How to deal with hyperactivity

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat ADHD [Without Medication]
Video: How to Treat ADHD [Without Medication]


Hyperactivity can be a real problem. If you’re trying to do a thousand things at once, or you cannot sit back even when you don’t need to do anything, you are most likely suffering from hyperactivity. However, this does not mean that you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There are many reasons for hyperactivity in addition to imbalance in neurotransmitters. Although, as a rule, this is the main cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Before moving on to medication for hyperactivity, try lifestyle changes. Change your diet. Create a relaxed atmosphere at home. Find ways to expend the excess energy that is often the cause of hypereactivity.


Method 1 of 4: Keep track of what you are feeding your body

  1. 1 Avoid stimulants like caffeine. If you have too much energy during the day, you may be using stimulants.
    • Try to reduce your coffee consumption. Caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world. You may be accustomed to starting your day with coffee, believing that it gives you the energy you need for the day. If you are experiencing alarming symptoms of hyperactivity, then you are most likely drinking too many stimulating drinks. Try to reduce your coffee consumption. For example, try drinking two cups of coffee instead of three and see the result.If you are a tea lover, also reduce your consumption of this drink. Plus, caffeinated soda can also affect your condition. Reduce your intake of high-caffeinated soda. Drink water instead of drinks that contain caffeine.
    • Reduce your consumption of chocolate. Of course, as with coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate consumption does not necessarily lead to hyperactivity, however, you may experience a burst of energy that you might think of as hyperactivity.
  2. 2 Reduce your intake of sweets. Foods with a high sugar content are digested very quickly, glucose immediately enters the bloodstream, as a result of which energy appears. However, the energy gained from sugar is quickly depleted. Therefore, if you are a lover of sweets, be prepared for an increase in energy. If you start to experience symptoms of hyperactivity after lunch, try cutting back on sweets during lunch. Perhaps this will be effective in your case.
  3. 3 Include foods without artificial colors or additives in your diet. Many parents and doctors have noticed a relationship between artificial food colors and hyperactivity in children.
    • Although some studies have shown a link between artificial colors and hyperactivity, this relationship has not yet been fully understood. The results are purely subjective as they are based on observations of parents whose children suffer from hyperactivity. In addition, most foods with artificial ingredients are high in sugar. Sugar contributes to hyperactivity.
  4. 4 Consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Eat lots of fish, such as salmon and tuna. Many leafy green vegetables also contain fatty acids.
    • Fatty acids play an important role in the control of neurotransmitter coupling. Malfunctioning neurotransmitters can cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Very often, a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids is one of the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Since the body cannot produce these essential fatty acids, include foods containing these acids in your diet.
  5. 5 Quit smoking. Since nicotine acts as a stimulant, you can get an unnecessary boost of energy during your smoke breaks. If you experience symptoms of hyperactivity, quit smoking.
  6. 6 Consult with a dietitian. If the above tips do not help reduce symptoms of hyperactivity, consult a dietitian. A dietitian will review your daily diet and make specific adjustments as needed to reduce symptoms of hyperactivity.

Method 2 of 4: Get rid of excess energy

  1. 1 Be active and exercise. Hyperactivity often results from excess energy. Try to spend this energy on exercise. You don't have to go to the gym.
    • Incorporate exercise into your daily schedule. Sign up for a gym. Take your morning run. Take a walk in the fresh air daily. If you live close to work, try walking to work instead of driving. If you burn excess energy regularly, you won't have to worry about unpleasant bouts of hyperactivity.
    • If you're feeling overexcited and anxious before an important meeting, try jogging in place to release excess energy. However, do not overdo it to avoid sweating, or you will look unpresentable.
    • Watch TV as little as possible. Very often hyperactivity is the result of a passive lifestyle. If you sit and watch TV for an extended period of time, your body stores energy instead of wasting it.If you notice hyperactivity symptoms after watching TV, try decreasing your viewing time. Don't watch TV for long periods of time.
  2. 2 Pay attention to fussy movements. At first glance, such movements may resemble a manifestation of hyperactivity, but in reality, most likely, your body is simply trying to burn off excess energy. If you find it difficult to sit still, and you constantly fidget in your chair, try to find a more interesting way to release your energy under such circumstances. Many people like to drum with their fingers on the table or use their feet to do the same. Try to make subtle movements at home or work when you are overstimulated.
    • Regardless of whether you are an adult or a child, try to "fidget" purposefully to burn off excess energy.
  3. 3 Find an active hobby for yourself. There is a wide variety of activities of this kind. Take up sports or dancing that is associated with high physical activity. Try yourself in any craft. Work with wood, stone, or any other building material. The most important thing is that the craft you choose is associated with high physical activity, since your goal is to burn excess energy. The knowledge gained and invaluable experience will definitely come in handy for you.
  4. 4 Train your brain. You must also burn off excess energy stored in your brain. Try solving puzzles or similar mental tasks. When planning your weekend, make a detailed plan of your actions. Focus on completing challenging tasks. Be aware that sometimes hyperactivity is a sign that you have nothing to do.

