How to flirt with a girl by SMS

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to flirt with a girl over Text.  (With examples)
Video: How to flirt with a girl over Text. (With examples)


Tired of sending your favorite girl hackneyed text messages? Then follow our tips to become an expert in the art of flirting and pave the way for a date!


Method 1 of 2: Flirting with a girl by SMS

  1. 1 Don't be boring and predictable. The worst flirting text is boring and predictable. Your text should be fun and engaging. If you cannot think of something more interesting, then you better not write to her at all.
    • For example, do not start the text of the message boring, Hi  or How are you?. Absolutely boring. She's likely getting messages like this from every guy she knows, so do something that sets you apart.
    • Try something unique, something that makes her respond immediately: You can't stop thinking about me or You cheated yesterday while playing kicker (foosball). I demand revenge.
  2. 2 Sometimes text messages seem impersonal, so try to be as personal as possible. This will help create a bond between you.
    • Call her by name - girls are in awe when they see their name in a message. There is something intimate about this.
    • Alternatively, you can use the special nickname you christened her with. It will look like something only the two of you can understand.
    • Use pronouns we and US in your SMS - this will create the feeling me and you against this world... Girls love it very much.
  3. 3 Compliment the girl. She will feel special and desired. Write her a couple of compliments in your message.
    • Try classic (highly effective) compliments such as I can't stop thinking about you after I saw you in this dress or not formulaic You have a wonderful sense of humor.
    • Let the compliment be sincere - don't say what you don't really think. Girls feel fake a mile away.
  4. 4 Be mysterious. It's okay if you let a little mystery.
    • For example, if she asks about how your day went, you shouldn't go into boring details (see step 1). Answer something like: “It was an incredible day. People never cease to amaze me. “We hope she will be intrigued and ask you for a more detailed story in the next message.
    • Or, if she asks about your weekend plans, don't be too frank (unless you have a compelling action plan). Telling her that you’ll just be working on your essay all weekend will hardly interest her. Say that you are going to fight a dragon or something equally silly. It doesn't have to be true as long as it sounds interesting.
  5. 5 Make fun of her. Teasing is the best way to flirt - creates closeness between you without being too serious.
    • Call the girl some nickname, as mentioned above (only call her that). This is the best way to tease without hurting her. For example, "speck" or "little miss perfection".
    • Make a joke about what she said or did when you last met.For example, if she said that she takes a cola, then you can answer her: “just don't spray it through your nose, like last time”. This way, you will remind her of the fun time together and make her think positively about your relationship.
    • Make sure you don't go overboard or hurt her. Otherwise, your relationship will end before it starts.
  6. 6 Take the initiative. No flirting is complete without meaningful hints that keep the interest alive.
    • You can ask something more casual, like what she is wearing, or tell her that you like her in this dress, but that you like what's underneath.
    • Another good way is with innocent remarks, which are deliberately interpreted as erotic jokes. For example, if she says, “I can't believe it's that long!” (Referring to the length of the movie or something similar), then you might reply, “So she said that too.”
    • If you feel uncomfortable making erotic jokes, you may just innocently notice that you just got out of the shower. Then the ball will be in her goal and if she answers something like: "Wow, I would like to see this", then you will understand that she is not against such jokes.

Method 2 of 2: SMS Flirting Etiquette

  1. 1 Write short and expressive messages. Long messages are boring and will indicate that you are impatient.
    • For this reason, be short and concise. Let the message be no more than 2-3 sentences.
    • Try to keep every SMS either funny or cool. Messages should never relate to a discussion of the weather.
  2. 2 Send the same number of messages. You shouldn't send more messages than you receive replies.
    • Too many messages indicate that you are very impatient and available. It may seem to her that you are pushing too much. She can either get scared or lose interest.
    • On the other hand, too short SMS is not good either. It may seem that you are not interested enough, or she may assume that you are texting many girls at the same time and decides to interrupt communication with you.
    • Therefore, you need to find a middle ground. Therefore you need to find a balance by sending a roughly equal number of text messages, with the balance tipped slightly in her direction if possible.
    • You also need to pay attention to who is the initiator of the beginning and end of messages.
  3. 3 Pay attention to grammar and spelling. You must leave the impression of an intelligent and competent interlocutor. Teenagers may not pay attention to this, but if you are over 18, then try to write more literately.
    • You don't have to look up difficult words in a dictionary to sound smart, just go through each text with your eyes before sending.
    • Punctuation plays a huge role in how the text is interpreted. For example, if a girl sent you a photo in a new dress, then the word "wow!" sounds more inspirational than writing '' wow '. And '' I like ... '' sounds more intriguing than just 'I like'.
    • Don't overdo it with exclamation marks, emoticons, etc. –They are only effective if used appropriately.
  4. 4 Stop the conversation if it gets boring. The ability to end a conversation beautifully is an important skill.
    • If you have been sending messages to each other for a long time, then the conversation gradually fades away and becomes boring.
    • End the conversation nicely. It is a beautiful goodbye that a girl will remember most of all
    • End the conversation with something like: “We need to go baby, we'll talk tomorrow. Take care of youself!" or ‘’ Need some sleep. See you in my dreams! ”.
  5. 5 A flirty goodbye will complete what we have begun. Don't use text flirting instead of real flirting. The lyrics just have to complement the real flirting.
    • While sending messages is great (sometimes you can say in a message what you are embarrassed to say in person), there is nothing mesmerizing than flirting face to face.
    • Make an appointment using text messages. Then the messages will make sense and both of you will be looking forward to a future meeting.
    • Remember that long-term eye contact, a charming smile, and the touch of your hands are much better than words on a monitor.


  • Tell the girls jokes. Girls love humor.
  • Don't be afraid to reply to a girl's messages! If you don’t unsubscribe, the girl will think that you don’t like her and will switch to someone else.
  • Be yourself!
  • If she doesn't respond to your messages or doesn't respond to them in a playful tone, chances are you shouldn't flirt with her any further. For example, if she answers in monosyllables, it's time to quietly turn off the conversation.