How to use garlic to combat stress, toxins, and improve

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to use garlic against stress and toxins for a better mood
Video: how to use garlic against stress and toxins for a better mood


It's no secret that the shelves of our stores are filled with products that contain toxic substances. Unfortunately, the consumption of such products negatively affects our health. Worst of all, it's our own fault, buying sweet desserts, drinks, processed foods, cakes and chips for ourselves and our family.

Eating such foods results in stress and depression. If you are experiencing a similar condition, try to eliminate processed foods that contain chemicals from your diet.

Toxins damage the body gradually, with an increasing effect. So, it's time to get down to business and cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. To begin with, protect yourself and your family from toxins that enter from the outside: through the air and food.

Also, use effective methods to combat toxins. Your diet should consist of healthy foods that contain essential minerals and vitamins for the body. Garlic (and green onions) are great sources of nutrients!

Unfortunately, the entire body suffers from toxic overload, the risk of premature aging increases (cell damage and disruption of its biochemical balance occurs). In addition, toxins are an obstacle to the rapid healing of wounds. However, garlic helps fight toxins. Thanks to this product, you can reduce your stress levels. This article provides some tips on how to properly use garlic as a remedy for stress and depression.


  1. 1 Use garlic to treat upper respiratory ailments. Garlic is effective for colds and flu - everyone knows that. Thanks to the antibacterial and antiviral properties of garlic, this product helps to quickly cope with the manifestations of colds and even the flu virus. Due to alliin and allicin, which are contained in garlic, this plant has the strongest antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. In order to appreciate these benefits, you will need to consume at least one clove of garlic on a regular basis.
    • You can also use the green portion of the garlic and its seeds. In addition, you can use garlic all year round, and if necessary, transplant a few cloves.
    • Garlic is added to various dishes or taken as garlic capsules. By consuming garlic in this form, you can reduce nasal congestion if you take it daily. Garlic capsules reduce mucus production, which is essential during an asthmatic attack.
    • If you get the flu or cold, eat half a clove of garlic or drink two garlic capsules. Repeat every two hours. This way, you can minimize the effects of a cold. Studies have shown that cold symptoms go away faster in those who take garlic while sick.
    • Also, give your body enough sleep, eat healthy foods, reduce stress levels, and quit smoking and alcohol.
      • Include Z.L.G.B.S. in your diet: Greens, onions (garlic), mushrooms, legumes and berries, seeds and nuts - Remember this combination of letters. Proper nutrition is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. ).
  2. 2 Eat garlic for heart health. According to research, garlic is good for the heart and circulation. The polysulfides contained in garlic are converted by red blood cells into hydrogen sulfide in the body, which reduces the tension in the walls of blood vessels. Garlic also contains a substance that prevents platelets from sticking together and reduces blood viscosity. In addition, substances contained in garlic reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. ... The antioxidant polyphenols found in garlic help reduce the risk of heart disease and strengthen the entire body.
    • Allicin (C6H10OS2), found in garlic, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Allicin is a primitive, but rather reliable defense mechanism against pests, which is produced during the synthesis of an enzyme such as alliinase and a special amino acid alliin. It plays an important role in the repair of damaged tissue. It should be noted that alliinase cannot exist at acidity below pH 3; therefore, allicin is not produced in the body when you eat fresh or powdered garlic.
  3. 3 Use garlic as a cancer protector. Research has shown that garlic can prevent cellular changes that can cause cancer. In addition, garlic affects tumor growth and kills cancer cells. Garlic plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system. Therefore, it is an excellent cancer prevention.
  4. 4 Garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that activate liver enzymes responsible for flushing toxins out of the body. Garlic can increase the activity of enzymes that neutralize toxins and decrease the activity of enzymes that activate toxins in the intestines. Known as a "prebiotic", garlic helps the growth of "good" bacteria in the digestive system and prevents diarrhea. Garlic also improves digestion and enhances the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
    • Avoid anything that can negatively affect your digestive system. Monitor your digestive system, especially your liver, which is responsible for flushing toxins out of your body. Poor digestive function accelerates aging.
    • Avoid artificial ingredients in foods, drinks, chemicals as much as possible.
  5. 5 Use garlic to improve your mood. Garlic is a wonderful mood boosting agent when you are feeling depressed. Garlic can also reduce symptoms associated with insomnia, fatigue, and anxiety.
  6. 6 By consuming garlic, you can slow down the aging process. Garlic improves blood circulation, making you feel younger and stronger.
  7. 7 Use garlic to prevent and treat fungal infections; garlic is one of the most powerful antifungal agents. Chop a clove of garlic and apply it to the affected area. Do this every day until your condition improves.
    • Use garlic to treat yeast infections. Eat a few raw cloves, or even a whole head of garlic every day.

