How to experience inner peace

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Find Inner Peace Through Detachment
Video: How to Find Inner Peace Through Detachment


If you strive for peace and tranquility in your heart, read this article. A few simple exercises will fill your heart with peace, and you will experience deep satisfaction and happiness. So, let's begin!


Method 1 of 4: Releasing Negative Feelings

  1. 1 Let go of what you cannot control. This is the most important thing to do to be at peace with yourself and others. 90% of all our worries are things that we cannot influence and change. Do whatever you can, and when you can no longer influence the situation, let it go. If you cannot influence the outcome of this or that case, then there is no point in worrying about it.
    • It is certainly not that easy, but over time you will see that it can be learned.
    • Remind yourself of this throughout the day. In addition, try to distract yourself from disturbing thoughts by doing other things.
    • Remember that other people's behavior is beyond your control.
  2. 2 Try to understand the person. When other people make us angry, we usually cannot understand why they do this. Instead of exploding at someone, try to look at the situation by putting yourself in that person's shoes. Think about why he did this ... and remember that we are all human with our own problems and dreams.
    • For example, you lose your temper when your husband forgets to wash the dishes. However, he will do it if you remind him of it. Most likely, forgetfulness is his character trait, so try to get used to it.
  3. 3 Forgive yourself. As a rule, most of our problems are associated with being critical of ourselves. Of course, sometimes we may not do the best. Perhaps you are worried that you forgot to do an important thing or told a friend something offensive. Regardless of what you have done, it is important to remember that you cannot turn back time. Therefore, self-flagellation will not solve the situation. Try not to make this mistake again and strive to become better.
    • Remember, it's human to be wrong!
  4. 4 Forgive those who have wronged you. You must learn to forgive not only yourself, but other people too. The reasons remain the same. Learn to forgive people. Do not harbor resentment in order to take revenge on a person in the future at an opportunity. Just let go of your resentment and try to improve your relationship with the abuser.
  5. 5 Realize the transience of our life. Everything in our life is temporary. The only things that are eternal are sunrise and sunset. You must keep this in mind whatever you do. Do what you like. When we die, we do not take our accumulated wealth with us, so make sure you do what makes your life meaningful.

Method 2 of 4: Developing Positive Feelings

  1. 1 Be yourself. When we try to be someone we are not, we experience stress, guilt, and sadness in life. Of course we want to be the best person! However, try to become better by being yourself.
    • Don't worry about what other people say about you. This is not theirs, but your life.
  2. 2 Do what makes you happy. Do what brings you joy. When you live a fulfilling life, you do a great job at the tasks you are assigned. You manage to do important things, while not giving up entertainment. Plus, you take the time to help others. Of course, some of us pay too much attention to difficult things, and often there is no time left for ourselves. You should strive for what makes you happy, no matter what people think of you.
  3. 3 Take time for yourself. Take time to reflect on your life from time to time. Of course, it can be difficult to set aside time for this, but remember your happiness depends on it.
    • Sit back in a cozy place, grab a book and enjoy this time.
    • From time to time, dine yourself in silence to forget about the problems and burdens.
  4. 4 Help others. By helping others, you will experience an incredible sense of satisfaction. It gives us the feeling that we have done something important in our life. If you want peace to reign in your heart, try helping people who need your help.
    • You can help at a local cafeteria or community center, or educate adults in useful things.
  5. 5 Set goals for yourself. With a goal in front of you, you will not have the feeling that life is going on aimlessly. And really, what's the point in life if you don't strive for anything? Think about what you want to achieve in life and strive to achieve this goal. You will feel peace in your heart if you have a purpose.
    • Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano?
    • Perhaps you want to have a baby?

Method 3 of 4: Relaxation Technique

  1. 1 Listen to soothing music. Music can help you calm down and find peace of mind, even in the most stressful situations. Find music that calms you down and listen to it when needed.
    • Listen to Ze Frank's song "Chillout".
    • My Noise is another great source of relaxing music to help you find inner peace.
  2. 2 Do you go for a walk? If you want to calm down, go for a walk. Exercise not only helps relieve muscle tension, but it also promotes the production of endorphins that make us happy. If you're going through a tough time in your life, jogging is the way to go.
  3. 3 Play with someone who knows how to have fun. You can play with a dog or a five-year-old son, and you will certainly catch their enthusiasm, and you yourself will experience joy, despite all the difficulties.
  4. 4 Avoid tragedies. This can be an obstacle on the way to inner peace. We tend to be dramatic because we may feel that it brings variety to our lives, but in order to find peace, we must make our life more interesting. The negative feelings associated with tragedy will not bring us the peace of mind, which is closely related to positive emotions.
    • If someone in your life tends to act out tragedies, try to cut back on those people.
  5. 5 Have fun activities. There are many fun activities that can help you find peace of mind. Have tea, watch a funny movie, meditate, or do something that will help you relax. Do what you like.

Method 4 of 4: Seek Wisdom

  1. 1 Get to know the philosophy of the Stoics. The essence of this teaching is to search for the source of virtue inherent in every person. That's the whole point of philosophy! Take a closer look at this philosophy and consider how you can apply the valuable lessons in your own life.
    • A Guide to the Good Life, by William Irwin, is an excellent contemporary textbook on Stoic philosophy.
  2. 2 Read the Bible. The Bible teaches us how to find peace and lead more fulfilling lives. Even if you are not a religious person, there is a lot of wisdom in the Bible that can help you improve your life.
  3. 3 Chat with a spiritual mentor. Spiritual guides can help you understand how to find peace of mind. Even if you do not want to listen to religious advice, you can receive a lot of valuable information, thanks to which peace and tranquility will reign in your heart.
  4. 4 Learn from nature. Sit in nature. Listen to the trees. Observe the animals. Are they worried about something? No. Nature adapts and keeps pace with any changes in life. Follow her lead.
  5. 5 Read books. There are a number of books and works that contain excellent advice to help you find peace of mind. Make a selection of books. Pay attention to the books of the following authors:
    • Joseph Campbell
    • Alan Watts


  • Spend time with your friends!