How to be the perfect girl

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mareux - The Perfect Girl
Video: Mareux - The Perfect Girl


Girls around the world strive to achieve excellence. Some want to hold on and behave impeccably, others are more important than an ideal appearance. While it is impossible to achieve absolute perfection, try to take at least a few steps towards the perfect version of yourself. At the same time, do not forget that all people are special and everyone deserves love for themselves as a person.


Method 1 of 3: How to dress

  1. 1 Create a stylish wardrobe. If you want to always look feminine and elegant, collect sets from classic things. Below is a list of important items to add to your wardrobe:
    • Buy several different jeans to wear throughout the week. Be sure to choose straight and flared jeans that fit well to add variety to your outfits.
    • Buy basic tank tops, comfy sweaters, simple cardigans, and some blouses to wear on special occasions. These simple things can be combined with each other and create new images.
    • Be wary of new fashions. It may be worth giving up buying something that is now at the height of fashion, since next year you are unlikely to want to wear it.
  2. 2 Wear simple jewelry. Try to take off one piece of jewelry before leaving the house. Thanks to this, you will not look vulgar, and jewelry will not draw all the attention to yourself. Wear diamond stud earrings, simple silver or gold pendant chains, and thin bracelets.
    • Large pieces of jewelry can make a basic outfit more interesting. But don't wear large necklaces, earrings and bracelets at the same time.
  3. 3 Buy the perfect black dress. All girls know that a little black dress is the standard of elegance. However, not every black dress will work - you will need to choose a special one. When looking around for a dress, remember the following:
    • It is best to choose a knee-length dress with original details. If the dress is longer, you can wear it on a variety of occasions for many more years, and the details will make it stand out from others. Interesting details on the sleeves and waist look especially elegant.
  4. 4 Stock up on tights. While it is impossible to achieve complete flawlessness, tights can make your legs almost perfect. Legs look slimmer thanks to tights, in addition, they hide protruding veins and skin imperfections on the legs. In winter, choose tight knit tights to keep your feet warm.
  5. 5 Buy good shoes. A girl who strives for the ideal should have classic shoes for all seasons. When choosing shoes, look for simple styles and colors that will work with most outfits. You may need the following shoes:
    • Buy several pairs of comfortable ballet flats. You should have black and nude ballet flats, as well as some colored ones.
    • Choose brown and black boots for fall and winter.

Method 2 of 3: How to keep an eye on your appearance

  1. 1 Take time to personal hygiene. This will keep you feeling clean and looking great at all times. Hygiene is the first thing people pay attention to, so it's important to keep your body clean. Try to do the following every day:
    • Take a shower daily. You don't need to wash your hair every day, but you should shower or bathe daily. If you wash in the morning and then get dirty or sweat a lot during the day, take a shower also in the evening. This will keep your skin clean and odor-free.
    • Use deodorant every morning. Whatever you have to do, always use deodorant. This will make you smell good.
    • Brush your teeth in the morning and evening for two minutes. Taking care of your oral cavity will not only help you look your best - it is also beneficial for your overall health. Also, remember to floss and use a mouthwash. Carry dental floss with you and use it after meals.
  2. 2 Take care of your skin. Clean and radiant skin will make you look irresistible. The skin is very sensitive, so it needs to be cared for properly to keep it healthy. Follow our guidelines to keep your skin looking great:
    • Be careful with the delicate skin around your eyes. Don't rub your eyes with your hands.
    • Use a quality moisturizer to keep your skin soft. After washing your face or after showering, apply a moisturizer to keep moisture in your skin. Use a lighter cream in the morning and a lighter cream in the evening.
    • Use sunscreen to prevent burns and excessive dryness of your skin. Many moisturizers contain sunscreen, so you can moisturize and protect your skin with a single product.
    • Wash your face in the morning and before bed to keep your skin clean. After washing, blot your face with a towel and do not rub your skin. If you get acne, use a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide cleanser. If you still can't calm your skin, see a dermatologist.
    • Do not pop or touch pimples, blackheads, and blackheads. This can lead to scarring and further clogging of the pores.
  3. 3 Keep your hair healthy. Your hair should show that it is healthy and that you are looking after it. After showering or bathing, do not brush your hair when it is wet, as this may injure it. Better to separate them with a wide-toothed comb and let dry naturally, or blow-dry them with a cold blower.
    • Wash your hair in time. The frequency of washing depends on the type of hair. It may be enough for you to wash your hair every three days. Monitor the condition of your hair. As soon as you notice that they start to look greasy, wash them with shampoo and conditioner.
    • Use a shampoo and conditioner designed for your hair type. There are various remedies for thick, fine, curly, straight and unruly hair that can help you solve the problem on a case-by-case basis.
    • Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to prevent splitting at the ends.
  4. 4 Take care of your nails. It is imperative to keep an eye on your fingernails and toenails as they can say a lot about your hygiene. Trim or file your nails carefully. If you paint your nails, do it carefully. When the varnish begins to chip off, touch up areas or rinse off the varnish.
  5. 5 Stick balanced diet. Healthy foods will help you look and feel great.Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Such a diet will be beneficial for the whole body, both internally and externally. Nutritious foods will also keep your skin looking good.
    • The average woman should eat 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables daily.
    • You will also need 3-5 servings of cereals every day.
    • Eat at least 48 grams of protein daily.
  6. 6 Do not smoke. Smoking cigarettes causes many of the latter's negative effects on the body, including various diseases. Cigarette smoke dries out the skin, causing wrinkles and premature aging. If you are striving for an ideal lifestyle, quit smoking.

