How to be a pretty teenage girl

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 10 Most Beautiful Teenage Girls - Part 1
Video: Top 10 Most Beautiful Teenage Girls - Part 1


Everyone should determine the meaning of the concept of "beauty" for himself, regardless of what you see and hear about it from the media and from other people. Every person has enviable traits, whether he realizes it or not; and it is precisely what sets him apart from others that can make him the most beautiful. For example, despite a skin pigmentation problem called vitiligo, model Chantelle Brown-Young, aka Winnie Harlow, not only conquered the catwalk, but achieved overwhelming success. What's more, some of the most beautiful and famous women in their youth have been attacked for their looks, including Rihanna, Jennifer Lawrence, Eva Mendes, and Victoria Beckham. That is, everything that people say about you at the present time may have nothing to do with the future. And first of all you need to learn this for yourself.

Beauty is not superficial, but consists of the following qualities: confidence, faith in yourself and what kind of person you are. In adolescence, the body continues to change, and not always the way you want it. With some changes, such as acne, it can be difficult to be good about your appearance. This article will teach you how to get the most out of your body's physical changes and how to keep track of other physical features of your body, including skin and hair care. In any case, you should know that you are already beautiful and even irresistible.


Part 1 of 7: Know Yourself

  1. 1 Think about what is attractive to you. Everyone has their own opinion as to what is attractive or not. Moreover, people's opinions can differ markedly depending on the country of residence. As you read this article, you should consider what is attractive For you... If you find tousled curly hair attractive, then do yourself this hairstyle. Don't be afraid to be yourself and set your own beauty standards.
    • Remember that real beauty comes from within, and uniqueness is beautiful too.If earlier you thought that beauty is only physical, reconsider your views and think about other forms of beauty manifestation.
    • At the same time, try to maintain realistic expectations. For example, instead of trying to drastically change your figure, skin tone or hair color, the first step is to try to accept yourself as you are. Begin to take good care of your hair and skin, pay special attention to those features that are most important to you. like in yourself (for example, eyes or curly hair).
  2. 2 Believe in your own beauty. Sometimes people for themselves become the strictest critics. Take a moment to distract yourself and try to treat yourself like a friend. Would you be that strict then? What are the best traits (external and internal) that you would then be able to highlight in yourself?
    • Perhaps you value some of the traits you inherited from your family. Accept yourself for who you are. Know that you are not perfect, but nobody is perfect, that is the essence of people.
    • Appreciate your uniqueness, develop in yourself those qualities that are in your power to control (such as personal qualities, intelligence, health). Believe me, your beauty will gain strength day after day.