Method 1 of 2: Dosage regimen and method of administration

  1. 1 Take the recommended daily intake of garlic. The Maryland State Medical Center recommends consuming 2-4 grams of fresh garlic daily (one clove is approximately 1 gram), or 600-1200mg of garlic extract, depending on age, in divided doses. Alternatively, you can use the following forms: freeze-dried garlic tablets 200 mg, 2 tablets 3 times a day; liquid extract - 4 ml per day; tincture of garlic - 20ml daily; garlic oil 0.03 - 12 ml, 3 times a day. You can take garlic for a long time. Garlic is safe for most people. (According to research, garlic is recognized as a safe food.) However, be careful, as garlic can cause serious harm in diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Garlic is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Also, use garlic with caution if you have food allergies. Also pay attention to the following points:
    • Take a multivitamin if your diet is unbalanced. A good balance of vitamins such as folate, B12, B6, C and E helps the body use its natural detoxification system.
    • Eat lots of dark, leafy vegetables: turnips, broccoli, kale, spinach, and seaweed. These vegetables improve liver function and speed up the body's detoxification process.
  2. 2 Use a variety of spices, not just garlic. Eat spices to improve your health as well as strengthen your body's defenses.

    Eat spices (seeds, nuts, and roots) such as sesame seeds. Seeds are a form of life through which new life can arise. Add seeds to salads, chicken, fish, vegetables, omelets, and more. According to research, seeds can protect your heart and liver from the harmful effects of alcohol and other chemicals. In addition, nuts contain healthy oils that can help lower cholesterol levels.

Method 2 of 2: The Best Way to Cook Garlic

  1. 1 Crush the garlic with a garlic press. If a clove of garlic is crushed, then the integrity of the cells is disrupted and two independent components present in different parts of the cell combine and give the substance allicin. You can use different methods of chopping garlic: chop, twist through a meat grinder, chop, crush. All of these methods will promote the formation of allicin. Alternatively, you can simply chew on a clove of garlic.
    • If you want to get all the nutrients, cut the clove in half and place it in a wooden bowl. Add to the salad, you will feel the garlic taste, but there will be no such pungent smell and pungent taste.
  2. 2 Saute the garlic lightly. Keep in mind, however, that prolonged cooking can destroy some of garlic's healing compounds. Light heat treatment also preserves compounds that affect heart health. Note, however, that cooking diminishes the antibiotic benefits of garlic. James Duke claims that cooking for 10 minutes reduces the medicinal properties of garlic by 40 percent. If you cook food for 20 minutes, almost all nutrients are destroyed.
    • Don't microwave garlic. The researchers tried various cooking methods, including boiling, baking, and microwave cooking. Garlic that was cooked in the microwave did not pass the test.
  3. 3 Use tablets or capsules if you are concerned about taste or smell. If you really don't like garlic but want to use it as a remedy, get garlic extract from a health food store. Even if you eat garlic with pleasure, it is not yet fully known how effective it is, especially if it has been cooked. Therefore, you can use garlic extract to get the maximum benefits for your body.
  4. 4 Use garlic as a remedy for cough and sore throat relief. Raw garlic can be added to home remedies for throat infections and coughs. For example, pour 200ml boiling water over a couple of garlic cloves. Insist 3 hours, then strain and gargle. To prepare a cough suppressant, peel and crush two heads of garlic. Let the garlic stand for 15 minutes (to form allicin). After 15 minutes, crush again in a mortar. Mix the resulting garlic gruel with liquid honey. Insist during the night. Take one teaspoon of this mixture for coughs, colds and sore throat. Be sure to write on the jar what is stored in it.


Side effects of garlic?

  • You can consume garlic either naturally or as a dietary supplement in recommended doses. However, please read the "Warning" section carefully.
  • Drug Interactions: At the moment, the interaction of garlic with medications has not been fully studied.
  • Avoid toxins. If this is not possible for any reason, maintain a healthy liver, which is responsible for flushing out toxins from the body.
  • Some people chop the garlic into small pieces, cover it with vinegar and vegetable oil, and store it in the refrigerator. Save a few cloves for planting.
  • The garlic that accidentally remains in the ground does not germinate, does not freeze and gives a wonderful harvest next year! This is a very convenient way to harvest!
  • Garlic can be grown in garden containers if that's more convenient for you.


  • Note that research on the benefits of garlic for heart disease and cancer is still under study.
  • In a microwave oven, garlic loses all its beneficial properties.
  • If you overload your body with toxic "food" / chemicals, your liver and kidneys begin to work at an accelerated rate as they need to filter, reshape, and flush toxins from the body.
  • Not eat garlic:
    • If you have stomach inflammation (gastroenteritis) or an ulcer.
    • Garlic belongs to the category of spices and herbs that increase uterine activity. If you are pregnant, limit the use of this product.
    • If you are breastfeeding your baby, eliminate garlic from your diet.
  • It is extremely rare to find an allergic reaction to garlic. With frequent contact with garlic, an inflammatory skin condition (eczema) or other allergic manifestations may occur.
  • Talk with your doctor about possible drug interactions, such as blood thinners, protease inhibitors, and antiplatelet drugs.