How to be timid

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be SHY
Video: How To Be SHY


You can be shy in many ways, such as in your personal or daily life. It can help you attract a man or build strong friendships. In romantic relationships, modesty is a good method to attract a man. Some women are naturally shy, others have to work on themselves to become humble. Whether you're trying to attract a boyfriend, stay in a relationship with your boyfriend, or change your day-to-day behavior, it's easy to be humble just by following a few tips.


Method 1 of 3: How to Attract a Boyfriend

  1. 1 Smile timidly at him. If an unfamiliar handsome guy comes up to you, smile at him gently. You don't want to sound too enthusiastic or too enthusiastic. It might scare him away. Just smile at him by blinking your eyelashes a few times. He learns that you are at least somewhat interested in him, but not hungry for his company. This will allow you to seem attainable without overdoing it.
    • It will work even if you smile at him across the room. If you want a guy to come up to you and start a conversation, make eye contact and smile across the room. This will let him know that you saw him and are open to talking with him.
  2. 2 Flirt with your eyes. Using eyes is a great way to get a guy's attention. Don't look too much at your guy the first time you meet him, and don't let him think that you are hungry for his company. Just look back at him furtively. This will let him know that you are interested and playful, but not hungry for his company. Look at him with smoldering eyes, as if he is telling you something pleasant. This will let him know that you like what you see when you look at him.
    • If you see a guy you like on the morning train on your way to the grocery store, try making eye contact. When he looks at you, catch his gaze for a second, and then turn away. Then, look at him and wait for him to look at you. After you catch his eye again, smile at him timidly, then turn away again. Let him know that you are interested, but not eager to communicate with him. He will eventually think that you think he is cute and will approach you.
  3. 3 Use body language. When you want to let a guy know that you are interested without telling him about it, you can use body language. Stand or sit closer to him when you talk. If you want to say something to him, lean closer to him and say it in his ear. Find a way to touch it, such as leaning on it, adjusting your shoes or trying to regain balance. While thinking about the answer to a question, bite your lip or keep your finger to your mouth. This will make you look attractive.
    • To be gentle and refined in movements does not mean hanging on to him. Move subtly in his personal space, but make sure you understand his signals. You don't want to be too persistent.
  4. 4 Change your wardrobe. You don't have to wear revealing clothes to get a guy's attention. When you go out with friends, wear something feminine that is only open enough to maximize your boyfriend's interest. Wear a short skirt with a blouse that covers your body, or leave your body exposed in a modest length dress. This will make you look attractive, not vulgar. You don't want to overdo it or seem desperate for his attention, you want to catch his eye.
    • Add beautiful high heels and a shy, innocent smile to this outfit. High heels will make your look stunning and grab his attention. This will make you look confident but cute, which will draw his attention to you.
  5. 5 Play with your hair. A great way to appear shy is to play with your hair. Run your fingers through your hair as he speaks. You can also gently run your hands through your hair with a flirty smile on your lips. He will think that you are a little nervous and interested in him.
    • Don't overdo these gestures and movements. Do it subtly so that he thinks you are nervous. You don't want him to think that you are bored or uninteresting.

Method 2 of 3: How to keep your boyfriend guessing

  1. 1 Don't be too approachable. Even if he's your boyfriend, it shouldn't feel like you don't have a life outside of your relationship. When he makes an appointment with you, do not accept his terms every time he asks. Change the time or day often, tell them you have plans with friends or are too busy. Try to reschedule to another time that is convenient for both of you. This way, he will know that you have a life outside of your relationship. But let him know that you are still interested in your relationship.
    • This also applies to other means of communication. In this era of electronics and social media, it's easier than ever to communicate with each other. Do not rush to answer him every time he writes or calls. Let him get your attention - it will make you more attractive and interesting to him.
  2. 2 Don't talk too much about yourself. When you meet someone, you want to get to know him or her better. However, try not to talk too much about your life at the very beginning of your relationship. Do not lie or shy away from answers, but be humble, let him wonder about what else he does not know about you. Leave room for mystery in your relationship. If you want to keep his attention, get him to court you, do not annoy him with chatter.
    • When talking about your past, do not divulge every little detail. He doesn't need to know about every awkward moment while dancing at school or information about each of your exes. You can also leave stories about the family at a later time. You want him to get to know you, not be able to write your entire family history.
  3. 3 Be playful. This is a great way to flirt with a guy. Even if you’re already dating, flirting will help give your relationship a fresh look and make it more interesting. Laugh when he jokes. While you are walking, playfully nudge him if he says something outrageous. You can be playful when you talk to him. Give him sexual compliments when you are around. For example: "You look great today. I wish we weren't in a room full of people today, so I could show how much." This is humble enough and will let him know what you think of him.
  4. 4 Let him want more. Even if you've been dating for a long time, you will always want your boyfriend to want more.Flirt with him throughout the meeting, but stop flirting immediately after the meeting. During a date, draw his attention to your body. Slowly run your hand along your neck as you talk, or bite your lip while looking at the menu. Push it gently under the table with your foot while you eat, but pretend not to notice. At the end of the day, hug him tightly, rubbing his back up and down. When he wants to kiss you, bend over to his ear and, before leaving, say in a whisper, "I had a great time." It will drive him crazy and make him want more.

Method 3 of 3: How to Create Close Friendships

  1. 1 Stay out of the way. When you're in society, don't jump into the conversation right away. Wait until you are introduced, then join the conversation. You don't want to sound too violent. Just talk to one or two people. Make sure your body language does not indicate that you are closed to conversation. You should appear open to intimate conversation, but not overly interested in all the details of the conversation.
    • This tactic works for all situations. Avoid noisy parties and club trips. Being shy means keeping aloof, trying to be unnoticed, preferring to attend small meetings.
  2. 2 Be secretive. Whether at work with coworkers or with people you don't know, you have to keep everything to yourself. Do not divulge unnecessary information at work, do not tell people about your personal problems. With your closest friends, feel free to talk about how your friend dumped you or the difficulties of training your puppy at home. But if you just met someone, keep your distance and keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Before making friends with someone, you must get to know the person.
    • You should also avoid over-disclosing information when answering questions from strangers. You can start to share more intimate details about yourself after you get to know the person better.
  3. 3 Avoid being the center of attention. Shy people don't want to be the center of attention. This also applies to relationships and clothing. You should not wear clothing that will attract people's attention. It is difficult to form close friendships if you are constantly surrounded by crowds of people. If you stay aloof, people will want to get to know you, to get to know you, to know what kind of person you are.
  4. 4 Listen. When you are on the sidelines, listen to the people around you. By listening to the information others share, you will get to know them better. After they become more than just acquaintances, you can open up, be less shy in their presence.


  • You don't want to be too humble for a long time. You want him to be in awe of you without thinking that you are losing interest or getting him to break up with you.
  • If the guy really isn't responding, change your tactics. All guys react differently.