How to silence your brother or sister

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Brother catches sister dancing
Video: Brother catches sister dancing


You are relaxing or having a romantic conversation with your loved one on the phone, when suddenly your brother or sister comes in and spoils everything. Such situations can occur quite often. Chances are, you are wondering how to deal with it. After reading this article, you will learn how to behave correctly to avoid conflict with your brother or sister and still silence him or her.


Method 1 of 3: Behave Properly

  1. 1 Ignore your brother or sister. If your brother or sister teases you, or tries to provoke you into conflict with their actions, they most likely want you to pay attention to them. However, it is wise of you to simply ignore such attempts. Be above their attempts to challenge you. Try not to pay attention.
    • Remember that you are a worthy person. If a sibling wants to humiliate you and hurt you, then the problem is him (her), not you.
    • If you follow the lead of a brother (sister), you are unlikely to solve the problem. Do not respond with an insult to an insult. Just ignore the attempts of a loved one to provoke you into conflict.
    • Do whatever you can to prevent your brother or sister from knowing that they are hurting your feelings. It is absolutely normal to feel pain that a loved one does this to you. However, remember that if you show this, your brother (sister) will only be glad.
  2. 2 Try to get away. Go to your room. If your brother (sister) is following you, ask him (her) to leave your room. If the room is your personal space, your parents are likely to be on your side when you ask your sibling to leave. In some cases, this is the best solution. Alternatively, you can go to another room where your brother or sister will not bother you.
  3. 3 Try to distract yourself. You can go on business so as not to see your brother (sister). If your parents are afraid to let you go alone, take a friend with you. Wear headphones to avoid hearing your relative. This will help you not to react to your brother or sister.As mentioned above, the less you react to your brother or sister, the more likely they are to leave you alone. If you are busy with something else, then the brother (sister) will not annoy you.
  4. 4 Protect yourself. If you are having trouble silencing your brother or sister with the above methods, do your best to protect yourself. If a relative teases or bullies you, take a firm stand and protect yourself.
    • You have the right to demand that your family members treat you with respect. If a brother or sister teases you, then they violate your rights. Therefore, you have every right to stand up for yourself and defend your rights.
    • As mentioned above, do not stoop to the level of brothers and sisters and do not return insults to them. However, you have the right to defend yourself if a relative offends you. If your brother or sister is struggling to calm down, say firmly that you don't like the behavior. For example, if your brother or sister is making fun of you because of the shirt you are wearing, you might say, “This is my shirt and I like it. And that's all that really matters. You're just laughing at me instead of giving constructive advice on how to dress properly. "
  5. 5 Try to laugh it off. If your brother or sister teases you, try to laugh it off. This will show that you are not offended by their words and actions. Plus, humor on your part will undermine the relative's overconfidence.
    • Treat your brother's words with humor. This will show that you are not afraid to admit your own shortcomings. Your relative may tease you because of self-doubt. You will most likely surprise your brother or sister with your equanimity.
    • Let's go back to the shirt example. If a brother or sister keeps saying that you have a funny shirt, you can say, “I agree that I don’t know how to choose clothes. But I think bad taste is not the worst thing that can happen to a person! "
  6. 6 Listen for as long as possible. You may sometimes calmly react when your brother or sister speaks incessantly. If so, listen as long as possible. As you listen to your brother or sister, try to understand why he or she wants to communicate with you. Is your brother or sister making fun of you? Why is he or she doing this? They want to convey to you some idea, but do not know how to do it correctly? Can you help your relative to express their thoughts more accurately?

Method 2 of 3: Understand the problem

  1. 1 Talk about the problem correctly. If you often have conflicts with your brother (sister), you may want to understand the cause of this problem. Start by stating that the problem exists. Think about what you dislike about the current situation and why. Express your opinion, and then let your brother or sister express your point of view. If the brother (sister) starts talking, you can interrupt him (her) and say, "I don't like the way you are talking to me now" or "I think you dominate the conversation." Keep calm. If you act hostile and start yelling, you will only make the situation worse.
  2. 2 Speak using statements that begin with "I". If you are discussing a problem, be sure to use the pronoun "I". This will show that the problem affects your feelings and emotions. This is much more than a list of dry facts. If you argue about something using “I,” you are showing your brother that you want to express your emotions, and not just trying to superficially assess the problem that has arisen.
    • Express your emotions by starting a sentence with "I feel ...". After you say “I feel…”, describe your emotions and explain what causes these feelings and emotions. This will help your brother or sister treat you with an open mind, which will certainly help resolve the conflict. Don't jump to conclusions or shift the blame to your brother or sister.Instead, just talk about how you feel about the situation.
    • For example, don't say, "You acted unceremoniously when you yelled at me for not completing my homework." It’s better if you say, “I was very upset when you scolded me for my unfulfilled homework. This is real stress for me. "
  3. 3 End the conversation if necessary. In some cases, a sibling may express dissatisfaction even if you speak to them in a respectful manner. The relative may be hostile despite your best efforts to resolve the situation. If your brother continues to speak to you in an offensive tone, it is best to end the conversation in that situation. Say, “I don’t think we will come to a consensus on this issue. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. ” Stop talking.

