How to make your own shampoo

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


1 Collect ingredients. This shampoo can be made from any type of soap flakes. Typically this shampoo uses olive oil soap flakes, but you can make the shampoo using flakes made from a regular bar of soap. Just make sure the soap is made from the natural products you want to use to wash your hair. You will need:
  • Soap flakes
  • Boiling water
  • Almond oil
  • Essential oils
  • 2 Prepare soap flakes. If you haven't purchased pre-made soap flakes, use a cheese grater or knife to cut off small flakes that will dissolve in hot water. You will need about 120 ml of cereal to make a liter of shampoo. Place the cereal in a large bowl.
  • 3 Boil water. Pour a quart of water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil on the stove. Alternatively, bring a quart of water to a boil in the microwave.
  • 4 Pour water over the flakes. Boiling water will immediately dissolve small soap flakes. Use a spoon to stir the mixture to make sure the flakes are completely dissolved.
  • 5 Add oil. Add 1/4 cup of almond oil and 8 drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lemon balm or peppermint. Stir the mixture well and let cool.
  • 6 Pour the shampoo into a bottle. Use a funnel or simply pour the shampoo gently into an old shampoo bottle to store there for later use.
  • Method 2 of 3: Shampoo made with olive oil soap

    1. 1 Collect ingredients. Shampoo for dry hair is formulated with ingredients that provide extra moisture and prevent hair from frizzing too much. Dry hair is also prone to damage and breakage, so this shampoo is designed to strengthen hair. These ingredients can be purchased at a health food store or pharmacy:
      • Chamomile tea
      • Liquid soap with olive oil
      • Olive oil
      • Tea tree essential oil
      • Peppermint essential oil
      • Rosemary essential oil
    2. 2 Prepare tea. Steep a chamomile tea bag in 60 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. If you have unpackaged chamomile flowers, use about 1 tablespoon. Strain the tea and set aside to cool.
    3. 3 Heat liquid soap with olive oil. Pour 350 ml of soap into a measuring cup. Heat the soap in the microwave until warm. Don't bring the soap to a boil.
      • You can also heat the soap in a small saucepan on the stove, just make sure it's not too hot.
    4. 4 Add oil. Mix in 15 ml of olive oil, 7 ml of tea tree oil and 3.5 ml of peppermint and rosemary oil. Stir the soap gently after adding each oil. If bubbles appear, sprinkle the surface of the soap with rubbing alcohol.
    5. 5 Pour in the tea. Add chamomile tea to hot soap. Pour it slowly to avoid bubbles. Set the soap aside to cool. Pour the cooled shampoo into a container with a capacity of about 480 ml.

    Method 3 of 3: Baking Soda Shampoo

    1. 1 Collect ingredients. Baking soda shampoo is a dry alternative to regular liquid shampoos.You can use it in between washes to help absorb oil from your hair and give it a fresh look and smell. In addition to baking soda, take these ingredients:
      • Corn flour
      • Ground oatmeal
      • Dried lavender
    2. 2 Stir the ingredients. Mix 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup cornmeal, 1/4 cup dried oatmeal, and 1/8 cup dried lavender. Place the mixture in a food processor bowl and grind it into a fine powder.
      • If you don't want to grind the ingredients, then you can skip using dried oatmeal and lavender. Shampoo will work without these ingredients.
      • A blender or coffee grinder can replace a food processor.
    3. 3 Place the mixture in a pepper shaker or salt shaker. Pour the mixture into an empty and clean salt shaker or pepper shaker, which you can use to force the mixture onto your head when you want to use it. Store the rest of the shampoo in an airtight container so you can use it when it's time to refill your pepper shampoo or salt shaker.
      • Use dry shampoo only on completely dry hair. Otherwise, it will stick to your hair.
      • Apply the shampoo to the roots of your hair, using a hairbrush, spread the shampoo over the entire length of your hair, and leave the shampoo on your hair for 10 minutes, then vigorously comb out the remaining powder from your hair.


    • Experiment with different essential oils to find the combination that works best for your hair. If you have dry hair - use more oils, if your hair is oily - use less.