Part 2 of 7: Feel Your Inner Beauty

  1. 1 Know that a person's beauty can come from within. Even outwardly the most beautiful girl can lose all her friends if she is mean, manipulative and heartless. At the same time, the most ordinary girl can make many friends if she is kind, honest and considerate of others. In this part of the article, you will find several recommendations to help you highlight your inner beauty.
  2. 2 Smile often. An angry look or a frowning look will make any person seem unpleasant and intimidating. On the other hand, a friendly smile will brighten any face, with it the smiling person will win others over to him.
  3. 3 Be polite. Remember to say please when you ask for something and thank you when you receive it. If you need to go through someone, be sure to say sorry.
  4. 4 Demonstrate that you care about other people. If you notice that your friend or classmate is sad, ask what is wrong with him and if he wants to discuss it. If the person starts talking to you, listen carefully. Even if you are unable to influence his problems, he will understand that you care. Empathy is a good intrinsic trait.
    • You can also show compassion by volunteering at a nursing home, canteen, or animal shelter.
  5. 5 Try to be more positive and support others more often. The more positive person you are and the more often you support others, the better you will feel. You may even forget about your flaws (like annoying pimples that keep popping up) and start seeing more good in yourself. Below are some tips on how you can become more positive.
    • If something doesn't work out the way you would like it to, try to find something good in the current situation. You can also think about what you can do to make it work out the best the next time. Lessons learned from failure are often more valuable experiences than those learned from fortunate circumstances. Learning to see the positive in any situation can strengthen your prospects.
    • In unpredictable circumstances, try to see if you can adapt to the situation and get the most out of it. For example, if it rains on the scheduled day of the picnic, for which you have been preparing for a week, consider whether it will be realistic to move the event home. For example, you can share a movie or play new board games with friends.
    • If your friend admires something especially, try to share that admiration. Ask him additional questions to demonstrate your interest.
    • If your friend is good at something, try to cheer him up. For example, if a friend is good at drawing, tell him that his drawings are really good and that you like his style of drawing.
  6. 6 Do not be bully or encourage others to behave like this. If you offend someone, it won't make you feel better or accomplish anything worthwhile. In fact, the more you ridicule others, the worse you will think of yourself. Sometimes your cockiness can even turn against you. Also, if you offend someone badly, that person may start to think badly of themselves.
    • Instead, ask a few questions. What is it that makes you be bullied or take part in someone being bullied? Are there any hidden reasons for this that need to be dealt with? Do you want to be accepted by the bully's surroundings? Is there something in the offended person or in his actions that you do not like? Perhaps these are qualities that you do not like in yourself, that you are trying not to notice or want to correct.
  7. 7 Study hard and work hard. Even if you don't have very good grades and performance as a high school sports team player, if you work hard, people will notice. They will appreciate your efforts and start to respect you. Developing your intelligence will also open many doors (and opportunities) for you.
    • Try to show yourself well at school. Find such a subject that you like and interest you the most, try to show your maximum abilities in this subject. Classmates may even start asking you for help if they have difficulties. Even if the item you choose is not one of your strengths, give it the proper attention. Your diligence will be noticed, and there will be people who want to help you or want to work on the subject with you.
  8. 8 Don't forget your hobbies and talents. If you love drawing, consider drawing lessons. If you love to sing and dance, try yourself in a school play. Developing your stock of outstanding qualities will help you better understand your own personality.
  9. 9 Learn new things about the world around you. Look around and try to notice something new or changed among the usual. Is there something that you have not paid attention to before? Try to visit different places, explore foreign cultures, new topics, and identify similarities and differences. Curiosity and expanding knowledge will not only be an interesting activity for you, but will also allow you to find a real treasure of intriguing hobbies that will connect you with other people in a way that you would never think of.
    • Read more. Read the news (local and world), absorb something new from them. Read prose, poetry, historical literature, try every time to get imbued with the life or ideas of literary heroes.
    • Hear what people are talking about. Listen to radio, TV programs and people around you. Any person has some knowledge that he can share with you for your own development.
    • Ask questions. The "why" question is one of the best questions and can often help you get to the heart of the matter quickly in many situations. Do not be afraid to ask questions, as they (when asked correctly) will allow your interlocutor to feel their own importance. Moreover, they will help you look and feel more confident, as well as gain new knowledge.
  10. 10 Try to be confident, but not arrogant. Do not brag about your merits, but do not try to hide your talents. When walking, keep your chin higher, your back straight, and your shoulders back.This will make you look more confident. Many people find confidence to be an attractive quality, but more importantly, confidence will push you towards personal growth so that you can become the person you want to become.

