How to flirt with a shy guy

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Flirt with a Shy Guy (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
Video: How to Flirt with a Shy Guy (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


Did you like a shy guy? In such a situation, it is not easy to understand how mutual sympathy is, but there are ways to get the guy talking and get out of the friendship zone (friend zone).


Method 1 of 3: How to talk to a shy guy

  1. 1 Find out the guy's preferences. Try to find out about the guy's interests so that you have topics of conversation. Most people are comfortable talking about what they like.
    • Perhaps he loves a particular music group, video games, movies, or is interested in sports.
    • Show a genuine interest in the guy's hobbies (if his interests seem incredibly boring to you and you have to pretend, this guy just isn't right for you).
    • Better yet, try to find common interests in order to sincerely discuss such topics. Just be yourself.
  2. 2 Ask questions. One of the best communication methods is to ask the person questions, rather than make statements.
    • Don't be overly curious. Ask questions about interests and hobbies, such as asking about your favorite actors or athletes.
    • By asking questions, you can engage the shy person in the conversation. Be smart.
    • Ask open-ended questions. They provide detailed, explanatory answers. Begin your question with “what,” “how,” “when,” or “why.” Questions that begin with “You love” allow short, one-word answers.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist Sarah Shevitz, PsyD is a clinical psychologist with over 10 years of experience licensed by the California Board of Psychology. She received her degree in Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology in 2011. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychological counseling service that helps couples and individual clients improve and change their love and relationship behavior.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist

    Help a shy guy feel confident... Dr. Sarah Shevitz, Love & Relationship Specialist: “You can meet shy people just like anyone else. You may need to ask more questions and have more conversations. Also, you should not interrupt the person - this way he will feel confident when he speaks to you. "

  3. 3 Ask your guy for help. Perhaps the guy gets worried during the conversations, as they force him to leave his comfort zone.
    • He may be a deep observer who finds it difficult to express his thoughts to strangers or unfamiliar people.
    • As a flirtation, you can ask a guy to help you. Many guys love helping girls. Give him the opportunity to demonstrate his knightly prowess.
    • Ask for help with a car, coursework, or heavy bag. Don't ask your boyfriend for emotional support at this stage.
  4. 4 Compliment the guy. Everyone loves compliments. It's human nature, and shy guys are no exception.
    • Say that you like the color of his shirt, new jeans, hairstyle or way of thinking.
    • Don't focus only on looks. Don't forget about personal qualities as well. So, a guy can be kind or erudite.
    • Use your boyfriend's name often during conversation and come up with a kind, flattering nickname. He will surely appreciate the joke and laugh with you.

Method 2 of 3: How to use non-verbal cues

  1. 1 Use positive body language. Some shy guys are observant and often notice minimal signs of flirting that may elude other people.
    • Take this chance to flirt and show your affection. Body language is capable of expressing interest or lack of interest. Lean forward and maintain eye contact with the guy.
    • Use open body language to show your interest. Smile when you meet. Your smile should be genuine and friendly. Look into his eyes, smile, then quickly lower your gaze and keep smiling.
    • During the conversation, the socks of the shoes should be facing the guy. Do not over-invade his personal space, just turn your whole body towards him. Laugh at the guy's jokes.
    • Do not cross your arms and legs, as such a closed signal may seem like a lack of interest to an attentive guy. Touch the guy's shoulder gently.
  2. 2 Repeat these signals. A shy guy can be insecure and doubt your intentions.
    • If you smiled at him in the hallway, he may take it as a sign of politeness if you don't keep smiling at the next meeting.
    • It is important to repeat the signals several times so that your sympathy becomes evident.
    • Do not overdo it so that your actions do not look aggressive. The art of flirting combines mystery and affection for a person.
  3. 3 Start flirting in correspondence. If a guy doesn't talk to you when he meets, but he textes a lot online, he probably likes you. If a guy's friends tease him in front of you, they may know he likes you.
    • It can also mean that he is uncomfortable with face-to-face communication. Try to keep his comfort zone. Some shy guys are able to think deeply and be in love with puns.
    • In addition to messaging, rate his photos on Facebook and leave comments under the posts.
    • Flirt with emoticons. Do not be afraid to write first, but it is better not to rush to touch on serious topics. For example, you might ask about a chemistry test. Send the guy a friend request.
  4. 4 Be around often. To show your sympathy, be around the guy more often, but be subtle.
    • For example, sit closer to the guy's table in the dining room. If you know he walks his dog in the park in the morning, start jogging nearby.
    • Find yourself in situations in which it is easy to strike up a conversation. You can sit next to him at volleyball competitions or in the assembly hall.
    • If the guy is older, come to the cafe where he works at the computer in the morning and sit at the next table.

