How to feel beautiful

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Feel Beautiful, According to 100-Year-Olds | Allure
Video: How to Feel Beautiful, According to 100-Year-Olds | Allure


The key to real beauty is knowing that you are already beautiful. But sometimes it's hard to admit your charms when you just don't feel pretty. Here are a few things you can do to remind yourself that you are pretty attractive. And remember, every person is beautiful in their own way.


  1. 1 Look at yourself in the mirror, look at those around you. You are not like them, they are not like you. You are unique. There is no person on earth who would be your exact copy (if you have a twin, then your personalities are still not completely alike). Say about yourself out loud: "I am not like the others, therefore I am beautiful."
  2. 2 Let go of all thoughts and ideas that promise you "beauty" and instead aim for a healthy lifestyle. Cut your hair if it makes it look healthier, lose or gain weight, if it makes you healthier, use homemade skin creams and toners to keep your skin healthy. Eat healthy foods as well, which will make you more attractive.
  3. 3 Go in for sports! Research shows that exercise can promote good mental health, which in turn can prevent the onset of symptoms of depression and anxiety. Overall, sports make you feel better and also give you more energy.
  4. 4 Smile! Even if you're not having much fun. It will make you look and feel much happier!
  5. 5 Do what you do well. For example, if Russian is your forte, write an essay, or if you are a brilliant athlete, take part in competitions. If you are good at math, find challenging problems for yourself and do them every day. All this will help you feel happy, and happiness only makes us more beautiful!
  6. 6 Start your day by looking in the mirror and telling yourself how beautiful you are. This may sound selfish, but it will help you feel more attractive.
  7. 7 Pamper yourself! Buy a cocktail, go for a walk in the woods, watch a movie at home with friends, or read a new book. Do something that is not related to thoughts about your appearance.
  8. 8 Accept others as they are. After all, even if someone differs from others in physique or skin color, this does not mean that he does not deserve respect. Give the people around you reasons to think they are beautiful. If you do this for others, it will make you feel good, and you will understand that beauty is everywhere - around you and within you.
  9. 9 Treat others well. It will make their day great! Because when a beautiful person begins to be rude and humiliate others, then his beauty is worthless.
  10. 10 Make everything around you beautiful. For example, decorate your room with beautiful garlands or positive pictures from magazines! Or you can hang fridge magnets, buy a nice mirror or a nice curtain or bathroom rug.
  11. 11 Everything in life directly depends on yourself. If you want to be beautiful, live a beautiful, fun life full of positive emotions, then it will be so. It just takes a little effort.


  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel good.
  • Never compare yourself to others.
  • Smile and stand up straight when looking in the mirror.
  • Remind yourself every day that you are beautiful.
  • Sometimes in the mirror you may not see what you would like to see. At times like this, focus on the most beautiful part of your face. Perhaps you have a pretty nose, expressive eyes, seductive lips, healthy skin, white teeth ... (And remember that you are beautiful no matter what.)
  • If it seems to you that the representatives of the opposite sex do not pay attention to you, then this does not mean that you are not beautiful.
  • Wear clothes that fit. Clothes that are too small or too large will never make you feel comfortable.
  • Don't be afraid to look in the mirror as much as you want.
  • Stand facing the crowd, stand out somehow, make some noise, talk about important things, and all eyes will be fixed on you. You will never know what others will think, but perhaps someone will tell a friend in his ear: "What a wonderful, brave person she is."
  • Don't think that you are better than others. But don't think that others are better than you.
  • Be helpful to others.
  • Consider yourself a beauty contest winner.


  • Don't try to lose weight by stopping eating altogether. If you want to lose weight, do it in a healthier way, with exercise and proper nutrition, for example. And remember, being thin does not make a person more attractive, but only makes him look sickly.
  • Girls from magazines and TV shows shouldn't be your idols. Those who are often shown there often have an unnatural kind of beauty, plus, on top of that, professional makeup artists work on them.