Part 3 of 7: Take care of your body and stay healthy

  1. 1 Practice good hygiene. Cleanliness will not only help you look better, but also feel better. Below are some important guidelines.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day. If you have braces, you will need to brush your teeth after every meal. In such a situation, it will not hurt you to take a toothbrush and toothpaste with you to school. Also remember to floss.
    • Take a shower 1-2 times a day. This way you will take care of your health and feel more refreshed.
    • Use deodorant to reduce body odor. This will make you feel more confident. Of course, you don't have to smell like a rose to feel good. A fresh natural aroma will be enough.
  2. 2 Get enough sleep. The night's sleep should last 8-9 hours. Thanks to it, the body will become healthier, and the condition of the skin and hair will improve. You may also feel an improvement in your mood and a reduction in stress.
  3. 3 Try to eat healthily and avoid unhealthy foods. Things like pizza, french fries, candy, chips, and baked sausages are far from good for your health. They contribute to weight gain, skin laxity, and poor mood. Such food lacks essential nutrients for the body. On the other hand, foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and lean meats are packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins. They are beneficial not only for the body, but also for the skin and hair. Try to increase the amount of them in your diet and see how it affects you in the long term.
    • Remember, though, it's okay to occasionally indulge yourself with something sweet, such as chocolate or pastries.
    • It is often difficult to make changes in your usual way of life. Unhealthy food can become an addiction that blocks any desire to change the composition of the food you eat. Start making changes gradually, starting with foods that you feel comfortable with, or coming up with creative ways to introduce foods that you don't like very much. For example, you can add several types of greens to a smoothie and completely mask its taste with fruits.
    • If you are a determined person, try setting small, achievable goals. For example, you might set a goal to sample new vegetables, nuts, or fruits every week to get to know your tastes and learn new recipes. You can also make it a goal to use only healthy foods instead of unhealthy ones for snacks five days a week for a month.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of water. Most famous sodas are high in sugar, and even many juices have added sugar. Coffee has a dehydrating effect and can be bad for the skin, so beauticians recommend drinking two extra cups of water for each cup of coffee you drink in excess of the usual 8 glasses. Even tea can be dehydrating, but not nearly as strong as coffee. In addition to reducing calorie intake, water has many other benefits, including but not limited to: improving skin condition (by flushing out toxins and improving blood circulation), reducing stress (which can be caused by dehydration), increasing energy (lack of which is also a side effect dehydration).
    • Reducing the consumption of carbonated drinks and coffee can take some time, as a person gets used to both. Try drinking a few cups of water a day to get started, and gradually increase the amount.Ice and / or fresh lemon can be added to the water to make it more refreshing. Also, the taste of water can be set off by the taste of fruits or cucumbers.
    • If you like sparkling water, then it is okay to use a clean cart of sparkling without additives. While pure sparkling water has a slightly acidic balance (like juices) and may have long-term adverse effects on dental health, there is no other evidence that it has any other negative health effects.
  5. 5 Get involved in physical activity. Physical activity is necessary not only for those who want to lose excess weight. It also helps fight stress and increases the production of hormones responsible for feelings of happiness. Even if you can't boast of a strong physique, periodic long walks will help you stay in shape.
    • You may be required to make lifestyle changes that also take time to adapt. Calmly move at your own pace and think about what will bring you the most pleasure. If you've always dreamed of doing yoga, check out local ads for this kind of activity and ask if there is an opportunity to take part in a free trial or get a trial discount. You can also just dance to your favorite music at home, why not ?!
    • It is often helpful to involve a friend in the exercise. For example, you can replace your weekly coffee meeting with a leisurely stroll around the area. In addition, you can read the ads and find yourself and one or two friends an occupation that will appeal to all of you.
    • It will be much easier for you if you begin to set goals for yourself in terms of physical activity or set aside a specific day and time for this activity. Consider adding all of this to your weekly planner so that you can get a better sense of accomplishment later.
  6. 6 If you are shy about your shape, find out what you can do to lose weight. Any shape is beautiful, but if you don't like your figure at all and upset you, then there are a number of steps you can take to help you lose some weight. Remember, however, that losing weight takes time. Do not overexert yourself so that the extra pounds go away faster, otherwise it will badly affect your health.
    • Eat well, but eat right. Don't starve or skip meals. Try to eat normal, healthy meals. This includes fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and lean meats. Try avoiding unhealthy foods, including sweets and junk food.
    • Avoid sugary drinks in favor of more water. This way you can easily reduce the amount of calories you eat on a regular basis. You should also refrain from consuming beverages that cause dehydration, such as coffee.
    • Exercise several times a week. Try swimming, jogging, or squatting. If you have not previously played sports at all or have abandoned it for a while, start gradually with light loads.
    • Get an adequate amount of sleep at night. Go to bed early for 8-9 hours of sleep. Research has shown that going to bed late and not getting enough sleep is associated with weight gain (and excess stress).
    • Consider taking a special weight loss program or enrolling in group sessions for those looking to lose weight. Losing weight in a team can be more fun and better motivated.