Method 3 of 3: Find Solutions to Serious Problems

  1. 1 Write down how you feel. If your brother (sister) very often interrupts or argues with you, then this may indicate that not everything is in order in your relationship. If you want to fix this problem, sit down and calmly talk to your brother or sister about it. Before doing this, write down your feelings so that it will be easier for you to describe how you are feeling when talking to your relative.
    • Make a list of situations where you have argued with your brother (sister) or he (she) kept talking. Make a long list and then cross out minor conflicts.
    • Think about serious conflicts, when your brother or sister caused you headaches or distracted you from important business with their conversations.
    • Also, think about what you want to achieve by talking to your brother or sister. What is the purpose of your conversation? What lessons should the brother / sister learn from your discussion?
  2. 2 Try to understand the point of view of the brother or sister. Before talking to a relative, think about your brother's position on the issue under discussion. Why is a brother or sister behaving aggressively towards you? What events influenced his attitude towards you? Have you been unfair to your brother or sister? In a conflict, as a rule, both sides are to blame. Try to understand what actions your mistake was in and what you can do to change the situation.
  3. 3 Talk to your brother or sister. Invite a brother or sister to sit down. Chat in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Tell your relative that you want to discuss a serious matter with them.
    • Turn off your TV and computer, and put your phone aside. Electronic devices can distract you. You can go astray very easily.
    • Choose a place that is comfortable for the conversation. For example, you can chat in your bedroom or living room. A calm environment will positively influence the flow of the conversation. It is unlikely that your conversation will end in conflict.
    • Choose the right time that is convenient for both of you. Avoid scheduling a conversation if your family member is in a hurry to get to work. Better to talk to him in the evening when he is free.
  4. 4 Take turns. It is very important to show respect during the conversation. Take turns expressing your feelings. Try not to interrupt each other. If a brother or sister interrupts you, you can say, "I'm sorry, but I haven't finished my thought yet."
    • Don't interrupt your brother (sister). Even if he or she says something that you disagree with or that hurts your feelings, show respect by listening to his or her point of view.
    • Avoid offensive words and criticism. Show respect as much as possible. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve the desired truce.
  5. 5 Be prepared to compromise. Your goal should be to resolve a conflict between you and your brother or sister. Be prepared to compromise. Look at the situation from your relative's point of view. After you both state your point of view, think about how you can solve the problem. Think about what each of you needs to change to improve your relationship.For example, you may often have conflicts with your sister because she doesn't like it when you spend time in her room. You can compromise by not going into her room after school and before bed. In turn, she may give in to you too, and agree to spend time with you on weekends or during the day.
    • Recognize that each of you has the right to have your own point of view on a particular issue. Conflicts sometimes arise because people have different points of view on a particular issue. Learn to respect your brother or sister's point of view. Acknowledge the fact that you may have different opinions on a particular issue. Listen to the point of view of your brother or sister. Take a keen interest in his or her opinion.
  6. 6 Stop the conversation if you see things heating up. Despite your best efforts, you may face misunderstandings from your brother or sister in the future. This is a problem for many families. Children grow up, and sometimes conflicts in the family grow with them. In some cases, it's best to end the conversation right away so that it doesn't escalate into a serious conflict. If you feel that you or your brother / sister are getting annoyed, just get up and leave the room.


  • If your brother / sister is younger than you, try to speak to him in a calm tone.
  • Do not argue with your brother, as this can exacerbate the conflict.
  • Buy a lock on your bedroom door. A brother or sister will not be able to enter your room and distract you.
  • Analyze your behavior. Perhaps it was you who, by your actions, provoked the conflict.
  • Leave the sibling for a few minutes to calm down.


  • Pay close attention to what your brother or sister says. If you hear that he or she mentions actions that could threaten their health or life, do not ignore it.
  • Finding a solution can lead to stress or new ideas that carry more risks.
  • Even if a brother (sister) promises that he will not bother you, be prepared for the fact that he (she) can do it. So keep reminding your family member how to deal with you the right way. Stick to your schedule, even if your brother or sister is around you.