Studio in Philadelphia. With over 10 years of experience in skin care, he specializes in transforming facial treatments to help clients always have healthy, beautiful and radiant skin.

    Joanna kula
    Licensed cosmetologist

  3. 3 Massage the oil into your skin for two minutes. Spread the oil over your fingertips and rub it gently into your skin. Using your fingertips in a circular motion, spread the oil over your cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. You need to rub the oil into your skin for two minutes.
    • The oil, combined with a circular motion, will help remove dirt, sebum and dead skin cells.
  4. 4 Wipe off the oil with a damp towel. Just washing your face with water will not completely remove the oil from your face. To wipe off excess product, soak a towel in warm water and wring out. Gently run the damp towel all over your face to clean it.
  5. 5 Moisturize your skin with a fresh dose of grape seed oil. To retain moisture, apply a drop or two to freshly cleansed skin. After you've completely wiped off the oil that has removed the dirt and dead cells from your skin, apply a couple of new drops to your fingertips. Spread over the entire face and allow to absorb. Do not rinse.
  6. 6 Cleanse your face regularly with grape seed oil. Do this a couple of times a week. At first, you can even cleanse your skin every night. During the first few days, you may notice an intense production of sebum, but everything will return to normal when the skin gets used to the new regime.

Method 2 of 3: Buying and storing grape seed oil

  1. 1 Look for cold-pressed grape seed oil. When looking for oil, choose something that has not been chemically obtained. Seed oil, which has been extracted at cold temperatures without the use of chemicals and solvents, will retain its natural, beneficial properties.Read the label on the bottle to make sure it is cold pressed. Then you can be sure to take full advantage of this powerful oil.
  2. 2 Purchase grape seed oil at the grocery store, makeup department, or specialist supply store. Many grocery and specialty stores have grape seed oil. In cosmetics stores, it is also often found along with other personal care products. Go to your nearest cosmetics store and ask a consultant about the oils and other beauty products available for sale. Alternatively, grape seed oil can be purchased from online retailers.
  3. 3 Store in a cool, dark place. Keep the bottle of oil out of direct sunlight and high temperatures. Store in a medicine cabinet or dry cabinet out of light. Under the influence of light and changing temperatures, the oil can lose its properties and deteriorate.
    • If you don't use oil often, it's best to store it in the refrigerator.
    • When you buy oil, choose the one in the dark bottle. The dark glass does not let in the light that spoils the oil.

Method 3 of 3: Exploring the Additional Benefits of Grape Seed Oil

  1. 1 Use grape seed oil to treat breakouts, eczema, and dry skin. This product contains 73% linoleic acid (a fatty acid believed to help strengthen the skin's membrane cells). This fatty acid is believed to soften the signs of acne, dermatitis, eczema and dry skin. Grape seed oil also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and redness from acne.
  2. 2 Apply grape seed oil to combat aging. This product contains antioxidants, including vitamin C, which makes the skin brighter. It also protects against UV rays and brightens age-related age spots caused by the sun.
  3. 3 Tighten skin with grape seed oil. This oil is a mild natural astringent that lifts and tones the skin. This light, odorless oil is quickly absorbed into the skin.