How to be a modern gentleman

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Be A MODERN Gentleman | Essential Manners & Behavior For MEN
Video: How To Be A MODERN Gentleman | Essential Manners & Behavior For MEN


If you feel like good manners are a thing of the past, you are wrong. However, women say that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find a man who can rightfully be called a gentleman.

Men, let's be honest: this article is for you. If you've recently been denied a second date (or if it always does), it's time to rethink your principles. Every self-respecting man should be able to handle women correctly, and this article will help you with that.


  1. 1 Remember that gender equality does not mean that you have to forget about good manners. Romantic relationships are still built on capturing the other person, impressing them and showing their best. If you abandon male etiquette, women will definitely laugh behind your back. You may be able to temporarily attract the attention of a woman who likes villains, but this will not help you build a long-term relationship and will definitely not win your respect. Bold claims that everyone is equal so that a woman can pay for her own dinner and come to terms with who you are is a misguided tactic. Good manners will inspire sympathy; they will reckon with you, they will take care of you, and you will like it much more, because you can amaze a woman with your behavior and upbringing. Pick the right clothes, plan a date, and start hone your manners.
  2. 2 Come on time. A real gentleman will never make a lady wait, so he always shows up at the appointed time. If necessary, set an alarm and allow enough time to get to the desired location.
    • If you are running late, you must have a good reason. Call the girl and explain why you are late. She may decide to wait a short time, especially if the men who invited her have not shown up on dates in the past.
  3. 3 Compliment the girl. It is important for women to hear nice words about her appearance, so be sure to tell her that she looks very good. But be careful and avoid clichés and platitudes. Your compliments should be light and unobtrusive, because otherwise you can scare the girl away.
    • Never insult a girl - this is a surefire way to give up on a second date. If you know that you tend to criticize people, discard even the slightest comments. If you criticize a girl, even though you are sure that the criticism is fair, the girl will take it as an insult, and your date will end very quickly. Sarcastic men and men with a pronounced sense of humor should take care of themselves so that the jokes do not come out too harsh, because even if you talk about something in a joking manner, the girl can take everything seriously. It is best to completely discard any comments that might offend you, as well as sarcasm. Leave with you politically incorrect, ambiguous statements and gossip.
  4. 4 Open doors for the girl. This is rule number 1. Open the door and let the girl come in first - this will make her feel special. You should not accompany this with pretentious gestures - everything should look completely natural.
    • Don't let the door slam shut in front of the girl. If you go out together, going first and letting the door go back abruptly, slamming in front of the girl, is rude. For women, such a gesture speaks of a man's selfishness. Opening and holding the door for a girl is not an indicator of weakness, but quite the opposite.
  5. 5 Move the chair for the girl before you sit down yourself. Few people do this now, but by pulling back the chair, you show that you are putting the girl's interests ahead of yours. This is a beautiful gesture that will help you succeed.
    • Do not pull the chair out from under the girl so that she falls. Remember how old you are - you are not in the fifth grade! This will humiliate and insult the girl, and even if she does not leave at the same moment, you will definitely not have a second date.
    • If you are having dinner with a group of people, wait until everyone starts eating before starting to eat yourself. Gentlemen don't pounce on food.
  6. 6 Ask the girl questions. Know how to conduct a conversation. Do not be afraid of awkward silence, because it can be avoided by thinking about possible topics of conversation in advance. The girl will feel that you respect her, if you listen to her carefully, and not letting the conversation end, you can gain respect for yourself.
    • Don't pick your plate, don't talk with your mouth full, don't yawn. The man should sit upright and look the girl in the eyes while talking. You should not constantly look at your plate - mashed potatoes will not be able to answer you.
    • Don't brag about your wealth or speak disparagingly about rich people. Both tactics fail because they accentuate your uncouthness and make the listener fidget in their chair, wondering what kind of revolution you are preparing. If you make a lot of money, expensive clothes will tell you, but don't brag about it. At the same time, you don't need to make millions to look good. Whatever your income, wear nice, clean and ironed clothes.
    • Look for articles on WikiHow on how to choose topics of conversation.
  7. 7 Expect to pay for the entire dinner. If the girl offers to pay for her food, refuse. Remind her that she is on a date, so you will happily pay the entire bill.This nuance always raises many questions on dates, but a real gentleman is not embarrassed - he always pays himself.
    • Do not intentionally leave your wallet at home so that the girl will pay for the dinner herself. And even if you have money with you, don't expect her to pay for her food. When the waiter brings the bill, take it right away: the bill should not sit on the table for too long, as the girl may start to worry about whether you will pay for dinner.
  8. 8 Encourage her to lean on you if you are walking on uneven surfaces. This is the right gesture and it will actually help the girl keep her balance if she is wearing high heels. This action does not bind her or you to anything - this is just how you express your respect. When descending the stairs, always walk next to the woman, not behind her.
    • Give the girl a coat when you are about to go outside.
    • Always walk on the side of the road on the sidewalk. If a car passes by and splashes fly from under its wheels, they should hit you, not the girl.
  9. 9 Tell the girl that you had a really good time and ask her to repeat the date. Be polite and don't push. Women don't like being forced into a kiss goodbye or anything more.
    • Do not impose anything on the girl, especially if you see that she is resisting. Treat her with respect. Women instantly lose interest in men, who believe that if they are dating, the woman should agree to everything.
    • Don't provoke awkward situations. Never talk about your past love affairs.


