How to be happy

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Habits Of Happy People - How to Be Happy
Video: 10 Habits Of Happy People - How to Be Happy


Happiness is a wonderful goal to strive for every day. The feeling of happiness is not something that we achieve and then strive to retain. This is a series of decisions that we make day in and day out. Start developing a positive outlook and live how you feel is right.Plus, spend time with positive people, connect with others, and keep your body and mind healthy. That being said, keep in mind that some mental illnesses, such as depression, can make the path to happiness difficult if left untreated by a psychologist or psychiatrist.


Method 1 of 4: Create a positive outlook

  1. 1 Express gratitude for all the good things in your life. Gratitude for what you have can change your life. This will help you focus on what's going well, making you less likely to feel dissatisfied with life. Take 1-2 minutes to enjoy the pleasant moments. Also, thank people when they do something good for you.
    • Keep a special journal or list 3-5 things you are grateful for every day.
    • In the list of gratitude, you can add: "my cat", "favorite job", "best friend whom I can call at any time", "cozy bed", "delicious food".
    • When you feel discouraged, return to the thank you list to feel better.
  2. 2 Replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Negative thoughts prevent us from feeling happy, but thinking can be changed. If you notice a negative thought, question it. Then replace it with a positive or neutral thought. Also, tell yourself positive affirmations throughout the day.
    • Let's say you catch yourself thinking, "I'm so ugly." You can replace this with the words: "I cannot be ugly, because everyone is beautiful in their own way," or: "I am unique, and this makes me beautiful."
    • Use positive affirmations such as “I can do it,” “I’m good enough,” “If I try, I’ll already succeed.”

    Advice: talk to yourself as if you were talking to your best friend. For example, if your friend messes up a presentation at work, chances are you will say something like, “This happens sometimes. You will perform better next time. "

  3. 3 Praise yourself at least once a day. Concentrate on what you do well by giving yourself regular compliments. Highlight your best features, honor your talents, and acknowledge your accomplishments. It will help you treat yourself in a positive way.
    • Say, "This outfit looks great on me," "I did a great job with this presentation," "I'm such a great writer," or, "I love that I'm so responsive."
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself with other people. Everyone has their own path, so it is unfair to measure your progress by looking at what others have achieved. Don't worry about what other people are doing. Better compare yourself to the person you were in the past. This will help you see how you are improving.
    • For example, don't worry if you think all of your friends have advanced significantly in their careers. And your time will come. Better compare your progress with last year.
  5. 5 Look for something positive when you face an obstacle. Difficulties and setbacks are part of life, and no one is immune from them. When faced with a problem, do your best to see something positive in it. This will help you to cheer up in the moment and learn from your experience.
    • For example, let's say you lost your job. It is a really difficult experience, but you can focus on it as an opportunity to change careers.

    Option: sometimes very painful experiences happen in life, for example, the death of a pet. You don't have to look for something good in situations like this. Taking time to grieve and express your emotions will help put them in the past.

  6. 6 Engage mindfulnessto focus on the present moment. Getting hung up on memories of the past and worries about the future can negatively affect your mood.Mindfulness will help you focus on the present moment to avoid over-thinking. Here are some ways to be more mindful:
    • meditate for 10 minutes;
    • use all five senses;
    • perform only one action at a time;
    • focus on staying calm and equanimous.

Method 2 of 4: Be the best version of yourself

  1. 1 Live according to your personal values. If you ignore your core beliefs, you will feel overwhelmed and torn apart by contradictions. Reveal Your Personal Values: Make a list of the things that are important to you, identify the times you experienced true happiness, and decide what you really want out of life. Then align your lifestyle with your values ​​to become the person you want to be.
    • For example, perhaps you value helping others and being creative. To live up to these values, one can choose a nursing profession and paint as a hobby. In addition, you can make conscious decisions so as not to hurt other people.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook, and a consultant to the Digital Ocean security team. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them solve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. Received an MSc in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University and a Degree in Clinical Psychology in 2008.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker

    Determine what you are striving for in life - some people call this destiny. Adam Dorsey, a licensed psychologist, says: “The most enduring form of happiness is creating meaningful life. Take time to become aware of your life's purpose or move towards it if you don't know what it is. Personal values ​​and strengths are a good guideline for defining your destiny.»Try taking special tests online or enrolling in courses to identify strengths and vocations.

