How to farm in Clash of Clans

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
5 Best Farming Strategies in Clash of Clans!
Video: 5 Best Farming Strategies in Clash of Clans!


Clash of Clans is a great game, but what about when upgrades start to get expensive? Waiting for the necessary resources to accumulate can drag on for days in the later stages of the game. This is where farming comes in handy. Farming is a technique of deliberately lowering one's level in order to be able to attack weaker players and steal the necessary resources. Skip to step 1 below to learn how to farm efficiently and get the upgrades you need.


Part 1 of 4: Getting Ready to Farm

  1. 1 Understand the basics of farming. Farming is a term used to describe attacks on weaker cities in order to take resources from them. It includes deliberate defeats in order to descend to lower levels. This gives you the ability to attack weaker opponents. Since Clash of Clans has several systems that try to prevent farming, there are a few things that need to be tweaked to our advantage.
    • Farming is based on trophies and the level of your town hall. You receive penalties for attacking cities where the town hall level is more than two below yours. Therefore, you will have to keep your level and trophies at a certain level. More on this later.
  2. 2 Prepare your city. Before you start farming, you need to make sure that your city is properly prepared to defend resources, and allows you to lose enough to sink to the level at which you want to be. There are several strategies to keep in mind when building a city.
    • Protect your vaults. Since you are farming resources, you don't want your loot to go to a lucky invader. Place your vaults in the center of the city, surrounding them with several walls and various defenses.
    • Place the town hall outside the walls.It may seem like it will only hurt, but that's the point. Not only will this give you more storage space outside your walls, but it will also allow other players to quickly reduce your trophy count, which is very important in order to stay at your desired level.
    • Scatter resource buildings all over the base. Don't put them all together.
    • Place high-level resource collectors outside the walls and leave the rest behind them. Check every 6-8 hours and collect resources from collectors.
  3. 3 Earn the achievement Taste of Victory. It is given after you have earned a certain number of trophies in multiplayer mode, and it gives you almost enough crystals to buy the third builder's hut. This is important in order to continually improve your city.
  4. 4 Earn around 1100-1200 trophies. This is generally recognized as the ideal range for farming. It allows you to earn a significant amount of resources and not overlap with opponents that are too strong. If you have a good army and a strong base, you can go up to 2000-2500 trophies. More loot can usually be found here, especially Dark Elixir.
  5. 5 Take your time to improve your town hall. The level of the town hall determines the amount of loot you can get from raiding other cities. If you attack a city with a town hall two levels below yours, you will only get 50% of the loot, whereas if you attack a city three levels higher than yours, you will get twice as much loot.
    • Upgrade to the limit each of your defenses, military structures and walls before upgrading the town hall.
    • Usually, level 5-7 town halls are best suited for farming.

Part 2 of 4: Building an Army

  1. 1 Build at least 4 barracks. You will need to constantly strengthen your army in order to reduce the time between attacks as much as possible. With four barracks, you can recover most of your army by the time the first attack ends.
  2. 2 Find a good lineup of troops. There is a lot of disagreement about which army composition is best for farming, but in general you will need a combination of goblins, archers, barbarians, giants, and wallbreakers.
    • Giants are expensive, so it's worth adding only a couple.
    • At the first levels, use armies with a large number of barbarians.
    • Goblins are usually the most used at later levels, although some strategies rely more on archers.
    • As the level of the town hall rises, the maximum size of the army will increase, allowing you to add a variety of units.
  3. 3 Also consider using minions. They're quick to learn and inexpensive, so they're great for building your strength up quickly. They can be very useful if you want to farm as fast as possible, as you can quickly recover troops between fights.
  4. 4 Know the value of your army. When deciding whether or not to attack a city, it will be useful to know how much your army is worth. Calculate the total cost of the attacking army, and then find 1/3 of that value (this will help you determine when it's time to retreat). You don't want the loot to be less than the cost of the soldiers you lost.

Part 3 of 4: Finding Goals

  1. 1 Look for specific types of resources. You will be much more successful if you focus on a certain type of resource when farming instead of attacking cities with a wide range of resources. The wide variety of resources in your city also makes you a target for other farmers.
    • Pay attention to the next improvement you need and focus on the appropriate resource.
  2. 2 Take a look at the total resources. Ideally, the city that you want to attack should have 100 thousand units of the resource that you need, and not require a large army to capture. You can also look for cities that have more resources and weaker defenses.
  3. 3 Look for inactive cities. These are the best targets you can find.Usually you can get more income from them with minimal effort.
    • If a city has gray league shields, then it has been inactive for at least the current season.
    • If the builders' huts are "sleeping", the player is most likely not paying attention to the base.
    • Look for round numbers of your prey. This usually indicates that the warehouses are empty and the pickers are full. This means that they will become an easy target.
  4. 4 Look at the town hall level. Always keep in mind the level of the enemy's town hall. You are fined 10% for attacking a town hall one level lower and 50% for a town hall two levels lower. If you think you can handle it, you can attack the town halls with a higher level. You will receive a bonus reward for them.

Part 4 of 4: Attacking Cities

  1. 1 Attack collectors. This is usually best suited for farming, as collectors are easier to attack than warehouses. Make sure to only attack cities with full collectors.
  2. 2 Attack warehouses. If you cannot find a city with full collectors, you will have to attack warehouses. Try to find a city where the layout of buildings is poorly optimized, or where warehouses are poorly protected, so that you have enough time to destroy them and pick up the loot.
  3. 3 Withdraw troops little by little. Send troops in groups of five or so to minimize the effects of mortars and warlock towers, which can wreak havoc in large groups.
    • Use giants as a distraction as they can absorb a lot of damage.
    • Try not to take out wall breakers if there are mortars nearby.
  4. 4 Concentrate on your loot. Once the attack has begun, you need to concentrate primarily on the loot. Destroy collectors or vaults depending on the type of attack. This usually raises your destruction rating by 30%.
  5. 5 Try not to use spells. They can turn the tide of battle, but they can be very expensive. Try not to use spells at all if possible, or you risk not getting any income from the attack.
  6. 6 Get your destruction rating up to 50%. Use archers to destroy unprotected buildings and raise your rating to about 50%. This will help you win a few trophies to keep the number within limits.
  7. 7 Maintain the level of trophies. Try to stay in the 1100-1200 range all the time. If you start going beyond 1200, specifically lose a few fights to lower the value. If you climb too high, it will be extremely difficult for you to find a suitable target for farming.
    • You can throw battles after you have obtained the necessary resources so as not to rise too high in the rating.