Method 3 of 4: Create a calm environment

  1. 1 Incorporate relaxing elements into your home or office. Many people notice that crowded rooms in which a person experiences stress often lead to symptoms of hyperactivity.
    • If possible, use soothing colors to decorate your room or your workspace. For example, you can paint the walls light blue, green, or purple. Avoid bright colors like red, orange, and yellow.
  2. 2 Meditateto reduce stress levels. If hyperactivity is a result of stress in your case, try to reduce stress levels by meditating. Take a moment to sit in a quiet place. Try to distract yourself from the problems and tasks that you need to solve during the day. Just take a few minutes to be alone in a calm environment. Meditation lowers blood pressure and therefore reduces the manifestation of hyperactivity.
  3. 3 Get out into fresh air. Sometimes hyperactivity can be the result of anxiety. You may have been indoors for a long period of time. Try to go outside and walk for twenty minutes. You will certainly notice positive changes in your well-being.
  4. 4 Do not be distructed. Hyperactivity is often the result of visual or auditory distractions. You may be overexcited just because your brain is unable to focus on one thing due to the many distractions.
    • Visual stimulation can aggravate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Try to sit in such a place so as not to be distracted by foreign objects. Organize your workplace so that nothing distracts you. Sit facing a wall. Choose a method that helps you avoid distractions, much like a jockey uses blinkers to keep your horse from being distracted by the side of the road while racing.
    • Sounds can also be a distraction for you. This distraction can be anything, such as a conversation with colleagues at the water cooler. Such noise can distract you from the task at hand.It may be very difficult for you to concentrate after your attention has been distracted. Find ways to help you reduce noise. For example, you can use headphones that can cancel out ambient noise. If you can turn off devices that make noise (such as phones, speakers, and the like), be sure to do so.
    • Try replacing distracting sounds with relaxing sounds. For example, play some calm classical music to create a pleasant background. However, do not play your favorite music, otherwise it is unlikely to give you the opportunity to relax. Most likely, she will encourage you to start dancing. Find music that helps you stay calm and relaxed.

Method 4 of 4: Seek Professional Help

  1. 1 Determine if you need professional help. If you are having trouble managing your symptoms of hyperactivity, you may want to talk to your doctor.
    • If you suspect you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, or another disorder more serious than hyperactivity, consult a healthcare professional.
  2. 2 Think about who it is better to contact in your case - a psychologist or a psychotherapist. Sometimes simple conversation can help you feel better. A psychologist or psychotherapist will give you practical advice.
    • The psychologist will most likely suggest some relaxation techniques, such as counting 1 to 10, “silent screaming,” or other techniques that can help you reduce your anxiety when you feel overstimulated.
    • The psychologist will also tell you if you should seek professional help from a doctor.
  3. 3 Consult your doctor. If all else fails, talk to your doctor. See your doctor if you find it difficult to concentrate on work, it is difficult to adhere to a schedule, you are constantly forgetting about something and / or experiencing stress.
    • Unfortunately, there are no tests that can confirm that you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Your doctor will likely ask you to do some tests to assess your past and present behavior, analyze situations where you have experienced hyperactivity symptoms, and find out how your behavior affects the people around you.
    • Your doctor will advise you on multimodal therapy. This approach offers an integrative plan for the assessment and treatment of hyperactivity. Your doctor may suggest several medications to choose from. The most common drug is Adderall. In addition, your doctor will recommend behavioral therapy.


  • The drugs used to treat hyperactivity have many side effects, including mood swings, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Choose the lesser of two evils.