How to be friends with everyone

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You
Video: The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You


Although psychological research has shown that people tend to get along better with people who have similar physical and biological traits to them, it is also possible to befriend people of very different types. The trick is that for this you need to have a broad outlook, be understanding and sociable. Read this article to learn how to make friends with different groups of people!


Part 1 of 3: How to Make New Friends

  1. 1 Develop your interests. In order to be friends with a wide range of people, you must have a wide range of interests. With a wider range of interests, you will be more likely to have something in common with a large number of people, which will make it easier for you to start and maintain a conversation, and also make connections with great potential for the future. For this you can enroll in a choir. Or volunteer at a local hospital. Or start painting in your spare time. Or learn to play the guitar. Join the football team. If you've ever wanted to do something, this would be a good reason to do it.
    • Study the personality of the people in the company you are trying to befriend. Find out what unites them. Perhaps it is a joint activity (for example, an English language club, publications in magazines, playing musical instruments together) or a harmonious balance of personality traits (sociability, friendliness, calmness, and so on)? If you share these similarities with the company, then let your interests, personality, whatever shine through.
  2. 2 Get in the habit of writing down other people's contact information. When it comes to meeting new people, most people get pretty shy. They tend to automatically assume that you are not interested in friendship until you reassure them otherwise. Take a risk, meet people and ask for their phone numbers, Twitter or Instagram usernames, or offer them Facebook friendships. Friendship online is the first step to becoming friends in real life.
    • And then, when you exchange contact information, you can invite each other to hang out in some pleasant place or to a simple casual small talk on the Internet.The more you talk to each other, the more comfortable it will be for you to meet at school or wherever you originally met.
  3. 3 Don't wait for invitations, invite yourself. When inviting people to spend time with you, be friendly and active. Also, think carefully about where and when you would like to gather. If you want to be friends with everyone, you must join groups and be empathetic to people's habits. Again, people get nervous and shy around new people. They may want to hang out with you, but be too timid to ask.
    • Be in the community often to be able to hang out with different groups. However, be aware that trying to make friends with everyone can be very time consuming and energy intensive because you have to be friendly, outgoing and willing to spend a lot of time with people, leaving very little time for yourself.
    • Remember that you don't have to be outgoing to be good people; It's okay to be shy and reserved and still have friends of your own. However, if your goal is to make friends with a lot of people, you will have to put all your efforts into this.
  4. 4 Accept any invitations. There is a saying that says, "If you stop accepting invitations, they will stop inviting you." And it makes perfect sense; Would you keep inviting friends who would turn you down over and over again? So, in the process of making new acquaintances (especially at the very beginning), accept all the invitations that you will receive. How else do you think friendship should grow and develop?
    • Remember that all groups are different. They will use different words, find different things funny or acceptable, or have very different ways of spending their time. Stick to what's right for each group and act accordingly, but don't change yourself just to fit in. You are who you are.
  5. 5 Smile and remember the name of each member of the group. When you have many friends, you will have a lot of information circulating in your head. Is that Hayley who loves rock music? Are Paul and Vin playing lacrosse? When you are around your new friends (or potential new friends) use their names, ask them what you already know about them and just smile. They will feel special seeing you remember so much about them.
    • One of the easiest things you can do to make good friends is to smile and just be happy. Joke, laugh, and help the group have a great time. Once they understand that you are a cheerful and upbeat person, you will all become friends.

Part 2 of 3: What to Talk to New People

  1. 1 Talk about the environment or event you are in. Keeping small conversations with people you don't know very well is one of the hardest parts of making new friendships. To start a conversation, simply comment on what's going on around the both of you or the event. Talk about your teacher's buzzing voice or how you still can't believe Michelle is wearing this costume. You don't have to talk a lot; communication will get better and better from now on.
    • Even the phrase "how I love this song!" can break the ice in communication. When the two of you start singing at the top of your voice, that will be the beginning of your friendship.
  2. 2 Ask questions that imply a detailed answer. To throw the ball even further, start asking such questions to the person or people you are talking to so that they cannot just answer yes or no, as monosyllabic answers will kill any conversation in the process. What do they think of the big event that is about to start? What do they know about what's going to happen?
    • Ask people about their weekend plans.If they seem suitable for you to join, you can express your interest in this activity and see if you are invited. If not, then you should invoke all of your analytical qualities to weigh the pros and cons as to whether you should speak frankly and honestly to invite to join. Be careful about constantly following on the heels - this can annoy some people.
  3. 3 Listen sincerely. When was the last time someone looked you in the eye and smiled and asked how you were doing and really meant it? Real listeners are hard to find, especially these days when everyone's eyes are tied to their phones. When someone speaks, give them your attention. They will feel it and appreciate it.
    • Being genuinely interested in another person is one of the best ways to show that you like the person and that you care. Even if they're just complaining about their mom, support them. Help them laugh about it. Everyone needs a shoulder from time to time, and you could be that shoulder.
  4. 4 Compliment. In addition to helping people feel important in order to break the ice in communication, you can also give them a couple of compliments. The phrase “Hey, I like these shoes! Where did you get them? " is an easy way to start a conversation. Your compliment can be one of the brightest moments for them on this day. Who knows?
    • Think about your friends. Which of them do you associate with the positive, and which with the negative? Most likely, the answer will not take you too long. Now listen carefully: if you want to associate with the positive, give compliments.
  5. 5 Make time for everyone. Now you have a bunch of friends. As soon as you attracted them into your life, the main battle began in which you will have to devote your time to each of your friends. If you have a ready-made schedule, great. Monday for the choir friends, Tuesday for the soccer friends, and so on. If you haven't seen certain friends for a while, call them and offer to meet!
    • This is the main disadvantage of being friends with everyone; they all want a piece of your time. If active communication starts to drain you, don't ignore the symptoms. Spend some time on yourself and refueling. Your real friends will be patient and ready to meet you when you are ready.

