How to be attentive in a boring lesson

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 HACKS to PAY ATTENTION in CLASS | StudyWithKiki
Video: 12 HACKS to PAY ATTENTION in CLASS | StudyWithKiki


A boring lesson can be a real challenge! Many students find it difficult to focus their attention on the material being studied in a boring lesson. Therefore, you are not alone. In fact, you have already taken the first step when you started reading this article. Such actions indicate that you are eager to learn and are willing to do much to solve the problem. There are many different ways you can help you stay interesting in a boring lesson. Some of them are even very funny!


Method 1 of 3: Motivate Yourself

  1. 1 Set small goals for yourself and reward yourself for achieving them. For example, tell yourself that if you pay attention for 15 minutes, you can eat some sugary pills that you put in your backpack. For every 15 minutes that follow, reward yourself with extra candy. Instead of dragees, you can afford to quickly scan messages on your phone as a reward for your attentiveness.
    • You can also promise yourself to play a new video game for an hour when you get home from school if you take notes during class.
  2. 2 Choose a reward that you can reward yourself with after class. This can be a good motivation if you find it difficult to concentrate during class or if the lesson is too long. If you need to stay focused on the material for a long lesson, you will probably quickly get bored of eating candy or checking for updates on your phone.
    • For example, before you go to physics class, promise to indulge yourself with a cup of your favorite coffee or play an arcade game right after class, if you are attentive and focused on the lesson.
  3. 3 Reward yourself with something that is relevant to the lesson. For example, you find it difficult to focus on a French lesson because it is so boring. Trust me, you are not alone! Promise yourself, if you're not distracted by your French lesson, you'll watch an interesting French movie (with subtitles, of course!) That you've always wanted to see. Alternatively, you can treat yourself to a delicious croissant or eclair after class.
    • If you keep your promise and pay attention to the lesson, and then reward yourself with a delicious eclair, you will surely be in a good mood. You will be able to look at a French lesson in a new way. You may have more fun.
    • Thanks to this, a boring lesson will be associated with positive emotions. You will be more focused on it.
  4. 4 Go to class with the right attitude. If you go to class with the thought that you will be very bored and unable to concentrate, most likely you will. You won't have the motivation you need. Instead, tell yourself that you will focus on the subject matter and not be distracted. Tune in to achieve your goal!
    • For example, instead of thinking, “How I hate this lesson! He's so boring! ”, Mentally tell yourself:“ Perhaps I will learn something interesting in today's lesson. ”
  5. 5 Ask a friend to help you avoid distractions. If you have a friend in class, ask them to quietly let you know if they see you are distracted. He may slap you on the shoulder or do something similar so that you can switch back to the topic under study.
    • A friend can encourage you to stay focused on the lesson.
    • If you don't have friends in your class, ask a classmate you get along with to remind you not to be distracted.
  6. 6 Don't beat yourself up if you can't stay focused on the lesson. You are not perfect. In fact, there are no ideal people! Perhaps in the last lesson you were a little distracted, did not pay attention to the teacher's words, or even overslept part of the lesson. It happens to everyone from time to time, so don't be hard on yourself. Just tell yourself that things will be different tomorrow. Continue to strive towards your goal.

