How to get a woman's attention

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways To Grab A Woman’s Attention Without Talking | How To Attract Women Without Talking
Video: 10 Ways To Grab A Woman’s Attention Without Talking | How To Attract Women Without Talking


Would you like to make a lasting impression on women just by talking to them? Do you know what women love with their ears? In this article, we'll show you how to get a woman's attention through conversation.


Part 1 of 2: the plan

  1. 1 Try to catch her from the very beginning of the conversation. Of course, it depends on the woman and the situation, but try not to repeat the mistakes of other guys - do not burden her at the beginning of a conversation, do not be verbose and predictable. It will take about 75% of the entire conversation, maybe a little less. Your goal is to show your personality and impress. Try to keep the conversation fun, light, and playful. How do I start a conversation? There are many ways:
    • Cheeky, cheerful alpha male:
      • "I know you have heard this many times, but you are the most beautiful woman I have seen ... in the last three minutes."
      • "A friend of mine talked me into taking a walk today, and I am incredibly glad that he did it, because meeting you here and now ... it was worth it."
    • A little modest, timid guy:
      • "It may sound a little silly, I just blush a little at the sight of beautiful girls."
      • “I'm glad you're still here. For half an hour I was embarrassed to approach you, because it seemed to me that I would be shy in front of such a girl. "
    • An open, prosaic guy:
      • "Hi, my name is [name], what brings you here tonight?"
      • "And now I will introduce myself to you, and you will smile at me and let me buy you a drink, won't you?"
      • “I tried to find a reason to approach you, but I couldn't. Can I just tell you an interesting story? "
  2. 2 Don't talk about work, politics, or anything negative. Keep the conversation under control, but don't completely control it. Don't go to interviews with questions like "Where are you from?" or "What are you doing here?" Try to gently energize the conversation without getting personal.
    • If she touches on a subject that might lead the conversation in the wrong direction, gently change the subject. Say something funny and light to help change the subject.
    • If she continues to lead the conversation to a dead end, you have two ways out of this situation:
      • Maintain the topic of conversation if it is interesting to her.
      • Find a polite way to end this conversation and focus on someone else. A standard phrase will do "It was nice to talk to you".
  3. 3 Smoothly overcome the obstacles that arise. Many women may say they have a boyfriend, even if they don't, you just haven't hooked them yet. At the same time, many of those women who are said, told the truth, but this really can be considered an obstacle. But do not be discouraged, as there are no insurmountable obstacles. You will be able to walk around it smoothly.
    • If a woman says "I have a young man, I am not getting to know each other.", smile, say that it was pleasant for you to talk to her and move on to the next candidate. Not everything in life is smooth.
    • If she says "I have a boyfriend" and that's all, then you can say: "Fine, can I continue our conversation?"... If she says yes, go ahead. Life sometimes brings pleasant surprises.
    • Don't make it your goal to take a married woman's number for fun. You may not need this. If she has a boyfriend, then you probably want to switch your attention to the free lady, unless the woman really hooked you.
  4. 4 Never mind failure. Prepare in advance for the fact that you may not like her. If she likes you, that's a plus; if not, pay attention to other interesting girls.
    • If you take each refusal as a blow to your own ego, then each time you will be unpleasant, since reciprocity will not always be there. Refusal is also the norm. If you take rejection so personally, you may miss out on thousands of other opportunities that await you.

Part 2 of 2: Make a date

  1. 1 Don't be annoying. If she realizes, even for a second, that you are really sunk, it will put you at a disadvantage. Why? Because people love stuff his own worth, it makes the victory even sweeter.
    • There are many ways to show her that you are not clingy, the first step is to show that you know your worth (see above). Remember: this woman may be smart, funny and beautiful, but she is not the only woman in the universe. It did not work with one - it will work with the other.
    • Don't shower her with compliments. It is enough to make one compliment and the woman will already understand that you have fallen for her. In fact, smart women will understand this even without compliments. So try to avoid sentimental compliments and impress her with your wit and sense of humor.
  2. 2 Apply the method of "checking the opposite to gain favor." Here's how it works: Tell something about her that you believe is false. Then tell them that you don't like this quality in girls. Since this not however, she will begin to say that she is not at all like that. This is called validation. This method is used when they want to win someone's favor. This way you can earn her sympathy; unconsciously she will be drawn to you, because it will seem to her that you have something in common.
  3. 3 Relax and be nonchalant. Your main goal is entertainment, and you can also satisfy your ego by chatting about anything with a beautiful and interesting woman. Flirt, tease her, be a little cocky, if you have that image, use sarcasm (with a grin, so she will know that you are just kidding). Imagine you are talking to an old friend.
    • If you disagree with her words, tell her about it. In other words, don't be compliant. When you disagree, do not be rude and rude to her; just explain your position and argue your words. If you do it right, it will give you a topic for a new interesting conversation. If you are confident in yourself, you can tease her about her wrong position in the argument (a crooked smile is appropriate here, so smile).
    • Be cool. Very, very calm. As the captain of a ship, you know that you are heading towards your goal. Nothing can stop you, not even a rejection. You expect the best, but you are prepared for the worst. Why? Because you are calmer than Keats' poem!
  4. 4 When gluing girls, do not forget about the time. Why waste time on a conversation that doesn't even get you closer to your goal? In addition, she can be distracted, so every minute counts. With a little practice, you can get numbers not in minutes, but in seconds.
    • You may think that before asking for a number, it is better to talk for a few minutes, ask her to dance, etc. Because it is difficult to maintain a witty, continuous and lively conversation even with all the effort. Do not strike up a conversation if you have no serious goal in your plans!
  5. 5 Finally: constantly tell her how attractive she is. Pay attention to body language, dilated pupils, giggling, and touching. Regardless of their personality traits or intellectuality, women are quite good at using non-verbal signs. With a little practice, you can easily recognize them. Just follow your instincts, they usually don't fail. Thank you for your attention!


  • Never force a woman to do what she does not want. This will instantly take away her interest in you.
  • Practice! Try to strike up a conversation with a stranger on the street once a day. Remember your body language and tone that speaks of your interest in her!
  • Be confident, but not arrogant.