Part 4 of 7: Take care of your skin

  1. 1 Wash your face twice a day. Avoid using shower gel or hand soap when doing this, as they dry out your skin too much. Also, you should not wash your face too often, even if you have very oily skin on your face. This also makes the skin dry out. When the skin becomes too dry, it begins to secrete even more oil to compensate for the dryness.
  2. 2 After washing your face, use a facial toner and moisturizer. Dampen a cotton ball with toner and apply it to your face in the area of ​​the nose, forehead, chin and cheeks. Avoid the sensitive area around the eyes. Then use a little moisturizer. If you have oily skin, try to find a moisturizer with a light texture or gel base.
    • The toner will help restore the skin's natural pH level. It will also tighten your pores.
    • A moisturizer will give your skin the moisture it needs. It will become smoother and smoother.
  3. 3 Protect your skin from the sun. This does not mean that you should avoid sunlight. Just try to always use sunscreen when you go outside. If you don't like wearing sunscreen on your face, try a foundation or moisturizer with SPF 15 sun protection.
  4. 4 Know that blackheads, pimples and blackheads are completely normal. All people at a certain stage of their life encounter them. For some, this happens earlier than others. If your acne is bothering you, there are steps you can take to make the rash less severe.
    • Try not to pop your pimples. From this, they can fester and leave traces.
    • Wash your face twice a day. This will help get rid of the bacteria that cause acne. If you do your makeup, remember to wash it off before bed.
    • Get an acne cream from your local drugstore. Remember that these types of creams take some time to produce visible results. Do not use the cream more often than indicated in the instructions, because of this, acne will not disappear faster.
    • If you have severe acne, ask your parents to take you to a dermatologist. In most cases, acne creams can deal with acne, but sometimes you need something stronger. A dermatologist can help you find the right remedy or write a prescription for a special medicine.
    • Try concealing acne with foundation. Everyone gets pimples, but if they seriously lower your self-esteem, you can make them less noticeable by applying a drop of foundation or concealer.

Part 5 of 7: Take care of your hair

  1. 1 Buy the right hair care products for your hair type. There are different types of hair, so different types of products have been developed for them. If you have unruly, dull, or dull-looking hair, take a close look at the bottles of shampoo and conditioner you use. Are they just for your hair type? If not, get a special shampoo for your hair type (for example, curly, dry, colored, etc.) and see if that helps make a difference.
    • If you have dry hair, look for moisturizers that are labeled accordingly. Try not to wash your hair daily. Wash it every other day or two.
    • If you have oily hair, look for a cleansing shampoo or something specifically designed for oily hair. When washing your hair, try not to rinse off the shampoo for 5 minutes. For conditioner, apply exclusively to the ends of your hair.
    • If you have fine, thin hair, use a volumizing shampoo. He will give them volume and visible density.
    • If you dye your hair, purchase a shampoo marked "for colored hair." It will take care of your hair and make it soft. In most cases, hair dyes are very damaging and dry out.
  2. 2 Make sure you wash and brush your hair properly. The way you wash and comb your hair affects the appearance of your hair. Below are some tips to help you get the best looking hair.
    • Wash your hair no more than three times a week. The more often you wash it, the more natural oils your scalp will produce.
