How to end a phone call quickly

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Sometimes you’re just busy or in no mood to talk on the phone. Keep reading for tips to help you avoid unwanted phone calls. Maybe a friend or relative you are calling you madly in love, but he can chat for hours on topics that you absolutely do not interest? Maybe you are short on time and unable to speak on the phone. Anyone who calls on the phone during business hours is also annoying. Here are some tips to help you end a conversation quickly.


  1. 1 Save all incoming calls, even if you can only sign them as "Do not answer". You don't have to memorize unnecessary numbers, and you can avoid unpleasant conversations with annoying callers.]]Be aware that sometimes friends and family may only call because they are bored.... Even if you're bored, do you sometimes try to satisfy a person's needs for just a few minutes? Try to find out why the person is calling you and insisting on a long conversation. Do you rarely communicate? Is he lonely?
  2. 2 Be honest. If you don't want to speak on the phone, tell the person about it. Be polite and don't apologize to anyone who might be hurt by your lack of attention. This option will not work if you are young and are on the phone with your parents.
  3. 3 Rudeness is required only in exceptional cases.
  4. 4 Maybe you're just not in the mood to talk. Don't be rude to your friend. You will regret it.
  5. 5 Respect older family members and friends. Think before you drop the call. Maybe they urgently need your help.
  6. 6 Don't hang up and call another friend right away. If your interlocutor calls your friend or discovers this call later, you will be caught lying.
  7. 7 Refrain from serious conversations if you have already said that you need to end the conversation.
  8. 8 Marketers sometimes call your phone to find out the reason for your negative review. Just say, "Get me off your list," and hang up.Do not provide information about your family, parents or property.
  9. 9 It can be assumed that you and your interlocutor have accumulated a lot of topics for conversation. Make an appointment for dinner.
  10. 10 Save all incoming numbers in the address book. Even if you do not know the person, you can sign him as "Do not answer" or "Marketer". Thus, you do not have to remember a strange number and accidentally pick up the phone.

Method 1 of 3: Straightforward Method

  1. 1 Explain that this is not the time to talk. You are busy with a project; you need to turn it in before a certain date and you are trying to complete a specific task. Ask the other person if they can call you back and choose the right time.
  2. 2 Chatterboxes sometimes do not understand subtle hints, so you can directly insist on a call back.
  3. 3 If you start a conversation with a chatterbox, it will be difficult for you to hang up. Limit conversations and try to determine the purpose of the call.
  4. 4 Tell them you need to call back before a specific time. Explain that you will call back at the very end of the conversation.

Method 2 of 3: Theatrical method

  1. 1 Ring the doorbell and tell them that someone has come and you need to go. If you don't have a call, knock on the door.
  2. 2 Hang up the phone. If you have a cordless or mobile phone, tell the other person that he is dead.
    • If the person calls you back, tell you that you need to charge your phone and you cannot speak
  3. 3 Ask your friend, neighbor, brother, or friend to order you to hang up.
  4. 4 Pretend you can't hear the caller well and hang up.
  5. 5 Tell them that you need to eat, shower, or go to the toilet.

Method 3 of 3: Evasion Method

  1. 1 Forward the call to voicemail and call the subscriber back at a convenient time.
  2. 2 Turn on voicemail, and then send an SMS with an apology to the subscriber. Choose a time to call back. You can say that you will talk to them "along the way" or during breaks to ensure that the conversation is short.
    • Tell the caller you received the message too late for a call back. This method works too.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the identification of the incoming caller. If the subscriber's name is not displayed along with the number, most likely you will not want to receive the call. If the subscriber knows that you will not pick up the phone, he may try to privatize or block the number.


  • If you say you will call back after eating or going to the bathroom, keep your promise. If you forgot about it, apologize. Just say, "Look, I need to eat / go to the bathroom / shower. I have to go. Bye."
  • If you get dropped a lot, you can tease the caller a little. Tell him you need to talk and you will call back later. Find out the right time to call and keep the conversation to a minimum.
  • Most people respect your right to see the "last few minutes of a movie". Use this trick depending on your relationship with the other person.


  • If you misuse these tips and your friend realizes that you are looking for an excuse to hang up, he may be offended. Be careful.