How to be sarcastic

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Sarcastic WITHOUT Offending People
Video: How To Be Sarcastic WITHOUT Offending People


Sarcasm -. this is a great way to laugh and get out of an awkward situation with honor. Being sarcastic is easier than you think. Listen carefully to other sarcastic people speaking and look for creative ways to be sarcastic in everyday situations. However, remember that if you do this at the wrong time or in a conversation with the wrong person, you may end up hurting someone's feelings, so proceed with caution and don't overdo it.


Method 1 of 3: Use sarcasm

  1. 1 Use sarcasm about ideas or events. For example, after watching a boring movie, you might say, "Great movie." Emphasize the word “wonderful” to give your voice a sarcastic tone.
    • After watching a video of a man on a motorcycle jumping through a ring of fire, you can say: “Safe hobby”.
    • Do not direct sarcasm at the person unless they are your friend. You can talk about people you don't know personally - for example, a sarcastic comment about bad decisions by politicians, celebrities, or business leaders can make you laugh well.
  2. 2 Criticize obvious comments. If someone says something really obvious, pay attention to their unnecessary conclusion by saying, "Seriously?" or "Wow, I had no idea!" For example, if it's raining heavily and someone says, “It's raining,” you might say, “Oh really? I didn't even notice. "
    • If you have lost your notes for your speech, and a friend says: “This is bad,” you can sarcastically answer: “What are you talking about!”.
  3. 3 Pay attention to predictable events. Suppose a friend shares information about how an incompetent politician messed up the promotion of an important strategy or program. You might say, "Wow, what a surprise."
    • Imagine a friend is telling you about a friend who crashed his car. If you know this person is a downright bad driver, you can answer, “Did he crash the car? I'm shocked".
  4. 4 Use sarcasm to rebuke a mistake. For example, imagine that you and a friend are playing soccer and he kicks off the target from a very vantage point. When it doesn't hit, say, "Wow, great hit!"
    • The same thing: if a friend walks with his eyes on his phone and bumps into an object on the road, you can make a sarcastic comment like: “Well done!”.
  5. 5 Pretend you are happy or grateful. If something goes wrong, you can react with sarcasm. For example, if you puncture a wheel, say, “Oh, awesome. This is exactly what I missed. "
    • If you get a bad grade on a test, you can say, “Great. Straight what you need ”.
    • If you need to get money from the bank, but you came there only to find that it is closed today, you can sarcastically exclaim: “It's just great!”.
  6. 6 Use obsolete words. If your sarcastic remark is too subtle, the other person may not understand it. Make it clear that this is sarcasm by using unusual words and phrases (for example, “damn it” and “right!”) Before making a comment.
    • For example, if you and your friend are late and he says, “We’ll be late,” you can sarcastically answer: “Really, it can't be?”.

Method 2 of 3: Use sarcasm appropriately

  1. 1 Before using sarcasm, think about who you are talking to. Everyone reacts differently to sarcasm. In general, you should be less sarcastic with co-workers or newcomers. But with friends and family members who know and trust you, you can be more free. However, even among friends and family, it is important to be able to stop in time.
    • Refrain from sarcastic behavior around those who do not like it.
    • Also, do not use sarcasm with teachers, police officers, or other government officials.
    • Don't be sarcastic with people who don't take jokes, don't have a sense of humor, or are simply not in the mood.
    • Do not make sarcastic comments if you know that this topic is painful for a person.
  2. 2 Don't abuse your talent. A little sarcasm will make people around you smile. But from an excess of sarcasm, people will quickly get tired and begin to dislike you. Don't use sarcasm too often, or people will feel like they can't say or do anything in your presence without being ridiculed. People around you should still feel comfortable when they approach you and talk to you.
    • There is no way to define an acceptable amount of sarcasm. Different people have different levels of tolerance for this.
    • Replace sarcasm with wit when you (or your interlocutors) are already fed up with it. Wit is less hostile and is rated higher than sarcasm.
    • For example, if you are walking with a friend and he suddenly and for no apparent reason stumbles, you could make a sarcastic comment like, "Out of the blue." Instead, be smart: "The earth is spinning too fast!"
  3. 3 Explain that it was sarcasm, if necessary. Some people are not used to sarcasm. If the other person takes your comments literally, you may need to inform them that it was not serious. To do this, just say: "I'm kidding," - or: "It was sarcasm."

Method 3 of 3: Improve Your Sarcasm

  1. 1 Rehearse sarcastic comments. If you have a sarcastic comment that works for many situations, repeat it regularly with different people to remember. For example, when someone asks a trivial question such as, "Heard what?" (meaning "how are you?"), you can answer: "Your voice."
    • The frequency with which you should repeat your sarcastic comments depends on your memory. If you can memorize a sarcastic phrase after two or three daily repetitions, there is no need to rehearse further.
    • If you need to repeat your sarcastic comment more often to remember it, do so.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the feedback by making a certain sarcastic comment. If after it people constantly roll their eyes, don't say it again and use it less often. If you have a sarcastic comment that you think will be a big hit, use it regularly.
    • Remember that even good sarcasm can get worn out.
  3. 3 Be creative. The best sarcastic responses or comments will draw on your deep knowledge of the interlocutors and their preferences, attitudes and beliefs. Think carefully about how you can wrap your current situation or conversation with others into an intelligent, sarcastic comment.
    • For example, imagine that you and your friend Anton are big fans of the Hulk. If Anton accidentally breaks a pile of dishes, you can sarcastically note: “You saved the planet again, Hulk!”.
  4. 4 Chat with sarcastic people. Spending time listening to people who use sarcasm well can help you become more sarcastic. Notice when and how they make sarcastic comments. Listen for changes in intonation and watch for facial expressions when the person is being sarcastic.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid of failure. It takes time, attention, and experience to become sarcastic. As you train your sarcasm muscles, you will learn to be more sarcastic. Don't stop trying to use sarcasm, even if you've made a few jokes that others thought weren't very funny.