How to have faith in Jesus Christ

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Build Faith in Jesus - The 5-Minute Bible Study
Video: How To Build Faith in Jesus - The 5-Minute Bible Study


What is faith? We have all asked this question at least once in our lives. Look at Hebrews 11: 1 - "Faith is the fulfillment of the expected and the assurance of the invisible." Jesus talks about what faith in miracles can do in Matthew 17:20 - “Because of your unbelief; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain: “go from here to there,” and it will go over; and nothing will be impossible for you. " Faith is a gift from God ... and in order to have faith, you must have a connection with Jesus Christ. Just by believing that he is really listening, you will have faith! It is so simple! Faith is very important, because everything that happened in the Bible was from faith, we must look for it day and night, this is very important. Here are some simple steps that can help you understand a little more about how to have faith.


  1. 1 Have a personal relationship with God: sometimes God can do things that strengthen your faith in his mercy, but if you really want to see the magnificence of faith in God .... you must get to know God personally and you must be willing to follow him to the end. Pray and grow with God and over time your faith will grow as you have more and more experience with Jesus Christ.
  2. 2 Seek Faith through God: The Bible clearly says in John 14:13 "And if you ask the Father anything in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." If you come to God and ask him with all your heart in the name of faith, he will never leave you.
  3. 3 Be patient and unwavering. As human beings, we tend to want everything at once. It is really difficult, however, we must have patience and wait for God's blessing. Never give up and never despair. While we wait, we must always keep praying to the Lord and must concentrate on the Lord all the time. While you wait, believing that God will give you the faith you asked for ... you may begin to notice ... That is Faith! Believing.


  • Open yourself to God in everything! Never hide something from him, because he knows everything that was, is and will happen.
  • Be in a godly environment as often as possible, even online.
  • Always remember to go to God for answers and questions, not as a friend. Because this article was written by me and not by god. I really, really feel the Holy Spirit burning inside me as I write ... But remember, I am human, I make mistakes like everyone else, and I never even get close to what God is. ... Always go to him for answers, ask him what faith is, as this article will only give you a little more understanding of faith.
  • NEVER, the Lord our God will never reject you. Try as much as possible in everything you do, and be sure of God's salvation.
  • Always believe with all your soul, only God can give you faith.


  • Never give up.
  • Know that once you follow Jesus, His Love will make you happy ... Prepare for the Joy that awaits you. :) The Lord bless you, friends!
  • Never be discouraged for any reason. God will always forgive you, no matter how many times you get confused. As in repentance: “For almost a year I sinned against God while I went to church ... fornication, drugs and worldly things, and I would have continued in the same spirit, but after a year God had mercy on me and forgave me, which completely changed me ".