    • Use warm water, not hot water.Hot water loses moisture and becomes unruly hair. Try rinsing your head with cold water. This will close the hair cuticles, which will increase their obedience and make them more shiny.
    • Make sure to leave the conditioner on your hair long enough. Most brands of conditioner take 3 to 5 minutes to take effect, but it's best to read the exact directions on the bottle of your conditioner.
    • Comb your hair when it is almost completely dry. Start at the tips and work your way up to the roots. Wet hair is very stretchy and breaks easily.
  3. 3 Learn to manage unruly hair. Curly hair is beautiful, but it can be unruly and very frizzy. They are also easy to get confused and more likely to get in your face when you work. Below are some guidelines to help you unleash the natural beauty of your curls.
    • Do not use a hairbrush. It is these combs that most often cause frizzy hair. Instead of brushing dry hair, use a wide-toothed comb. If you need to brush your hair, do it only on wet hair.
    • Try treating your hair with a little argan or coconut oil.
  4. 4 Learn to care for split ends. There is no tool that would allow you to permanently restore split hair ends. However, you can temporarily repair split ends with Split-Ends Serum. Just apply some serum to the ends. The only effective way to get rid of split ends is to trim them regularly. If you do not cut off the ends of the hair that have just begun to be cut in a timely manner, the splitting of the hair will gradually rise higher and higher.
    • Try not to brush your hair too often. Also, use less heat styling appliances (curling iron or iron). If you need to straighten or curl your hair, be sure to use a heat protectant for your hair.
  5. 5 Use curling irons, irons, and hair dryers with care. When using a hairdryer, set it to medium heat, not maximum. Hold the nozzle of the hair dryer 15-20 cm from the head. Also, be sure to use heat protection sprays if you are going to curl or straighten your hair. There is nothing wrong with curling or straightening your hair with thermal devices, but you should definitely pre-treat your hair with a heat protectant. Otherwise, you will burn your hair, making it dry and brittle.
  6. 6 Know what to do when your head is messy. Everyone has days when their hair doesn't look its best, which is quite uncomfortable. If your hair isn't working, no matter what you do, try braiding or wearing a hat. This will make you look cute and even gorgeous, and also protect yourself from unnecessary embarrassment.
  7. 7 Use the right styling products to achieve the look you want. There are various steps you can take to keep your hair smooth and shiny. A few ideas are listed below.
    • If your curly hair frizzy, use a special serum or oil to make it more manageable. They will help you tame your hair and accentuate your natural curls.
    • If you have dull hair and want to give it shine, treat it with a little argan or coconut oil.
    • If you want to accentuate your curly locks, treat your hair with styling gel or mousse. These tools will help curls maintain their shape and texture better.
    • If you have straight hair that you just want to blow dry, pre-treat it with a heat protectant spray. Use the wide, flat hair dryer nozzle and direct the nozzle from top to bottom.
  8. 8 Experiment with different hairstyles. Hair frames your face and can therefore accentuate certain facial features. Play around with different styling methods to determine which hairstyles work best for you. There are at least 15 types of simple hairstyles that you can go to school with.
    • Determine the shape of your face. This will help you choose exactly those types of haircuts that will suit you best.

