How to Stop loving someone

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)
Video: How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)


If one day you find yourself still in love with your ex, or you are placing feelings on someone who doesn't reciprocate your love, nothing is unusual - even if you realize it's good - put the end for those feelings. Distance is key in solving the problem of how to stop loving someone. For unrequited love, you need to focus and tell yourself why the relationship was so hopeless, and seize the opportunity to meet new people. As for your ex, remind yourself of the reasons for the breakup and keep busy every time you start to feel sad. It is difficult to stop loving someone, but it takes time for your wound to heal.


Method 1 of 2: End an unrequited sentiment

  1. Limit contact. If you can control it, cut off contact with the person. This doesn't mean "do what you love to do;" you should just "do things that are in your control without making other aspects of your life difficult." If you fall in love with a colleague unrequited, refusing any interaction with him or her will only make your job harder. Just try to limit your possible exposure outside of work.
    • Stop calling, texting, emailing or using other forms to contact your love. If the person contacts you, either do not respond, or politely decline any offers to talk or meet. The relationship will quickly set distance and you will gradually work over your emotions.
    • Prepare reasonable reasons for skilfully refusing activities that you both participate in. If you are a co-worker, you may be invited by that person or other co-workers to a leisure, such as going out for a meal after work. Politely decline any offer for reasons such as feeling a bit tired or busy with something, whether it's true or not. Again, our goal is to increase the distance between the two of you. If you still refuse many times, they will not "make it difficult" for you.

  2. List the flaws and problems. After you've reduced your contact with the person you are in love with, reinforce that distance by examining the reasons for the hopeless relationship. The first thing is: he doesn't love you. There is no excuse to change this; This is the main cause when it comes to romance. Based on that, you can list more other reasons.
    • Focus first on the problems that might arise in the relationship. Think about the dilemmas of common friends, relatives, or coworkers. Write down facts like a contradictory schedule, think about the friends of your crush you dislike, and imagine having to see those people on a regular basis.
    • Add any shortcomings to complete this list. It is a good practice to list your shortcomings, but now is not the time to do this: it is like beating yourself up with the unnecessary things. Instead, think critically about the person you love. This is quite difficult because "when loving, they are round", but you should still try. Think about bad habits, attitudes toward life in which you disagree, and the times when you get frustrated with their words or actions.

  3. Pay attention to other people. After your mind is free from that one-sided love, it's time to start noticing the attractive people around you.Of course, not everyone can catch your eye, but that doesn't mean you can't fall in love with a gentle voice, a charming bust, or some interesting conversation. Give yourself the ability to consciously see a quality of attraction in people you see or meet. Soon you will realize that your heart has plenty of room for other romance.
    • Don't worry about finding a new person right away. During this time you just need to show that you can keep an eye on others rather than just someone who isn't worthy of you.
  4. Give me time and move on. When you stop nurturing incomplete love dreams, they will slowly wither and vanish. However, this will take a long time to achieve. Stick to your plan: open your heart to others, stay away from your crush, and remind yourself of your crush's problems and shortcomings whenever you feel weak. One morning when you wake up, you will find yourself no longer lingering, instead feeling eager to expect a new adventure.
    • If you fell in love with someone and were unable to enter a relationship with them, you may later find that you never truly loved that person - you are only strongly attracted. It can be difficult to develop true love for a person, especially when it comes from only one side. Boldly acknowledge this truth and work hard to achieve the goal that you have set, then your efforts will pay off.