Method 2 of 3: Be Busy

  1. 1 Choose a seat at the front of the class. Of course, if the teacher himself decides who to sit where during the lesson, then this advice is not for you. But if you are allowed to choose a seat yourself, give preference to the front desks. If the teacher is with you, you are unlikely to be distracted. You will be more focused. This may not be the most pleasant solution, but believe me, it is quite effective.
    • If the teacher determines the place for each student, ask him if you can change seats. Do it ahead of time. Tell the teacher that you would like to move to another seat because you find it difficult to concentrate.
  2. 2 Squeeze a stress ball or use a spinner. Using a spinner or ball to relieve stress may seem like an ineffective remedy that doesn't help you stay motivated, but don't give up on this advice, heed it! This really helps a lot of people because their hands are busy all the time while they are in class. You can just squeeze the ball or spin the spinner.
    • For example, you can squeeze the ball every time your algebra teacher says the word "equation."Of course, this is not the most addictive game, but thanks to it you will be able to tune in to the lecture!
    • Some schools do not allow the use of a spinner, so check with your school's policies regarding this.
    • Similar means are the eraser-nag and the cube-antistress. Each side of the cube has various buttons, switches and rotating elements.
  3. 3 Make small changes to quickly reboot your brain. As soon as you feel yourself starting to fall asleep, force yourself to do something, such as remove a new handle from your backpack, turn your head from side to side, or change the position of your legs, such as crossing them.
    • Small actions like these may seem trivial, but they can reboot your brain when you find it difficult to concentrate.
  4. 4 Take quality (but fun) notes. Even if you have to listen to boring material, your notes don't have to be the same! Try taking notes in the form of pictures and diagrams instead of the usual writing of sentences. You can also jot down material in a humorous tone, pretending to be telling a story to your best friend rather than jotting down boring facts.
    • For example, imagine your teacher talks about Benjamin Franklin's many remarkable electrical discoveries. You could write, “So Ben had a brilliant idea to fly a kite into a thunderstorm with a metal key attached to a cord. He made a snake and told his son to launch it during a thunderstorm. The poor child was a decoy duck. It's good that the kind dad didn’t kick his son out into the rain and allowed him to stand in the doorway to stay dry, waiting for a lightning strike. ”
    • Taking notes in a humorous way will help you remember the material better!
  5. 5 Take part in the lesson. It is very difficult to stay focused on a boring lesson, but try to participate in it by asking and answering questions or participating in a group discussion of the material. For example, set a goal for yourself to ask 3 questions or speak 3 times during the lesson.
    • This will not only help you focus on the material, but it will also help you get a high score.

Method 3 of 3: Remove anything that might distract you

  1. 1 Visit the restroom before class. It is very difficult to concentrate when the thoughts are only about going to the toilet. Therefore, be sure to go to the toilet before class. Of course, you can't always control your body's needs! However, going to the bathroom before class can help solve this problem to some extent.
    • If you need to use the toilet, do not tolerate it, as it will be very difficult for you to concentrate on the material under study! Raise your hand and ask permission to leave.
    • In the restroom, rinse your face with cool water. This will make you feel refreshed when you return to class.
  2. 2 Turn off your mobile phone and put it away from you. When you're in a boring class, you might be tempted to do something more interesting, like texting friends or checking your Facebook news feed. Unplug your phone and put it in your backpack or desk. It is unlikely that you will have the desire to turn on the phone, so you will not be distracted during the lesson.
    • Place your phone in a pencil case or small zippered purse instead of in your backpack or desk. This makes you less likely to succumb to the temptation to use your phone.
  3. 3 Bring something to eat right before class. Feelings of hunger can distract you during the lesson! The teacher can talk about the war of 1812, while you can indulge in fantasies about dancing pizza slices. To make matters worse, your stomach can start making loud noises!
    • If your teacher allows you to take food with you to class, bring something to eat.If you are not allowed to do this, have a snack before class so that you do not feel hungry during class.
    • Avoid noisy snacks like crispy chips as you can distract your classmates. If you are trying to eat stealthily, be prepared for the teacher to notice your actions.
    • If you're having a boring lesson in the morning, treat yourself to a good breakfast before starting work.


  • Nod your head periodically. By doing so, you will show the teacher that you are listening carefully and focused on the material being studied.
  • It is best if important lessons are taught at a time when you are most active. If you want to sleep, it will be difficult for you to focus on the material.
  • Take notes in an interesting way. For example, if you like to write beautifully but hate chemistry, try taking notes in calligraphic handwriting. Thanks to this, you can do what you like, and remember at least part of the material. Alternatively, you can take notes in the form of pictures (for example, create a comic strip).