How to get to the North Pole

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get to the North Pole (Arctic) and South Pole (Antarctica)
Video: How to get to the North Pole (Arctic) and South Pole (Antarctica)


The North Pole is not for those who just want to see Santa Claus's workshop.It is extremely difficult for a person in this place, and the Arctic environment is one of the most difficult for people. But for those who have the means and the desire to get there, a trip to the North Pole can leave an unforgettable mark on your life. Here are some tips on where to start.


  1. 1 Think about how you will get to the North Pole. You can either take a plane or sail on an icebreaker.
  2. 2 Airplane: Most voyages to the North Pole leave from Longyearbyen in Svaldbard (Spitsbergen, Norway) in April, when the Arctic night is over, but the ice is still strong enough. Whichever flight you choose, the plane will stop close to the North Pole, so you have to get to it by ski, snowmobile or dog sled. Also, many planes do not land, but fly low over interesting places and sights.
  3. 3 Icebreaker: there are icebreakers that depart from Murmansk, and there are tours with a starting point in Helsinki or Moscow. Both in the first and in the second options you will have luxurious conditions, so for such a trip, be ready to sell an arm, a leg, a kidney, or all together and, possibly, your house in addition, since the cost of such a trip can be up to $ 25,000 per person !
  4. 4 Participation in the marathon: Every year the North Pole Marathon is held at the nearby Barneo Polar Station. The marathon program includes a short helicopter flight to the geographic North Pole.
  5. 5 Participation in the race: you can join The North Pole Race or The Polar Challenge to reach the Magnetic North Pole. These events usually cost tens of thousands of dollars to participate, but they include preparation and support during the competition.
  6. 6 Skiing: For the more seasoned traveler, there is a huge variety of options for "land" travel (on the ocean covered with ice): skiing, sledging (sometimes called "sleds") and camping on ice. You can take a "Extreme Difficulty" ski tour in which you will be dropped off from a helicopter 105 km from the North Pole and will have to ski for 1-2 weeks at a cost of approximately $ 20,000 or more. However, there are more difficult expeditions: they start from the coast of Canada or Russia, and travelers spend months getting to the North Pole on ice. The prices are, accordingly, considerable.


  • Do not forget that you are going to the Arctic, so take all the warmest clothes with you: jackets, warm headphones, boots, warm pants, gloves, a hat and a scarf.