Method 2 of 2: Forget your ex

  1. Focus on the difference between being 'in love' and 'falling in love."After a long time with your partner, it's hard to imagine that you won't feel any special connection with him or her even though you know you never want to be with them again. That is very normal. The crux of the matter is that you can finish the stage immersed in love with one person whether you are still to love that person. Keep this difference in mind so you can be more at ease with the rest of your emotions without feeling like they are the existence of a nonexistent ray of hope.
    • Think about your loved one. You love your parents and siblings but you never say that you love any of them. There is a lot of love in addition to love for boys and girls. Family affection is when you fondly remember someone and admit that a part of you will always love them. This is an "equilibrium", all you need to do is focus on getting rid of your passionate feelings from that "equilibrium". You don't have to turn your emotions upside down and rearrange things.
  2. Give me my own space. Breaking up brings loss for you both and you need time and space to avoid meeting your ex to completely get over it. Essentially, this means cutting off contact and not spending time with them unless it's required. Unfortunately, sometimes your ex is unable to do that. If they keep trying to reach you, make a separate appointment and tell them directly that you want them to stop contacting you.
    • Be clear and decisive. It may hurt you, but it's the best option. Remember that you will never come back - after all, for a reason (not even just one). No matter what your ex says, avoiding them is the best way for both of you in the long run. If he or she is not strong enough to accept, you are the one who needs to be strong for both.
    • Don't overdo it. Don't always be ready to take a stance; Don't attack them or lament them because they tried to get in touch with you. Take responsibility for yourself. You might say, “I really need time to stay away from you before I can settle down; I can't hold back if I keep seeing or talking to you now. " Focus on what you need to do instead of accusing or blaming.
  3. Take note of when you broke up. Writing is a way to get your thoughts and feelings out of your head, making them clearer and easier to handle. Some events in your life have the potential to become overwhelming, such as a long-term close relationship suddenly collapsing, so turn them into text on the paper. Describe the breakup; express how you felt when things went badly and weighed heavily on your chest. Write down everything to ease the pressure.
    • Make a list of your ex's dislikes and add them whenever you think of something else, even if they might overlap. Don't be too attentive on this list; Hatred is a meaningless and damaging feeling for your soul. We only use it as a way of relief, every time you feel your resolve shaky they are clear proof that reminds you of the cause of the breakup.
    • If you feel like you really can't stand it, write it down on paper and tear or burn the paper. This will help you get rid of bad experiences from your head.
  4. Make yourself busy. The absence of someone who used to be important creates gaps in your daily schedule. You should fill that time with things that are not related to your breakup or your ex. It's fine to spend that time picking up and mulling the past, but you'd better stop chewing on bad feelings over and over by keeping yourself busy.
    • Focus or increase your exercise regimen. Exercise is a great way to reduce negative moods - in some cases even with cold sore throat. Exercise safely, regularly and often throughout the week.
    • Socialize more. Communicate with old friends or make new friends by joining clubs and social events - this is how you enrich your social life, spend more time with next to those who love you. Realizing that you still have a place in your social relationships can help lighten your mind.
    • Choose your interests. It can be any activity, from collecting items to arranging them in a garage, as long as you can take the time to do it and see the results. Hobby helps us to convert our energy into something creative and positive. Even trying new makeup or outfits can be considered healthy interests.
  5. Meet new people. When everything is over, you'll have to go out and date again. Don't be in a rush because using someone as a "surrogate" is unfair to them and prevents you from fully coping with your true feelings. However, once you've fully mastered your feelings when you think about your ex, nothing can lift your spirits better than going out on dates and meeting new people. .
    • Join parties and social events to the extent you can. If you're not familiar with party organizers, look for dances, acoustic nights, free or low-cost social events and plan to attend. Don't forget to dress well, maybe you can meet your other half.
    • Sign up for online dating services. There are plenty of online buddies out there, although you can't guarantee that you'll meet your other partner, but this is a great way to schedule a date and try something new without having to be tied up right away. instantly. Go out to meet and have fun for you.


  • You can distract your thoughts with simple and passive activities such as watching TV, movies or video games, but don't neglect to build hobbies and socializing, otherwise you will waste life in a tasteless way.
  • Think about their mistakes and the bad things they did to you.
  • The longer you have been away from your crush, the easier it will be for you to learn to stop loving them.Between showing a slight rude to the person and indulging in their wishes and hurting ourselves, we should choose the option of being rude. To love someone, you must first love yourself.


  • Do not stealthily stalk your ex. That just makes it harder for your heart to heal.
  • Don't defame the person you are trying to forget. If you really have to, talk about it in private with someone you can trust, like a parent or a psychiatrist. Spreading your bitterness widely will only make things more negative for you in the long run.