Part 3 of 3: How to be a good friend

  1. 1 Be the kind of friend you yourself would like to have. Friendship with everyone is not about being a member of a popular group or demanding respect and being arrogant; it is about being a nice and good friend. If you want to please everyone, behave the way you would like people to behave towards you. What qualities do you think a person should have in order to please everyone?
    • Being attentive and responsive is a good start. If someone missed a day at school, offer them your notes. Do they need to go somewhere? This is also a good opportunity for you. Who knows? When you need something, they can help you in return.
  2. 2 Make them feel good. Most of us struggle with self-perception issues. We all have days when we are not very happy with ourselves. But when we meet someone who wants to be our friend and who makes our life a little more fun, we can easily perk up. Make your new friends feel good by actively inviting them to spend time together, complimenting them and doing your best to be friends. Write them SMS from time to time, send letters and just let them understand that you are with them and are always ready to support them.
    • Even your simple support can change their lives. Recent research has shown that not only can having one good friend make you much happier, but it can also extend your life.Moreover, one good friend brings happiness comparable to what if we were receiving $ 100,000 a year. Just being around them not for yourself is a real gift.
  3. 3 Look for the good in people. Keep in mind that in the process of making friends with almost everyone, you will come across different personalities, attitudes, opinions and interests of people. You yourself must be open and pleasant enough to be able to enjoy communicating with different people, even if you cannot agree with them 100% in everything. Focus on their good qualities and what you like about them, not what you dislike or disagree with.
    • Be polite so that you can respectfully disagree with what you disagree with. You don't have to give up your views and opinions, but make sure you don't express them in a rude or offensive manner towards others.
  4. 4 Work to maintain friendship. Since you have so many friends, it's perfectly normal that sometimes you find it difficult to maintain friendships. Moreover, friends come and go; most studies show that half of any social circle dissipates within 7 years. If you have several friends with whom you want to keep your relationship, you will have to work on it. Invite them to spend time together for no reason, call them and stay in touch. It's a two-way street, after all.
    • And if your friends are far away from you, then you will have to work even more to maintain the relationship. Studies show, while logical, friendships at a distance fall apart more quickly and are usually replaced by friendships with those who are around. So keep messaging, keeping in touch via social media and making phone calls. You two can still be friends if you need to.
  5. 5 Don't speak badly about people or gossip too much. While it might just be an interesting two-minute conversation, you never know who you might offend or what bridges you burned behind you. In addition, if you always speak badly of others, people will pay attention to it and will doubt about you, because how will they know that you are not saying bad things about them if they are not around?
    • Be a nice person and follow the golden rule, “Treat people the way you want to be treated,” and friends will find you on their own.
  6. 6 Don't take it personally if not everyone wants to be your friend. If you notice that you are being excluded from plans or you learn about events after they have already occurred, understand that people may deliberately try to exclude you, although they may hide it. While you may perceive this as an offensive act, others are not required to be your friends, and if they feel that your personality does not suit them, then they have every right to decide whether they should include you or not. Forget about trying hard to join this group and move on to find other friends.
    • If you find that in order to be part of the group, you constantly have to ask a certain member about the plans for the weekend, change tactics and communicate with other people in the group that you know. Alternatively, you can invite certain people to hang out and listen to what they have to say. If your invitation conflicts with existing plans, they may invite you to join them. If your invitation turns out to be better than the existing plans, you will eventually be able to spend time with the group as well.


  • Don't be afraid to talk to people. Meeting strangers is the best way to make new friends!
  • If someone wants to be alone for a period of time, respect that desire and leave the person alone. Avoid being intrusive.
  • Be sure to keep your body clean. Take a shower every day. Wash your face, brush your teeth. Practice good hygiene no matter what.
  • Ignoring old friends is a very bad thing you can do. Just try to be kind. If you have several best friends or one best friend, never lose them.
  • Never assume that all people fit into the classification of "Master", "Goth", "Student" and so on. By classifying people in this way, you can often hurt people's feelings. Even if they call themselves one of these names with pride, do not call them that. Respect the right of such people to voice disrespect to themselves, but do not copy them.
  • Be polite to everyone, even if it's a simple “Sorry”.
  • Don't force the process. Just live your day as usual with the thought that today you can make some new friends. After all, sometimes what we desire most comes to us when we least expect it.
  • If you want to befriend someone, compliment them or make small talk with them, and then introduce yourself. This will help make the process less awkward for you.


  • Just don't forget who your real friends are. Don't be friends with people just because they hold a job or are just very popular.
  • You may not be liked by everyone, but these are the problems of these people, not yours. You can't force anyone to want to communicate with you, so don't force it. Things will only get worse!
  • It can be difficult to be friends with everyone, because not all friends can get along with each other. You may feel that you are torn between friends, for example, when you cannot determine with whom to spend time, if all friends cannot be gathered in one company.
  • If, for whatever reason, you are unable to keep living on the required schedule, then friends will quickly begin to disappear. Try to make a couple of real friends, or perhaps you can just become good acquaintances with all your friends.
  • It is impossible to be with friends all the time. Everyone divides their social circle into friends and acquaintances. You may often have to leave a party alone to go to another party alone as well. You will, of course, meet friends there, but you cannot be socially mobile except alone.