How to jungle in League of Legends

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO JUNGLE - The BEST Beginners Jungle Guide for Season 11! - League of Legends
Video: HOW TO JUNGLE - The BEST Beginners Jungle Guide for Season 11! - League of Legends


In League of Legends, a "jungler" is a player who does not play on the lane (upper, middle or lower) and engage in battles with opponents, but earns gold and experience by killing neutral monsters encountered in the jungle of the Summoner's Rift location. So far this role optional for a team to win or participate in a game, but it is currently a standard part of Summoner's Rift strategy. The amount of gold and experience gained by the team is increased due to jungling, the possibility of ambushing or "ganking" the enemy in the lanes is very important for matches at high levels.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing a Champion and Build

  1. 1 In League of Legends, one of the most important parts of jungling (especially in Jungle Season 5) is choosing the most suitable champion. Choose a champion with skills to survive in the jungle, such as life steal, shields, and / or health regeneration. Junglers are such heroes as Warwick, Master Yi, Wai, Li Xing, Rek-Sai, Cho-Gat, Pantheon and many others.
  2. 2 Jungle items. Any jungler should first have a hunter's machete, the maximum amount of health potions you can buy, and a warding trinket accessory (you will probably need to buy yellow first, and later red). Choose the one that best suits your play style and the champion you are playing. You need to enchant the item as soon as possible, depending on the champion and the desired stats (see the section on item build).
    • The Drifter's Guide is useful for jungle support as it grants a lot of health and mana from jungle camp.
    • The Poacher's Knife rewards Junglers for destroying enemy jungle camps. Be careful, because as soon as the enemy team sees this item in your inventory, they will be waiting for you in their jungle.
    • Pursuing Blade allows you to "Smite" an enemy champion and apply a slow that is useful for ganking and chasing enemies.
    • The Teaser Saber also allows you to Smite an enemy Champion and tag them for 4 seconds. The mark grants vision to the champion and allows you to deal strong pure damage with basic attacks.
  3. 3 Item build. The decision to buy an item should be based on three factors: the champion you are playing, the composition of your team, and the composition of the opposing team.
    • Your champion:
      • For those junglers who are supposed to do the most physical damage (for example, Master Yi), create items with attack damage.
      • Those junglers who deal more magic damage (like Fiddlesticks) should create items that increase power.
      • Some junglers, such as Amumu, are best at crafting health, defense, and / or magic resistance items (also known as "craft tanks").
    • Enemy team composition:
      • If the enemy team is mostly AD champions (dealing damage with attacks), consider crafting armor.
      • Likewise, if the opposing team has mostly magic-dealing champions, build up magic resistance.
      • If you are betting on attack damage and the enemy team is creating a lot of armor, buy at least one item to overcome the defense. Last Breath, Youmuu's Ghostblade and Black Ax are some good examples.
      • Also, if you focus on magic damage, and the enemy team on protection from magic, create an item of magic resistance (for example, Pursuing Mask or Staff of the Abyss).
    • The composition of your team:
      • It's good to have a balance in your team in terms of power attacks, magic damage and tank stats. If you have already pumped physical and magical damage, you can contribute to the team by adding characteristics to some tanks and making "peeling" to your "tractors".
      • If your team needs a variety of vehicles to attack by force or magic, choose to create one that suits your champion the best.
  4. 4 Take a smythe. He will help you kill large monsters, and help the team with the goals "Dragon" and "Baron" (read below). Since Smythe deals significant physical damage, it can be used to finish off a large monster without fear of an enemy player stealing the kill. As the second spell of the summoner, flash or ghost is most often chosen. Some champions can use Teleport, Ignite, or Drain as another summoner spell. For example, many Shaco players take Ignite or Exhaustion, increasing the champion's aggressiveness and kill potential early in the game.
  5. 5 Choose skills specific to jungling. Create a new Mastery Page and allocate points based on survivability (Health / Armor / Regeneration) and monster damage. The “must-have” skills for this role are Butcher, Summoners Resolve, Tough Skin, Bladed Armor, and Hardiness. Be aware that the strength of these skills will decline towards the end of the game.
  6. 6 Choose the runes that suit your champion. Perhaps you want to increase your survivability, do more damage, or move faster around the map. Before the match, you will need to set up a specific rune page for the jungler role. Typical rune distributions are Flat Armor Seals, Flat Damage Marks, Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs, and Movement Speed ​​Quintessences. But you must customize these runes for your champion and playstyle as suggested in the item build section.
  7. 7 Buy wards. If you have gold left after purchase or challenge, buy Stealth Wards and / or Vision Wards. Wards can be extremely beneficial if you know how to use them. Being able to see enemy champions in their jungle or river will help tip the life-or-death balance in your favor, allowing your team to avoid ganking. Most often, wards are placed by the river, by the dragons and the Baron. Some craftsmen even use wards for counter-jungling.

