How to be with your boyfriend's girlfriend

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 15 September 2024
Video: FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ mod EVIL Girlfriend vs BF!


You have a boyfriend you love and who loves you back. Perfect, isn't it? But wait, he introduced you to a girl he considers his best friend, and you can't find any reason why you should like her. Your life turns into anguish, because whenever he mentions her or something related to her, you feel a stab of pain. You know this is not good, as it hurts your relationship, which would be just magical without it. The guidelines below may not help you, but at least you will know that you are not alone in your concerns about this dilemma.


  1. 1 Talk to your boyfriend, tell him that you don't like his girlfriend. Perhaps it will hurt him, but it hurts much more when such things are hidden.
  2. 2 If possible, explain the reason to him. It may sound strange, but girls sometimes don't like other girls for no reason; guys just don't get it. Unless you hate everyone, he may understand why you feel this way.
  3. 3 After explaining to him once, show leniency to him. Do not comment on every mention of this girl. Let it go.
  4. 4 When the question arises about the meetings this girl is attending, make a decision whether you will participate or not.
    • If you choose to go and be in this situation, avoid direct contact with it. If you can't avoid it, talk as little as possible. Feelings are hard to fake, but at least you will make it clear that you are willing to abide by the generally accepted norms of politeness, so you better not cross the line.
  5. 5 Repeat the above steps over and over. Hopefully your boyfriend is smart enough to understand and minimize the number and duration of situations in which you both need to intersect. At the same time, you may not be any better if you know that they regularly communicate, and you are excluded from this communication because your boyfriend knows that you do not like her. Learn to live with it or it can get messed up.


  • Relax, he chose you. Don't push him away with unreasonable tears.
  • The reason you don't like her is most likely because on some subconscious level (at which women “unreasonably” dislike other women) you feel threatened by her. Perhaps there is no real threat at all, so it's better to overcome yourself and get to know it better, respecting your boyfriend's choice of who to hang out with. Imagining yourself in his place (he doesn't like the guy who is your best friend) will help you understand him better.
  • Try to pretend that you are not affected by this girl's presence. Just pretend that you don't notice it or that you don't know anything.Convince yourself that in this case, ignorance is bliss. Read the mantra to yourself that your boyfriend truly loves you, and strive for what is best for your relationship. You just need to believe him despite feeling threatened.
  • Try not to fight with the majority, that is, with your boyfriend who cares about a friend, and his girlfriend who cares about your boyfriend. Sometimes it may seem that she loves him as if he is her partner. It doesn't mean anything, it just creates tension between you and your boyfriend.
  • Don't try to confront the girl. It will hurt you more than it will hurt her. Perhaps they have known each other for half their lives, but you and your boyfriend started a completely different relationship, perhaps for the rest of your life - so what if they have their own story?
  • Perhaps if you pretend long enough, you will eventually get along with her.
  • Try to talk to him and his girlfriend.


  • You may think that everything is fine, but there is a cumulative effect and one day you might explode! If you genuinely dislike her, you may never be able to find common ground.
  • For the same reason, there can be a problem with your emotional health.
  • The more you find fault with your boyfriend's girlfriend, the more it can alienate him from you.
  • Perhaps you cry a lot ... don't try to pretend to be friends with her, this can make the situation even worse.

What do you need

  • Strong heart
  • A lot of trust in your boyfriend
  • Good self-esteem so as not to feel threatened by his girlfriend, who seems to care more for him than her husband
  • Good acting skills (optional) to pretend to be calm when in contact with her.