How to bathe your budgie

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Give Your Budgie a Bath | Learn All About
Video: How to Give Your Budgie a Bath | Learn All About


Most budgies love to swim. Bathing is easy enough for the bird, given that it does most of the work by fluffing up its feathers and allowing the water to penetrate all the way to its skin. It is necessary to give the budgerigar the opportunity to swim a couple of times a week, especially when the air in the room is dry. Bathing encourages the bird to actively clean the feathers with its beak, and also helps to remove dirt from the feathers.


Method 1 of 2: Provide the bird with a bathing suit

  1. 1 Fill a bathing suit or shallow bowl with lukewarm water. The depth of the water should be only 2.5–5 cm. The water should not be too cold, as budgies are prone to colds.
    • On sale you can find swimwear that is hung on the side of the cage.
    • If you find that your bird is not attracted to containers of water, you can try giving it wet grass by placing the pot on the floor of a clean cage. The bird will surely enjoy fumbling in wet grass as an alternative to swimming.
    • It is not necessary to use soap for bathing the parrot.
  2. 2 Place a towel under the parrot cage. If you are worried about splashing water, place a towel under the cage. It will help trap splashes.
  3. 3 Place a bath with water on the bottom of the cage. Place the swimsuit at the bottom of the cage where the parrot can jump into it. Make sure that the swimsuit is always on a flat surface.
    • If you wish, you can fill the bathroom sink with a little water. Then just take the parrot there and lock the door so it can't fly away. Just make sure the sink you are using is clean first.
  4. 4 Let the budgies play with the water. The parrot will splash in the water. This is the way he bathes.Most birds enjoy this process immensely.
    • If the parrot doesn't jump into the swimsuit right away, give him a chance to get used to it. But if he doesn’t use the bathing suit afterward, you may need to resort to a different method of bathing.
  5. 5 Date the bird to dry out. After bathing, the parrot will shake off excess water from itself. However, it will be necessary to ensure that the room with the bird is free of drafts or too cool. You may need to cover the bird cage with a towel to protect it.
  6. 6 Wash your bathing suit. After bathing the bird, remove the bathing suit from the cage. Be sure to wash it thoroughly and then wash your hands when you're done.

Method 2 of 2: Use a spray bottle

  1. 1 Get or buy a spray bottle. You can purchase a spray bottle at a hardware store or supermarket. Spray guns are also sold in garden stores.
    • An alternative to the spray can be a special bird perch for the bathroom, which can be found in pet stores. In this case, to bathe the bird in the shower, simply set the watering can to light spray and run lukewarm water.
  2. 2 Fill a spray bottle with lukewarm water. Again, the water should not be allowed to be too cold. Budgerigars and other small birds are very susceptible to colds.
  3. 3 Set the spray gun to fine spray. Most atomizers have several spray settings. You do not need a jet of water to bathe the bird, the water should be finely sprayed.
  4. 4 Spray water directly over the parrot. You need to create a light drizzle falling on the bird from above. Do not spray water directly on the parrot, as most birds will not like this.
    • If desired, this type of bathing can be arranged for the bird daily.
  5. 5 Let the bird dry. The parrot will dry out on its own. Just make sure that where it dries, it is warm and free from cold drafts.


  • Be sure to use a new, clean spray bottle for your bird.If you use a spray bottle that previously contained cleaning agents, the chemicals can have a negative effect on the bird.