How to be best friends

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You
Video: The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You


The relationship between best friends is one of the most important relationships in life. For this reason, we wish to do our best to make our best friend enjoy the time with us. Most of the time this happens on its own, but from time to time you need to remind yourself of those actions that distinguish ordinary friends from best friends.


Part 1 of 3: Enjoy life with a friend

  1. 1 Do business together. More often than not, people value the memories of the moments they spend with their best friends. Make plans together and bring them to life. However, it is important to make sure that you are not only at home, at school or at work.
    • You can do almost anything with your best friend. Take a day trip and visit new places, or just have a chat over a cup of coffee. Most importantly, the time you spend together should be enjoyable.
  2. 2 Spend time at home. Best friends don't have to do incredible things to have a good time. Sometimes it's enough to stay at home with your best friend. Invite her to your place, even if you did not plan anything grandiose. Just chat in a relaxed atmosphere.
    • There are many ways to have fun at home. Watch movies, play video games or cook dessert - there are tons of options. You don't have to sit quietly on the couch at home.
  3. 3 Come up with regular activities together. Through constant meetings, the bond between you will grow stronger. There is no need to invent anything supernatural. You can just have lunch together or go to school. Best friends see each other almost every day, even if such meetings take no more than 20 minutes.
    • In addition to getting closer to the person, regular social interactions are extremely beneficial for your mental health. It is scientifically proven that meeting daily can help reduce anxiety, depression and stress. If you suffer from similar problems, then daily communication will not only help you feel better, but also have a beneficial effect on friendships.
  4. 4 Make up jokes that only you two can understand. In some moments together, you will be engulfed in incessant laughter. Memorize such moments and return to them some time later. You will always have a reason to smile, laugh or remember the warm moments spent together.
  5. 5 Make spontaneous decisions. Friendship doesn't have to be scripted.Call your friend when such a desire arises. She will appreciate the attention and care, even if you are now in different places.
    • Not sure what to do? If some thought or situation reminds you of a friend, or you know that he thinks your story is funny, then call him or send a message. Offer to meet, even if you haven't planned anything. Always be in touch.
  6. 6 Make friends with a friend's relatives. Best friends and girlfriends often spend time at each other's home. Meet and befriend a friend's family and family. When you meet, show interest in their life and business. Remember personal details that can be discussed at a new meeting. You may not always have a perfect relationship, but try to be friendly with your best friend's family.
    • Your best friend's parents may invite you on a family vacation. In this case, you need to behave as best as possible and show respect to all relatives. Otherwise, your friendship may be in jeopardy.

Part 2 of 3: Support your best friend

  1. 1 Be there for times of sadness. Bad things happen to everyone. If your friend is upset, invite her to tell you about her feelings. Try to look at the situation through the eyes of your friend and show empathy. The person will understand how important they are to you and will reciprocate in a similar situation.
    • Almost always, it is more important for a person to simply listen and express sympathy, and not try to find a solution to the problem. In such a situation, don't be tempted to talk about what your friend should do. If you really think you need to say something, then wait until your friend regains control.
    • If a friend is in a difficult situation, then your help may be required. Help her with current chores and household chores. Such care will always be appreciated.
    • Sometimes people go through difficult moments like the death of a loved one, which lead to deep grief. In such a situation, they almost always perform atypical actions for themselves, but do not think that they really do not need your support. If there is a tragedy, then be there, even if it seems that your friend is not happy to see you. Your best friend needs your help like no one else and will never forget your timely support.
  2. 2 Let a friend support you. Support is a two-way street. It is important to trust the person for the support to make sense. Talk to your best friend if you are angry or sad. Be honest and open about your feelings. So you will not only lighten your soul, but also learn to trust each other and become even closer.
  3. 3 Inspire your best friend. Support is important every day, not just in times of sadness. Encourage your friend to do what she loves and do her best. The person will appreciate your attempts to lift their spirits and give strength to follow their dreams. We always remember those who encourage us on the way to the goal.
    • Be supportive even if you don't like your friend's aspirations (as long as it doesn't hurt her). You don't have to do what your friend is doing. She will appreciate your support in an endeavor that is not to your liking.
  4. 4 Be a loyal and devoted friend. Don't share the secrets your best friend has shared with you. Do not force the person to do an unloved business for your benefit. Doing so undermines trust and destroys friendships forever.
    • In the event of a conflict, loyalty to a friend can require tough decisions from you. Ultimately, you should always be on the side of your best friend. Unconditional loyalty is the key to a strong friendship.
    • Take the first step and share your personal information if you want your friend to tell you her secrets too.If you need to confess or share something, then there is no better person for the conversation than your best friend. Shared secrets and secrets are a guarantee of loyalty to each other.
  5. 5 Accept your friend's flaws. People aren't perfect, so a best friend has a few downsides. Do not try to change a person in accordance with your beliefs, as he probably knows about his shortcomings as much as you do. Over time, you realize that it’s such quirks that brought you together.

Part 3 of 3: Be a Good Friend

  1. 1 Be kind to people. Good deeds bring joy to all participants in the situation. It is pleasant for people to communicate with kind people. Treat everyone with respect and provide all possible help to those who need it. The consequences of even the most insignificant service will pleasantly surprise you.
  2. 2 Treat friends as equals. Do not look down on your friends, but do not treat them like people of the upper class. People don't like it when others think they are better than others. At the same time, almost everyone is uncomfortable when the other person suffers from low self-esteem. Ultimately, we are all human. Don't forget this.
    • If you find it difficult to behave correctly, always consider what you are saying and how others will react. Don't be mean to your friend or yourself. Watch yourself carefully and soon your habits will change for the better.
  3. 3 Be a fun person. It's no secret that everyone loves to laugh. Joke when appropriate. Sometimes it's okay to tease a person, but don't use hurtful words. Notice humor in simple things. Your life will become joyful, and people will enjoy spending time with you.
    • It's okay if you don't have innate abilities. Want to learn how to joke? Surround yourself with people and things that make you smile. Watch comedy films and listen to comedy performances. Take time to relax if you have a busy schedule. The change won't happen overnight, but soon your witty remarks will bring a smile to the faces of your friends.
  4. 4 Be yourself. Don't try to be a different person to please others. Any sane person will immediately notice pretense, and pretenders are not interesting to anyone. Be yourself to make friends with people who value your personality, not your fake qualities.


  • The company of the best friend is always pleasant. If you feel uncomfortable around such a person, then it's time to reevaluate your relationship with the people around you.
  • Do not expect reciprocity or reciprocal gratitude when doing an act. Your actions should be dictated by a desire to help, and not selfish goals.
  • Do not interfere with other people's relationships if they are not your friends. Just tell them you feel uncomfortable when your best friends are fighting.


  • People change, and friends drift apart. This even happens to the best of friends. Do not intrude if the person does not want to spend time with you. This behavior will hurt you.