  2. 2 Do at least one activity every day that you enjoy. This will help you enjoy your life more. Make a list of activities that make you happy. Then add these items to your daily schedule. This way you can have more joy in life and become a better version of yourself.
    • For example, take up a hobby, hang out with friends, play a board game, take a walk with a pet, take a hot bath, read a book, watch a movie, go to a concert, or try a new recipe.
    • If there is something you've always wanted to do, don't delay! For example, sign up for art classes or watch online lessons to learn how to dance.
  3. 3 Identify your strengths to build self-confidence. It is easier to feel happy when you are proud of who you are, and identifying your strengths can help. List your talents, skills, and knowledge. Then revisit it regularly so you don't forget how amazing you are.
    • Strengths may include things like solving math problems, writing beautifully, singing, or winning athletics. In addition, you may have good communication skills, analytical skills, or critical thinking skills. Likewise, you may be very creative or know how to work with other people.
  4. 4 Work on your weaknesses to deal with them. Every person has their own weaknesses, so don't be discouraged about yours. If your weaknesses bother you, work on them by learning new skills or trying something new. Chances are, over time, you will be able to improve yourself.
    • For example, suppose you have a hard time public speaking. You can join the Toastmasters Club or take an improvisation course to improve your skills.
    • Or maybe you are unhappy with your fitness level. To increase it, you can develop a training program and engage in it.
  5. 5 Express your emotions, don't hold them back. Feelings are extremely important, so don't try to hide them. Ignoring your emotions will only intensify them. Instead, choose a healthy way to let off steam. Here are some options:
    • talk to someone;
    • keep a diary;
    • be creative;
    • go in for sports.
  6. 6 Spend money on experiences, not things. Buying what you really want is great, but this happiness will not last long. Experiences will bring you more joy than things, so spend your money on entertainment or travel. For more fun, do it with the people you love.
    • For example, you might choose to play mini golf instead of a new shirt.
    • In this case, it is worth buying the necessary things, such as a computer for study or a cleanser to keep your skin clean. Don't feel guilty about buying these things.

Method 3 of 4: Build a support system

  1. 1 Surround yourself with positive people. It can cheer you up. Determine which people around you inspire your elation, and then spend more time with those people. Offer one-on-one meetings, correspond with them, and arrange company meetings.
    • Don't feel obligated to cut off negative friends or family members. It's better to just spend more time with your positive friends and family.
  2. 2 Connect with other people to feel like you are part of the community. People need community, so being around others will make you feel happier. Focus on communicating with others. To do this, maintain a relationship with them, find a common language and empathize with them in difficult times.
    • For example, look for common interests with people, even those who, at first glance, are completely different from you. Perhaps you both enjoy reading, nature, or the same TV show.
  3. 3 To find friends, join a club or society related to your interests. If you want to expand your social circle, join a club or attend events to spend time with other people. Look for a club that reflects your interests. Then get to know the people you meet there in order to make friends with them.
    • For example, you might look for a science fiction book club or a drawing group.

    Advice: friendships take time to develop, so don't worry if you don't connect with people at first. Keep going to the club or meetings and eventually you will make friends.

Method 4 of 4: Take Care of Your Mind and Body

  1. 1 Sleep at least 7-9 hours every night to have a good rest. Feeling tired can negatively affect your mood. It also makes it harder to live your life to its fullest. To make sure you feel your best and fall asleep easier, stick to your sleep schedule. Also, stick to your regular evening routine.
    • For example, take a warm shower, change into your pajamas, and read a chapter in a book while lying in bed.
  2. 2 Eat a healthy and balanced dietto saturate the body. Nutrients provide energy, so good nutrition improves your well-being. Eat fresh foods, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates to stay healthy.Also, cut out processed foods and sugary snacks because they only provide empty calories.
    • Lean proteins include chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, nuts, and meat substitutes.
    • Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as starchy vegetables and whole grains.
  3. 3 Go in for sports half an hour every day for a good mood and body health. Exercise releases endorphins that make us happy. In addition, arguing provides energy and improves well-being. Choose a physical activity that you like so that it is easier for you to do it every day.
    • For example, walk, run, dance, go to the gym, join a sports team, or go swimming.
  4. 4 Implement stress relievers into your daily life to avoid burnout. Stress is a normal part of life, but too much stress can be harmful. To manage your stress levels, try various relaxation techniques and choose the one that's right for you. Then incorporate these options into your daily schedule.
    • You can talk to a friend, do something creative, color in an adult coloring book, take up a hobby, write in a diary, take a bath, or play with your pet.
  5. 5 Take a break from social media so you don't feel like you're missing out. Social media can create fears of missing out on something important because it gives the impression that everyone else is doing better than you. Keep in mind that what you see on social media is often exaggerated, and these are just the best moments in people's lives. Also, stay away from social media in times of discouragement.
    • It might be helpful to use an app that blocks social media for a certain period of time every day.
  6. 6 If you need additional support, work with a counselor. This is totally normal. A psychologist can help you change your thinking and behavior to improve your mood. Ask friends and family for recommendations, or look for a specialist online.
    • If you have a voluntary health insurance policy with an extended range of services, contact your insurance company. You may be covered for your counseling sessions.

    Advice: if you have a mental illness, you probably need treatment to get over your depression. Don't feel like you have to go through this alone.


  • Try to focus more on positive experiences rather than painful ones.
  • Live your life to be happy. Don't worry about what others think.
  • Everyone has bad days. Focus on having more good days than bad days.


  • If you have a mental illness, you may need professional help to feel better. See a psychotherapist or psychiatrist for treatment options.