Method 2 of 3: Routes and Tactics

  1. 1 Start with thunder or circle. If you can build the first camp on the nearest lane, it will help you: it will increase the speed and safety of your first clear. Use potions as soon as you take damage to maintain your health. After clearing your jungle (especially if you have low HP), you must upgrade your hunter machete to one of the four jungle items that were mentioned earlier. Remember that "blue" and "red" targets appear every 5 minutes, so notice when they were killed. The constant use of buffs from them will greatly help your champion in jungling and ganking. Therefore, continue to clear your jungle from constantly appearing monsters.
  2. 2 "Gankaite" the opponents who have beaten the team-mates of the champions. "Ganking" is a surprise attack on an enemy from an ambush, from the side or from behind. Usually, teammates themselves call to gank if an enemy player gets too close to your tower. But a good jungler should himself constantly monitor the minimap for such situations. Chat with your peers about ganking or pings on the map.
  3. 3 Coordinate with your teammates to find enemy wards. The opponent's ward will see that you are about to gank and nullify all your efforts. If your teammates need a gank, have them set up a pink ward to show the enemy wards.
  4. 4 Counter-ganking. If the opponents decide to gank on any of your lanes, remember that such a fight will not last long. Find out about this as early as possible and move in the direction of the battle to help. Even if you are late for a skirmish, you may have the opportunity to finish off an enemy champion who is low on health or you can save an ally.
  5. 5 Farm on the lanes when there are no partners. If your teammates are busy buying items or are just far away on the map, the lane minions will begin to approach your tower. Come up and give them a boost - this will give you additional gold and experience. Just check with the lane player first so they don't get angry when they return. If you are going to "push through" the line, do your best to suppress the wave of minions all the way to the enemy tower so that experience and gold do not go to the enemy.
  6. 6 Watch out for global goals - Dragon and Baron. Killing these boss-like neutral monsters provides gold and experience for the team, which can help you last longer in the game. The dragon spawns every 6 minutes for 3 minutes 30 seconds, and the Baron spawns every 7 minutes for 20 minutes. Both of these goals are preferable for the whole team, rather than for one player (especially the Baron). A good tactic is to place a pink ward in the area to prevent the enemy from noticing and coming before you for these purposes. This is best done when your team has more map control than the enemy.

Method 3 of 3: Advanced Tactics

  1. 1 Take the blue buff for your mid lane. Mid lane champions usually rely on mana, so they will benefit immensely from the blue buff's Mana Regeneration and Cooldown Reduction (technically known as "Crest of Insight"). Decide to share - ping the blue golem so that your mid lane partners can see it and come to help you.
  2. 2 Steal an enemy red or blue buff. Besides the fact that it will benefit you, bringing additional experience and gold, it will also deprive your opponent of the advantages. The easiest way to achieve this is by warding in the enemy jungle, so that you know what is there and how. A strong player can not only regularly receive buffs from "respawns", but also steal them from the enemy for maximum efficiency. When you go to steal a buff, watch out for enemies in the nearest lines and retreat if you see them coming towards you.
  3. 3 Check the enemy's belongings. As soon as the enemy appears on the map, you will see his actual items. Check if there are any enemies with wards and try to figure out if they have installed a ward. Evaluate which lane is more suitable for ganking. For example, if you see a bot on the lane without a ward, this is a great opportunity to gank it, because it sees a very limited area.
  4. 4 Learn counter-jungling. Counter-jungling is the "farming" of the enemy jungle. With this method, opponents will receive less experience and gold, which will make them weaker. Note that opponents can do the same to you if you enter their territory.


  • When teammates call for a gank (usually honking, pinging an enemy champion), it is recommended to join them. Ganks are needed when it is difficult for comrades-in-arms to resist the enemy on the line.Ganking for a lane will show the current card and if you successfully gank and kill the enemy, this will give the lane player a chance to face the enemy next time.
  • Remember the mechanics of the game. Lasthit, kite, map and location observation - all these factors will help you stand out in the game, regardless of the role.
  • Don't go into the jungle if you feel insecure. Play differently or together against bots, like a jungler, to get used to the game. If you want to play "ranked" games, you must be advanced in this.
  • Often times, when things go wrong, players tend to blame the junglers. If this happens to you, don't be discouraged. Better focus on the late game. Many games do not start well, but ultimately your team will be significantly stronger in team fights towards the end of the game.
  • Analyze previous games not only for "how bad it is," but also how you can improve the situation to get a better result. Download a replay on LoLReplay and watch all your previously played matches or watch videos of cool players on the stream service
  • Players often fail lines. This happens when they call you for a gank, which is not in the best interest of the team. A frequently killed player is less valuable to the opposing team (via the gold Bounty bonus) than a player who kills multiple times in a row. It is better to focus on the winning lines than on the already lost one. The jungler has to make this choice on a regular basis.