Method 3 of 3: Behaving Perfectly

  1. 1 Respect all the people in your life. Be nice to family, teachers, friends, and all other people. Even if you disagree with the person's views or disapprove of their behavior, show respect and refrain from judgments and harsh reactions. If you are able to accept different points of view, it means that you are a mature person. Behave with dignity so that you can receive respect from people you respect yourself. Below are some tips:
    • Always say thank you and please.
    • Never talk bad about people.
    • Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.
  2. 2 Work on self-esteem. It is important to remember that there are no perfect people. You will make mistakes, regret something, and realize that something has failed. However, mistakes are part of human life. Don't be too hard on yourself and don't criticize yourself in front of other people. Instead, reflect on your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. Don't berate yourself every day. If you talk bad about yourself, other people will follow your example and say the same about you.
  3. 3 Develop solid principles. Principles guide your life and keep you from making bad decisions. They also become part of your reputation, and based on principles, people draw conclusions about your character. Principles do not add up overnight, but they can be easily destroyed with one wrong decision.
    • Listen to your parents, grandparents, and other adults and wise people who you can learn from. They will help you understand how to avoid unwanted situations and make the right decisions.
    • If you are faced with conflict situations with peers or face a difficult choice, remember your principles and values. Don't let yourself make bad decisions that you might later regret.
  4. 4 Be mature human. If you want to get as close to ideal as possible, you should learn to behave responsibly and be able to cope with any situations on your way. This does not mean that you will not be able to relax and have fun, but you will need to be able to control yourself. The following guidelines will help you with this:
    • Don't complain or whine if things don't go the way you want them to. Remember that there are unfair situations in life, and you must learn to cope with the blows of fate.
    • Know what your responsibilities are at school, at home, with your parents and friends. Adults are aware of their obligations and do their best to fulfill them. This includes helping around the house, treating friends with courtesy, and being diligent about school.
  5. 5 Appreciate your education. Intellectual ability is an important part of a person's overall development. Be attentive in class, try to be responsible for your studies, set aside time for your homework, be interested in everything that you have the opportunity to learn.
    • Study as diligently as possible every day, even if it gets tough. Although it is impossible to achieve the ideal, you can do a lot with an iron willpower and with the right mood.
    • Be grateful for the opportunity to learn something.Perhaps you are having a hard time with a certain subject, or you are tired of constantly studying. But remember that knowledge is power. They will help you achieve a lot in life.
  6. 6 Show self-confidence. You will be very close to ideal if you can carry yourself with confidence. Others will see your high self-esteem and will think that you know how to get your way. The following tips will help you:
    • Take your shoulders back and do not lower your head. Body language will say a lot about you. Confident gestures and postures will let people know that you are in control.
    • Smile and laugh more often. Smiling will show others that you are comfortable with being yourself and that you are enjoying life. Your laugh can be contagious. People will even envy your sense of humor.
    • Be optimistic. Look for pluses in all situations.
  7. 7 Be humble. Even if you are already close to ideal, bragging will turn people away from you. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, but you shouldn't wave them in front of every person you know. This may seem rude, vulgar, and disrespectful to others. Feel free to accept the praise and do not belittle the accomplishments for which you worked hard, but do it with dignity and gratitude.
    • For example, if you score the most goals in a sports game, rejoice and receive praise from others. However, don't tell everyone you meet that your team won solely because of you.
    • Compliment others rather than compete with other people. If you notice someone's success or serious effort, sincerely praise the person. This will allow you to demonstrate kindness and let others know that you are not intimidated by other people's success.


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