How to gain respect

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make People Respect You
Video: How To Make People Respect You


Regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity, anyone can earn respect if they behave with dignity. You can't win the respect of others overnight, but you can earn it over time if you demonstrate self-confidence, leadership, reliability, and kindness. Along with these qualities, you must be willing to show respect for other people and, perhaps most importantly, respect yourself if you want to receive respect in return.


Method 1 of 3: Show Leadership

  1. 1 Improve your communication skills. Speak in a pleasant manner and engage the other person in the conversation. Learn to comfortably discuss a variety of topics. Do not swear, do not swear, and do not use such insertions as "well" or "type" as linking words.
    • To communicate is not only talking, but also listening. Continuous chatter is clearly not a sign of a respected person.Try to listen carefully to others and participate sincerely in the conversation to become a trustworthy person.
    • Take a moment to think before you speak.
  2. 2 Keep your emotions in check. Remain calm in tense situations and speak in an even, relaxed voice. Try to act rather than react emotionally. If possible, smooth out unpleasant situations and take time to think before instantly reacting to negative provocations.
    • Respected people know how to stay cool in tense conditions.
    • When arguing, control yourself so as not to aggravate the conflict, and if someone raises their voice at you, answer calmly.
  3. 3 Control your body language. Stand upright, look people directly in the eyes, and speak in an even, calm voice as you communicate. This will exude self-confidence, which will inspire great respect in people.
    • Conversely, stooping, mumbling, and fear of eye contact indicate that the person is not confident in himself. Self-confidence commands respect.
  4. 4 Solve problems. When faced with a problem, do not react emotionally or with noticeable frustration. Instead, concentrate on solving the problem and finding ways to solve it. Try not to complain or get angry - neither will help resolve the situation.
    • If others see you calmly find solutions to problems, rather than reacting hot-tempered or emotionally, they will respect your self-control and appreciate your willingness to fix things.
  5. 5 Take pride in your looks. Always maintain good hygiene and keep your clothes neat and clean. Take time to take care of yourself. Trim your nails, shower daily, always brush your teeth and floss.
    • If you don't take good care of yourself, people will think you have self-esteem problems.
    • If you do not respect yourself and your appearance, it will be very difficult for you to gain the respect of others.

Method 2 of 3: Stand Up for Yourself

  1. 1 Say no more often. Many people think that taking on a large number of projects and responsibilities will gain respect from others, but this is not the case. Don't agree to every opportunity or request that is given to you. The ability to refuse shows others that the person values ​​their time and that they are more concerned with the quality of the work done than the quantity.
    • The delivery of the message is just as important as the message itself. Be polite, honest, and refuse with a smile. Nothing personal, you just don't have time to take on extra responsibilities right now.
    • Don't feel guilty about saying no when necessary. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
  2. 2 Have your own opinion. Whether it's an idea, thought, or protest, don't stand aside if you have something to say. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion and suggest ideas, even if it makes you a little nervous. People appreciate it when a person has the courage to say what he thinks.
    • Avoid passive-aggressive behavior in expressing your opinion. Be more direct about your intentions and thoughts. Most importantly, don't forget about other cultural boundaries.
    • If you're not used to speaking out, try rehearsing your speech ahead of time.
    • Expressing your opinion does not mean verbally condemning everything that happens around you. Express your opinion when it is relevant.
  3. 3 Stop being too cute. You can show kindness to other people without doing constant favors for them. Nobody respects weaklings. You cannot please everyone, and you shouldn't try to do it. If you let others take advantage of you because you are such a good person, then you will only show that you do not respect yourself.
    • Set boundaries so that others know what behavior is acceptable to you. Know how to defend your choice.
    • Excessive courtesy is also useless - people may think that you are insincere and disingenuous.
  4. 4 Stop apologizing. You only need to do this if you did the wrong thing.Unfortunately, many people have a habit of apologizing almost automatically without even thinking about it.
    • Save your apologies for situations where you really need them.
    • Stop taking the blame for every little thing that goes wrong around you.
  5. 5 Don't be silent if you are mistreated. If you are being used or treated badly, you do not have to put up with it in silence. Stand up for yourself. This does not mean lashing out in response (it can only aggravate the situation). Instead, protect yourself in a tactful and polite manner.
    • Standing up for yourself can be scary, but that's what other people will respect you for.
    • When you speak, do not mumble, do not stumble or look at your feet with embarrassment. You have every right to stand up for yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Respect Other People

  1. 1 Keep your word. If you promise to do something and then don't do it, people will think you are unreliable. Keep your word to others and break the habit of making promises you can't keep. Proving your trustworthiness will win respect from others. Be the person you can rely on.
    • Be honest and tell the truth if you don't know something.
  2. 2 Don't be late. When a person is late for a meeting or meeting, hesitates to reply to an email, or does not meet deadlines, he loses the respect of others, because they get the impression that he simply does not value their time. Try to always be punctual.
    • If you show your coworkers that you respect their time by getting through things quickly, they will respond with respect for both your time and yourself.
  3. 3 Don't gossip. If you constantly engage in gossiping (especially negative ones that demean other people), you will not achieve anything good. In fact, this usually leads to the fact that people begin to think worse about the person and begin to gossip about him as soon as he steps over the threshold.
    • You don't have to love everyone, but you should always be respectful of those around you.
    • Understand the difference between chatting and gossip, and never engage in the latter.
    • Make an effort to avoid drama with peers.
  4. 4 Stand up for other people. It is important to stand up not only for yourself, but also for others, especially when you are faced with unfair treatment of a person who is unable to protect himself. It all depends on the time and place, and sometimes the intervention is inappropriate, but if you can do something, do not hesitate. If you show respect for people by standing up for them, you will earn respect in return.
    • Pay attention to your surroundings and show empathy for others whenever you get the chance.
    • Demonstrate a willingness to provide help when needed, and you will show that you care about other people, which cannot but inspire respect.
    • Contact other people if you need help too. When you ask a person for help, they will feel appreciated and that you hold a high opinion of them. The ability to admit your weaknesses is a sign of courage.