How to ignore people you don't like

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GOD MESSAGE TODAY "God is Warning You, Don’t Ignore Him This Time| God’s message today | God message
Video: GOD MESSAGE TODAY "God is Warning You, Don’t Ignore Him This Time| God’s message today | God message


Ignoring people you don't like can be tricky. But with the help of this article, you will find that you already know how to ignore these people. Just follow these tips.


  1. 1 Don't talk, look or stare at them. Try not to notice them. Imagine they are invisible.
  2. 2 At school, tell the teacher that you don't get along with him and ask them not to group you together, or if you really don't like the person, ask them to transfer to another class. Remember, it may not be worth it, especially if your friends stay in this class.
  3. 3 Don't tell your friends about this person. I know it’s tempting, but it’s not will make you better and level you up with the person you don't like.
  4. 4 If they try to talk to you, be nice, but don't strike up a conversation, just tell them you need to go.
  5. 5 If they insult you, don't insult them back. Again, this will do the same, if you talked about them, you always want to be better than them. Remember that they are below you (in level) because they continue to offend you.
  6. 6 Keep your head high. Never show that you are afraid of them or show that they affect you in any way, because that is exactly what they want. In 9 cases out of 10, they are not telling the truth.
  7. 7 Always love your ill-wishers, because in this case it will show that they do not affect you in any way.
  8. 8 Surround yourself with friends in front of this person. This will show him that you don't care about him.
  9. 9 Show them that you are not worried about them and move on. Smile, smile and smile.
  10. 10 If you don't have other friends, then try to make new ones.


  • Be yourself does not matter, what they're saying.
  • Don't let them control your life. Make your own decisions and enjoy life.
  • Be tolerant but vigilant.
  • Don't talk to them. Otherwise, it may cause a fight.
  • If they are friends with your friends and your friends are acting strange, just try talking to them when they are not around (for example, in another class). Since they could only hear one point of view. Tell yours in a discreet manner.
  • If they say something rude, say "Sorry, I didn’t hear / didn’t hear." And go away.
  • Smile when you see them. This may sound strange or even silly, but it shows that they do not affect you in any way, and that you will never let them ruin your day.