How to choose a good name for your YouTube channel

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
YouTube Channel Names - 6 Steps to Pick Your Channel Name!
Video: YouTube Channel Names - 6 Steps to Pick Your Channel Name!


In this article, we'll show you how to choose a unique and memorable name for your YouTube channel. Good names are usually easy to pronounce, short and ambiguous. If you are ready to rely on chance, then use a special site with a name generator.


Method 1 of 2: How to come up with a name

  1. 1 Determine the qualities of a good name. YouTube channel names often emphasize catchiness, uniqueness and ease of remembering, as well as the connection with the content, which can be clearly identified from the still frames of the videos. This means that it is not always necessary to come up with a name that will combine several aspects at once.
    • In most cases, it is enough to come up with a funny and unusual pseudonym or nickname to create intrigue around your personality, describe the channel without further ado and facilitate the search process.
  2. 2 List your personality traits. To create your own YouTube channel, you need to learn how to promote yourself, so think about the applicable words and how you want to appear in front of viewers.
    • Perhaps you want to create a humorous channel and describe yourself as "mischievous," "prickly," "fidgety." In this case, you can call the channel "Sharp Thoughts" or "Mister Fidget".
    • Also add your unusual nicknames to the list.
  3. 3 Consider the qualities of your future materials. For example, if you want to devote your channel to analyzing horror movies with comic plot twists, you can use a lighthearted synonym for "horror" (for example, "horror stories").
    • If you are going to upload serious videos with deep analysis, it is better to do without such synonyms.
  4. 4 Try to limit yourself to three simple words. A large number of words, even if they are extremely appropriate and witty, are always difficult to remember, especially in cases where they are difficult to write and pronounce.
    • An exception to the rule is a name that is consonant with a well-known phrase (like "With a shield or on a shield"). If people know the phrase itself, it will be easy for them to remember your variation as well.
  5. 5 Use a play on words. Viewers are better at remembering witty names based on puns. Use rhymes, alliteration (repetitions of the first letter like "Awful supper"), synonyms. As a last resort, you can always rely on a good old pun.
    • For example, a culinary channel might be called “Macaroni Macaroni” or “Non-Spiritual Food”.
    • Other examples: "Periodic Coordinate System", "Kitchen Analytics", "Divan-TV", "Thoughtless Science".
    • Do not use overly veiled and non-obvious puns.
  6. 6 Experiment with single word names. Trending titles often consist of just one word that describes your channel. This is a daunting task, but this way users will surely remember the name.
    • Study the synonyms for the generic category name of your videos.
    • As examples of such a name, one can cite the "Discerner" or "Mystic" channels.
    • You can also create a fictitious word to get a hybrid word ("hinnie", "moped"). For example, you can combine the words RPG and Gamer to make RPGamer.
  7. 7 The name of the channel must match the content. If you manage to link the category of future videos to the title, it will be easier for viewers to understand what kind of content will appear on the channel.
    • It is not necessary in any way to try to reflect the genre of materials in the name of the channel. A sufficient number of popular authors use short and cryptic titles, and their videos are not secret.
    • If you want to create a channel about the history of art, then you can choose the title "Talking about history", but in this case, viewers will not be able to guess about the second component - art. Come up with a more specific title like Salvador Dali to make it easier for potential viewers to find your channel.
  8. 8 Make sure the name is easy to pronounce and remember. Word of mouth is an important way to promote your channel, and complex titles are difficult for users to remember. It's better to choose a name that is easy to remember so that viewers can easily pass it on from mouth to mouth.
    • For example, the word "Psychosomatotherapy" may seem like a great name for a channel about medicine, but "Healthy Advice" is a more literate option.
  9. 9 Beware of traps. When coming up with a name for your channel, beware of the following pitfalls:
    • Profanity and vulgarity - in some cases, YouTube does not block such names, only obscene language will become the reason why your channel will not be able to qualify for advertising or will receive an appropriate rating.
    • Long titles and clichés - The name "Technologies" for a channel about technical innovations may be accurate, but it will not be easy for potential viewers to pay attention to it, since the name should be intriguing.
    • Symbols and numbers - if your favorite name is already taken, it is often tempting to add your date of birth or something similar. With such a name, success cannot be earned.
  10. 10 Come up with several options. There is always a chance that the same idea has already occurred to someone else and your preferred option is busy. In such a situation, alternative names will come in handy.
    • If the name is already taken, then the site will warn you about this in the appropriate field.

Method 2 of 2: How to use the name generator

  1. 1 Open the Spin XO website. Follow the link in your browser. The Spin XO website allows you to specify various words and characteristics, based on which you can choose a new name and then check it for uniqueness.
  2. 2 Specify the components of the title. At the top of the page, fill in one or more fields:
    • Name or Nickname (name or nickname) - your real name, desired name or nickname.
    • What are you like? (your qualities) - optional. You can add a personal property (like "funny") or use a description for your feed's content type.
    • Hobbies? (hobbies) - optional. You can indicate your hobbies.
    • Things you Like (your preference) is an optional field. Here you can list nouns that reflect your preferences (for example, "whales, bananas, bicycles").
    • Important Words? (important words) - optional. Here you can specify a word that must be included in the channel name.
    • Numbers? (numbers) - Leave this field blank.
  3. 3 Click on SPIN! (create). The orange button is to the right of the text boxes. You will be presented with a list of 30 possible options.
  4. 4 Review the results. In the results section below the text boxes, select the options that apply.
    • If you don't like anything, click the button SPIN! (create) again with the same parameters.
    • You can also change the information in the text boxes to change the nature of the options.
  5. 5 Choose a title. Choose the title you like. This will open a check for the availability of this name by the Spin XO service, in order to find out in which networks it is already occupied.
  6. 6 Check availability for YouTube. The word “Available” or “Taken” will appear to the right of the name “Youtube”.
    • If this option is already taken, then you need to choose a different name.


  • Often the success of a channel is highly dependent on the name, so approach the selection process with extreme care.
  • Custom name variations will always be better than the generated examples.
  • Make the final decision based on the opinions of friends or family. You may like the name, but other people may find it unfortunate.

A warning

  • Never use your first and last name as the title of a YouTube channel.