Method 3 of 3: How not to inconvenience your boyfriend

  1. 1 Take a personal approach. Shy guys usually don't like spending time in large, unfamiliar companies.
    • This is especially true of the girlfriends of a girl who may like him. Try to chat or flirt without strangers.
    • A shy guy can close down even more if you are constantly in the company of friends. Separate from the crowd!
    • Approach a guy in situations where your flirting will not be on public display: at the exit from school or on the way home, but not in the cafeteria, where he is also in the company. This rule is also true if you are no longer schoolchildren, but, for example, work in the same organization.
  2. 2 Don't force the guy to leave his comfort zone. Your flirting shouldn't be too obvious. There is no one-size-fits-all recipe. Just be yourself.
    • Be friendly and natural. Say hello when you meet and discuss common interests.
    • You can complain about a difficult homework assignment or discuss the performance of your sports team (if the guy is interested in sports).
    • It is very important not to pressure the guy and behave with restraint. Flirting shows your sympathy, but with a shy guy, you need to be unobtrusive and friendly.
  3. 3 Notice signs of mutual affection. This is all good and fun, but with a shy guy, it's very difficult to know how much he likes you.
    • If he starts to worry around you, stumbles, or blushes, he almost certainly likes you. If he asks your friends about you, then you are interesting to him.
    • Pay attention to the guy's body language. Does he use open body language and show that he notices your flirting? A shy guy may be shy around a girl.
    • If he teases you, jokes or behaves in an unusual way, then he probably likes you. Shy guys often hide their awkwardness or anxiety in this way. Being shy doesn't always mean a guy is introverted. An introvert is a personality type in which a person draws energy alone.
    • If a guy is silent in your presence, this does not mean that he does not like you. The more he likes you, the more he will worry about you.
  4. 4 Be patient. Don't give up too quickly. It takes a shy guy a while to understand and accept your signals.
    • Your efforts may be justified, because shy guys don't flirt with everyone. If he responds to your flirting, that's a good sign.
    • Don't be afraid to take the initiative. You can even initiate a first date. Invite your guy to coffee or a movie so you don't have to wait forever for him to take the first step.
    • Guys can be shy for a variety of reasons. Perhaps this behavior is related to rejection or childhood trauma. Genetics is often the cause. He's just a quiet and calm person.
  5. 5 Accept his shyness. There is nothing wrong with a shy guy, because many shy people are empathetic and caring, as well as deep personalities.
    • Don't try to change the person. Don't think that flirting or being in a relationship will allow you to turn him into someone else.
    • Accept his personality type and learn to find common ground. Being shy does not mean that he will always be so silent with you.
    • It is inherent in humans to strive for something that requires effort. A shy guy can appear attractive due to his inscrutability and secrecy. If one day he trusts you, then you will feel like a special person.


  • Laugh at his jokes if he jokes with you.
  • Be nice and friendly. Give nice compliments.
  • Make the guy laugh. If he realizes that you are not taking yourself too seriously, then it will be easier for him to relax and trust you.
  • Act gradually. Start with simple things. It will take time, but the effort will pay off.
  • No need to worry, otherwise your excitement will be passed on to your boyfriend, and the situation will become more complicated.
  • If he told you a stupid but funny pun, you can laugh a little and show that you react normally to such humor.
  • Don't retell your whole life when you answer a guy's questions.


  • Do not be rude to his friends, otherwise he will be angry with you.
  • Be careful not to scare the guy.
  • Your flirting shouldn't be overly aggressive.
  • Don't flirt with other guys, or he'll think you don't like you anymore.