Part 6 of 7: Keep track of your wardrobe and clothing style

  1. 1 Understand that style is a streamlined concept. Steve Urkel, a fictional American television character of the 90s, was known for his unfashionable style at the time. However, in 2011, his style began to be considered cool. Likewise, if you look at the history of specific styles of clothing, you will find very eloquent examples. For example, the bell skirt has its origins in the 1800s, but it became a model of haute couture in Europe in the mid 60s, and in the 70s it became the mainstream in fashion. In the 90s, this skirt was remembered in a slightly modified form called "bootkat" with a form-fitting silhouette at the hips and an extension just below. Periodically, the fashion of the 70s comes to life at the present time. Moreover, the bohemian style of the 60s and 70s has also been gaining popularity in recent years. Also, the style tends to be seasonal: lighter and brighter colors are typical for spring and summer, and colors of medium and dark tones are for autumn and winter (this applies to all types of clothing, as well as hair and makeup).
    • Without a doubt, fashion trends fade away, come back to life and come back again. What is in fashion now may turn out to be unfashionable tomorrow and vice versa. However, a particular style can live on indefinitely in the world of haute couture. For example, Alexander McQueen is highly revered in the fashion world, but his style is considered gothic. Even if a style is not in vogue where you live, it may be popular somewhere on the other side of the globe, such as steampunk, which is currently gaining ground in Japanese youth subcultures.
    • After all, clothing can be extremely practical. This is what the forward-thinking Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have come to do to improve their own efficiency - it's perfectly normal for them to walk in the same thing every day. Unfortunately, some people will greet you by your clothes. They should be forgiven, since they did not have the opportunity to get to know you better, they were probably brought up that way or were influenced by social attitudes. In addition, it may help you to wonder if you have similar thoughts and inclinations. Try to just focus on yourself and what you enjoy wearing. Even if your style is not preferred by other people, it is worthy of respect. More importantly, thinking in this way will help you know yourself better.
  2. 2 Feel free to experiment with different styles. You can dress like a goth, skateboarder, emo, or stage style and still look pretty. You can try on some vintage-style dresses to give your look more chic and feminine. If you decide to try out a completely new and not yet popular style, you may need some time to feel comfortable and confident in it.
    • Try talking to your parents and friends about your interests first. If someone does not support you, then there will always be those who will lend you a shoulder (for example, fathers often support their sons). If you are not yet ready for such a conversation or want to postpone it, then this is also fine. It's never too early or too late to strike up a conversation like this (think of the trendy American retiree Buddy Winkle) and then express yourself in your own style. Know that there will always be those people who will share your interests with you, just while they may not be available to you.
  3. 3 Showing off your own style can take courage, but you are not alone in your endeavors. For example, American high school student Kaima McEnteer, despite the attacks, became an Internet sensation, stitching a phenomenal African-style ball gown for her prom. Style can be used as a means of changing perception or point of view, but not everyone and not in every situation is ready to change or change something (including those close to you). Accept that difficulties will come your way. Just try to find those people and communities with similar views who can support you.
  4. 4 Understand that your personal style is your own creation. Even the lack of style can be considered style (for example, Parisians are known for their love of casual chic). Choose a style in which you will be comfortable. If you are uncomfortable with your clothes, do not wear them. Part of a beautiful look is your comfort and confidence in the clothes you wear.
    • Note: The steps below may not apply to all styles, in case they conflict with your tastes, follow your own preference, whether it's grunge clothing, baggy clothing (popular in the 90s and always comfortable), minimalist outfits or in a simple light-hearted style.
  5. 5 Remember that all shapes are beautiful, and beautiful clothes can be chosen for a person with any shape. You, definitely, not it is necessary to be thin in order to be beautiful. Remember that the concept of beauty varies from person to person and from country to country. Curvy and very large girls can be the most beautiful and mysterious girls you will ever meet. For example, models Robin Lawley and Ashley Graham continue to debunk modern beauty standards and define their own. Also, you should remember that your body continues to change. Many teenage girls experience weight fluctuations. Most importantly, don't forget that there is nothing more attractive than a friendly smile on your face.
  6. 6 Keep your clothes clean and in good condition. Dirt, smudges and holes can ruin any outfit, no matter how well each piece of clothing is fitted. Most blouses require washing after 1-2 wear. Pants and skirts can be worn for several days and washed afterwards.
    • If something is torn, try to mend the torn part.
    • If you have stained, use a stain remover before throwing it into the washing machine.
  7. 7 Highlight your best features. Learn to turn unsuccessful outfits into flattering ones. Loose, flowy tops can look sleek and cute, but they can also make you look fat. If you have a top like this, try tying a nice belt around your waist. A tank top can also look pretty adorable, but it can also visually increase or decrease your shoulders. In such a situation, it is recommended to complement the T-shirt with a cardigan, and you will quickly and simply achieve a chic look.
    • You may also want to learn more about how to dress appropriately for your body type.
  8. 8 Wear clothes that suit you, even if they are not currently fashionable. The clothing you purchase should be the right size for you. Clothes that are too tight can make you feel uncomfortable and difficult to breathe, while clothes that are too loose can make it uncomfortable to move. If you find something that you really like, but the store does not have your size, ask if you can order the item in the required size. You can also go to the studio to alter the item, or come up with a creative way to redo the outfit yourself. When choosing trousers, you should make sure that they fit comfortably at the waist.When choosing blouses, you need to check that their shoulder width matches your shoulder width. Whatever clothes you buy, you should be comfortable in them.
    • In some denim shops you can find jeans for people with small, normal and tall stature. If you are very short or very tall, then you should consider purchasing clothing tailored specifically for people of this height.
    • You don't have to wear low-waist jeans just because your girlfriends wear them. If you're more comfortable in high-waisted jeans that fit you well, then wear them.
  9. 9 Try accessorizing your outfit. A cute belt or simple choker can give a completely different look to your outfit. People around you may think that you spent a lot of time selecting all its constituent elements.

