How to simulate vomiting

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Yourself Throw up || 8 Simples Ways
Video: How To Make Yourself Throw up || 8 Simples Ways


If you want to learn how to simulate vomiting, for example, to show that you are sick, you will need some ingredients for this. In this article, you will find some simple recipes for making fake vomit, as well as tips to help you play the sick role.


Part 1 of 2: Making Fake Vomit

  1. 1 Use leftovers from lunch. Take the leftover food after lunch, and after chewing it thoroughly about 20 times, spit it into a zippered plastic bag. Take enough leftover food. But remember the measure so that others do not suspect you of deception.
    • Add some water to the bag to make the mixture thinner and more vomit-like. Alternatively, for a more realistic look, you can add salad dressing, petroleum jelly, and milk to the bag.
    • Alternatively, you can add cereal or whatever you plan to eat for breakfast. The most important thing is that the vomit looks believable.
  2. 2 Combine orange juice, milk, and crackers. If you want a quick, realistic looking emetic mixture, mix the above three ingredients and place them in a ziplock bag. Mix equal parts orange juice and milk. Then chew on the salt crackers and spit them out into the liquid. Stir well to make a homogeneous mixture.
  3. 3 Use canned soup. If you have no food leftovers, you can use canned soup to make vomit. You can use clam soup, beef stew, pea soup, or a similar soup that will resemble vomit.
    • As with food leftovers, try diluting the soup with a little liquid, such as water or milk. It is not necessary to use the entire can of soup, you can get by with just half the can. Store vomit in a plastic bag or jar. Hide the invention in your room.
  4. 4 Use regular oatmeal and food coloring. Take an empty bottle and fill it 3/4 full with water. Then add a few drops of different colors of food coloring to give your mixture an unpleasant dark color. Add some chewed food to make a mixture of the desired consistency.
    • The mixture must be liquid. If you add too much oatmeal, you will end up with regular oatmeal. Your parents can convict you of a lie if you haven't eaten oatmeal for a long time.
  5. 5 Use spoiled milk. If you want the vomit to look more realistic, you will need to make some preparations beforehand. Pour milk into a glass and hide it in your room, preferably in a corner, away from your bed, so it will smell bad. Wait a few days for the milk to go bad. This usually happens within three to five days. Prepare additional ingredients. You can use chocolate and strawberries.
    • Before the milk goes bad, you can add the ingredients to chew beforehand. Since the mixture will give off an unpleasant odor, try to approach it as little as possible.

Part 2 of 2: Simulating the disease

  1. 1 Hide fake vomit in your room while no one is around. Store fake vomit in a plastic bag or jar. Hide them in your room. Make sure the bag is tightly closed to avoid getting the unpleasant mixture on your hands.
    • If suddenly someone close to you discovered your invention before you poured it down the toilet, you can say that you were conducting a scientific "experiment."
  2. 2 Pretend you are sick to avoid going to school. In the morning, when you first wake up, start complaining that you are not feeling well. Skip breakfast or you may be very reluctant to eat it, showing with all your appearance that you have no appetite. Show with all your appearance that you are very bad. Make sure your parents know that you are not feeling well.
    • Morning is the best time to play the sick person. If you pretend to be sick in the morning, chances are you will be allowed not to go to school. However, if you pretend to be sick the night before or at night, your parents may expose you and you will have to go to school in the morning.
  3. 3 Take the vomit bag to the toilet. When no one is around you, grab a bag of fake vomit and slip into the toilet. Be sure to close the door so that your loved ones don't catch you hot with a bag in their hands.
    • If the contents of the bag are dry, add a little water to make it runny again. Now kneel in front of the toilet and start moaning, pretending that you feel bad.
  4. 4 Act out the scene. While in the toilet, start making gagging sounds. After you make a sound, quickly pour the contents of the bag into the toilet, thereby simulating vomiting. Dispose of the package as soon as possible. Leave the toilet slowly, breathing heavily and moaning, thereby showing that you were feeling very bad right now.
    • Be careful not to spill fake vomit on the floor. Not only can you get caught and your parents will convict you of a lie, imagine how they will feel if they have to clean the carpet of soup or missing milk.
  5. 5 After you fake vomiting, brush your teeth right away. Your parents may not believe it if you don't tell you that you've been vomiting. After you've played the part and poured the fake vomit down the toilet, brush your teeth as soon as possible. Open the door and let your parents see the vomit in the toilet before you flush it. After vomiting, the person usually has bad breath. Therefore, if you do not want your parents to convict you of a lie, brush your teeth as soon as possible and let them know about it.
  6. 6 Continue to play sick. After your parents see vomit in the toilet, you don't need to do anything else. They will most likely allow you to stay at home. But, this does not mean that you can do acrobatic stunts. Stay in bed pretending to be sick. Allow yourself to rest during the day.
    • If your parents call you from work, answer in a moaning, sick voice. You can say that you still feel bad, but not as badly as in the morning.
  7. 7 Don't overdo it. Be careful not to overdo it. If you don't want to go to school, you can simply tell your parents that you are sick and that you are not feeling well. There is no need to show your vomit to others. Believe me, you should not take a disgusting soup or missing milk in your mouth in order to prove to your parents that you are sick.
    • If you want to amuse someone, you can pretend that you suddenly vomit. Picture it in one quick motion (like a muscle spasm) while leaning forward. Inflate your cheeks as if you are about to vomit. Repeat about 3 times and then pretend to swallow it. Do this several times. After that, you can spit out the mixture.


  • Tell your parents (or your loved one) the night before that you are not feeling well.
  • Don't do this as soon as you wake up. If you usually get to school in the morning, you shouldn't start the day right away with vomiting. Start dressing and getting ready for school as you normally would. However, try doing it a little slower than usual, pretending to be dizzy. If your parents reprimand you, tell them that you are not feeling well. Then, after a few minutes, you can fake vomiting.
  • You should not constantly repeat that you feel bad, because it can give you away.
  • Make sure you know what vomit looks and smells like. Otherwise, they may look like fake.
  • Do not use too much milk, juice or other ingredients, or they may spill over.
  • When talking on the phone with your parents, lie on your back and tilt your head back. This will make it seem like you have a stuffy nose.
  • Say that you feel dizzy and nauseous.
  • Don't overdo it when moaning or breathing heavily.
  • Don't add too many ingredients. Bad smell can cause real vomiting, and then you will actually feel very bad ...


  • Remember that you will have to sleep in a room that smells like uneaten food.
  • Remember that you miss something in school, which means that you will have to catch up with everyone else later.