How to use fitball for beginners

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Minute Beginner Exercise Ball Workout- Workout with Jordan
Video: 15 Minute Beginner Exercise Ball Workout- Workout with Jordan


Fitball is useful not only for strengthening the core muscles, but also when performing coordination exercises, for example, when lifting the pelvis. It can be difficult for beginners to play with a fitball due to its unstable surface, but it only takes a little practice and the gymnastics ball is a great training aid and even helps you engage your muscles in new ways! If you're just starting out, the best way to use a fitball is to do simple core and leg exercises to feel more confident.


Method 1 of 3: Using the Fitball Correctly

  1. 1 Find the right size for your height. Sit on the ball with both of your feet completely touching the floor and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. If you buy a fitball on the Internet and cannot test it, choose the option based on your height. Here's an approximate ratio:
    • If you are under 155 cm, try a 45 cm ball.
    • If your height is between 155 and 170 cm, choose a ball with a diameter of 55 cm.
    • If you are between 173 and 185 cm tall, choose a ball with a diameter of 65 cm.
    • If you are taller than 188 cm, choose a ball with a diameter of 75 cm.
  2. 2 Deflate the ball slightly to make it easier to use. It will be more difficult to do the exercises on a firmer and more inflated ball, so if you are just starting out, you can lower the air pressure a little. When inflating the fitball, stop when it is inflated to the point that it can hold your body, but it will bend slightly if you press on it.
    • As your muscles get stronger, you can pump more air into the ball to make it firmer.
  3. 3 Use a fitball in an open area. Fitball can be used both indoors and outdoors, the most important thing is to have enough space for movement. Before exercising, remove any sharp or heavy objects around to minimize the chance of an accident.
  4. 4 Sit on the fitball with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. The knees should be directly over the ankles and the back should be straight. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, or if you find it difficult to maintain balance, spread them wider.
  5. 5 Breathe with each exercise. When exercising on a fitball, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You can even keep score to ensure slow and steady breathing.

Method 2 of 3: Core Exercises for Beginners

  1. 1 Jump lightly on the ball. When jumping, you need to use your core muscles to balance on the fitball. You must not lift more than 2.5 cm from the ball.
  2. 2 Use a fitball to perform a sit-up (trunk lift). Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor and hip-width apart and engage your core muscles. Cross your arms over your chest and lean back, while moving your legs forward until your lower back is on the ball. The body should form a straight line from the knees to the crown of the head.
    • Pick up your chin and lift your shoulders and head until you see your knees. Do not straighten up to the end. You just need to bend the space between your upper thighs and your ribcage. Return to a horizontal position.
    • Repeat at least 10 times.
  3. 3 Do ball lifts. Lie on your back with the fitball between your feet. Wrap your head around your hands. Engage your abdominal muscles and pinch the ball between your feet. Without bending your legs, lift the ball towards the ceiling. Stop when your feet are perpendicular to the floor.
    • Lower the ball back a couple of centimeters from the floor, but do not touch it.
    • Repeat at least 10 times.
  4. 4 Do the Dog and Bird Exercise. Get on your hands and knees over the fitball. Make sure the ball is securely attached under the abdominal area. Raise one arm and at the same time the opposite leg. Keep your arm and leg straight and pull them as far away from your body as possible. Use the ball to maintain balance and keep your hips steady.
    • After a few seconds, gently lower your limbs. Raise your other arm and leg.
    • Do 10 reps on each side.
  5. 5 Do coordination exercises. Stand on your hands and knees over the ball so that your hips rest on the fitball. Raise your knees slightly to balance on your toes or on your toes. Tighten your abs and lift your arms out to the sides, forming a T-shape. Once you are balanced, move your arms forward, forming a Y-shape. Hold for a moment. Then put your arms forward so that your body is stretched out in a straight line.
    • Repeat 4 times.

Method 3 of 3: Leg Exercises for Beginners

  1. 1 Try leg extension. Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor and hips shoulder-width apart, while engaging your core muscles. Raise one foot and straighten your leg. The eggs should be parallel to the floor. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Use your other leg and abdominals to keep the ball steady.
    • Lower your foot to the floor and lift the other. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
    • If at first you can't straighten your leg, first lift your foot off the ground and raise your knee. It will also strengthen the muscles.
  2. 2 Do a ball half squat. Position the ball against the wall so that it does not move. Sit on the ball in the correct position. Shift your weight onto your heels as you lift off the ball. Stop halfway, keeping your knees bent and using your hips.
    • Slowly return to a sitting position on the ball.
    • Repeat 10 times.
  3. 3 Do a wall squat. Stand with your back against the wall. Place the fitball between you and the wall in the lumbar region. Lean your back against the ball and take 1-3 steps forward. The distance depends on the length of your legs. Engage your abdominal muscles and, continuing to lean against the ball, sit down. Keep your knees in line with your ankles and your hips parallel to the floor.
    • If your knees protrude in front of or behind your ankles, adjust the position of your feet.
    • Stand in a half squat for 10 to 20 seconds. Then straighten up. Repeat squats at least 10 times.
  4. 4 Perform an internal thigh compression. Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight. Place the ball between your knees, spreading them wider than your hips. Begin the movement by squeezing your knees together while engaging your core muscles. Sit back a couple of centimeters as you squeeze the ball. Return to the starting position with your knees relaxed without releasing the ball.
    • Repeat 10 times.
  5. 5 Make a bridge. Sit on the ball with your arms crossed over your chest. Then move your legs and move the ball down until it is under your head and shoulders. The feet should be completely flat on the floor under the knees. Keep your hips, shoulders and knees in a straight line. Keeping the ball completely still, lift your hips while contracting your glutes and hamstrings, and then lower your hips.
    • Repeat 10 times.
  6. 6 Try hammer curls. Lie with your back on the floor. Place your feet on the fitball. Bend your knees, moving the ball towards your buttocks with your feet, and lift your hips slightly off the floor. Hold for a second and return to the starting position.
    • Repeat 10 times.