Part 7 of 7: Learn to Do Makeup

  1. 1 Understand that you don't have to wear makeup to be beautiful. Any face is beautiful in its own way, but makeup can highlight some of its features, for example, eyes or lips. It can also make you think better about your appearance. In this section of the article, you will learn some basic guidelines for creating natural makeup. However, you are not required to apply all of your makeup at once. You can only use lip gloss or mascara.
    • Instead of trying to mask the parts of your face that you don't like, focus your attention on what you like. This will help you worry less about your appearance. For example, if you don't like your nose, don't try to visually change it. Just concentrate on the part of your face that you like, such as your lips or eyes.
    • On the other hand, if you enjoy experimenting with makeup or want a more dramatic look to emphasize your style, go for whatever you like. You shouldn't be afraid to do what you think is the best option for yourself, regardless of the opinions of others. The tips below are not universal, so they may not work for everyone. Only you yourself can determine the optimal makeup application option for you.
  2. 2 Before starting your makeup, cleanse your face. Use a toner and moisturizer. This will help you achieve a more uniform and clean skin surface for further work. For facial care tips, click here.
  3. 3 Use a foundation or tinted moisturizer to even out your skin tone. Basic foundations can be a little heavy for everyday makeup, but a tinted moisturizer is a great option for evening out skin tone and hydrating it at the same time to keep it fresh. The foundation can be applied to the face with your fingers, a sponge or a brush. The main thing is not to forget to grind it so that there is no sharp transition between the base color and your natural skin color in the eye area and along the jawline.
    • Make sure the foundation you use suits your skin tone, even if it doesn't suit you. If you use a foundation that is too light or too dark, the makeup will look unnatural.
    • If you have to spend a lot of time in the sun, look for a foundation with SPF 15.
    • Consider applying concealer to hide blemishes. Pimples are part of growing up, but you can feel shy about them. If pimples are bothering you, don't squeeze them out. Just cover them with a drop of concealer. Blend the concealer onto the skin with a makeup brush and then secure with a layer of powder on top.
  4. 4 Use makeup to highlight the cheeks and lips. Take a large blush brush and apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks and forehead. This will help you achieve a healthy glow. You can also add a little more color to your lips with a lip gloss or balm. This will make them look smoother.Only use lipstick on special occasions.
  5. 5 Be careful not to overdo it with your makeup. To highlight the eyes, mascara can be used alone or in combination with eyeliner and eye shadow. If you have blonde hair, use dark brown eyeliner and mascara. If you have dark hair, then you can safely go for darker colors, such as black or charcoal. For eyeshadow, try to use neutral tones like browns and creams. Save brighter shadows for special occasions.
  6. 6 Limit perfume use. Most fragrances are too strong to be used on a daily basis. If you want a flower or baked scent to emanate from you, try using appropriate body sprays. Their smell is lighter and no less pleasant, and the price is noticeably lower. However, you should not overdo it with the spray either. One or two sprays on the skin should be sufficient.
  7. 7 Learn to pair your makeup with glasses. The fact that you wear glasses does not prevent you from wearing makeup. If you enjoy using makeup, then with glasses you can accentuate your eyes even more. Below are some tips.
    • Apply some concealer or lighter eyeshadow to the inner corners of your eyes. Be sure to blend them well. This will compensate for the shadows usually cast by glasses on the eyes.
    • Highlight your eyebrows. Do not pluck them, but you need to make them well-groomed, so comb them with an eyebrow brush.
    • Don't go overboard with eyeshadow. Glasses already shade your eyes a lot. If you want to use shadows, go with light or soft colors. You can also use neutral tones. However, you should refrain from using dark shades.
    • Bring the arrows in front of your eyes. With their help, your eyes will visually become even larger. You can also highlight the lower lash line with the eyeliner.
    • Try applying mascara to your eyelashes. It will make your eyes more expressive.
  8. 8 Make sure to wash off your makeup before bed. Sleeping with makeup can be extremely detrimental in the long term. If you don't rinse off your makeup before bed for a month, you can look ten years old.


  • Set your own beauty standards. This will make you feel more confident. If you think curly hair is beautiful, use a perm.
  • There are currently many lines of organic or mineral makeup products. Try using them if you decide to do your makeup.
  • Feel free to experiment with your own style. What looks good on your girlfriends won't necessarily look good on you. Try to find what suits you, in which you feel comfortable.
  • If you are ashamed of your appearance, try to find something in yourself that you like, constantly remind yourself of this. For example, if you have beautiful eyes, a good smile, or a great sense of humor, tell yourself this every day. This is a great way to boost your confidence and feel more beautiful.


  • Try not to get discouraged by seeing models on the pages of fashion magazines. Many photographs have gone through serious processing and editing in Photoshop. Models' hips and waistlines tend to look thin because everything has been scrubbed and / or modeled in an imaging program to look perfect.
  • Your body is rebuilding. In the process of change, you will face the problem of acne and weight changes. This is fine. Try not to get upset about this and accept your body as it is.