  • Let the girl talk about herself, but don't interrupt her. Women appreciate those who know how to listen to them. In addition, she will expect you to remember something that she said to you.
  • Don't be afraid to show your interest in this girl. Some men try not to show their sympathy because they think they look weak. But it won't hurt you in any way. Women like to understand that someone is choosing them, and although you shouldn't confess your love on the first date, it will not be superfluous to demonstrate your interest.
  • If it's raining outside, offer her your umbrella.
  • Take the initiative. A gentleman is a leader by nature. Women do not like men who are so modest that they cannot take the first step on their own.
  • Don't talk badly about your relatives. This will make a bad impression, and besides, a real man will not discuss his personal problems on the first date.
  • A gentleman knows what to do if a woman is crying. Find out in advance what to do if you find yourself in this awkward situation.
  • Instead of asking questions, voice your assumptions. Think about how you interact with close friends, and transfer this experience to interacting with a girl. Try to talk less about yourself.
  • If she smokes, light a cigarette for her. This is a romantic gesture that will show her that you approve and accept her habit. If you also smoke, offer her a cigarette. The films of the 1940s portray very well rituals only accessible to smokers, and they are not only romantic - they highlight how similar you are.
  • If you are dining with other people, get up when the woman enters the room. Don't talk with your mouth full!
  • If you want a second date, be respectful. Apologize for any oversight (for example, if you hit her with your shoulder). Be polite.


  • Do not pick your nose, scratch your ears, or straighten your hair in public, and especially in the presence of the girl you asked out on a date.
  • Don't interrupt. Women hate to be interrupted, so listen to not only the girl you went on a date with, but also everyone present.
  • Don't let yourself lose your temper. This will easily alienate the girl, because no one wants to deal with a man who needs to be reassured like a child and who can unleash his anger on the girl at any time.
  • Don't be too loud. A real man speaks in a calm, even voice. He doesn't need to raise his voice to be heard.
  • Do not use foul language and do not allow yourself to be harsh. Mat speaks of a lack of respect for others, and also indicates that you do not know how to express your feelings and thoughts in ordinary words.
  • Don't stare at the girl. This is not only impolite, but also vulgar.
  • Do not smoke in front of her, unless she suggests it herself. Perhaps this is one of the few things about which the gentlemen of the past had a different idea, but modern etiquette requires respect for personal space.

What do you need

  • Qualitative clothes