How to quickly do your homework

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Finish Homework FAST
Video: How to Finish Homework FAST


Homework can be annoying and take too long to devote to something more fun. When you have a lot of homework to do, it can be difficult to be effective.Focus, organization, planning, and motivation can help you get through your homework quickly and switch to more exciting activities.


Method 1 of 3: Stay focused

  1. 1 Work in a comfortable, well-lit area. Sit at your desk in a comfortable, padded chair. Do not work on the floor or bed, as these areas can make you drowsy and distracted. Be sure to study in a room with good lighting so that you don't have to strain your eyes while reading.
  2. 2 Eliminate distractions, retreat, and put your electronic devices aside. Turn off your phone, computer (unless, of course, you need it for work), TV and close the door. Tell your family and friends not to be disturbed when you do your homework.
    • Download apps that block websites so you don't get distracted while using your computer.
  3. 3 Set a timer. At the beginning of each activity or topic, start the timer for as many minutes as you need to get the job done. Check the timer periodically to keep track of the passage of time. This will help you understand that you are spending too much time on one task (if so), as well as focus again when you are distracted.
    • If one activity or topic takes a lot longer than others, it may be worth asking a parent or teacher for help.

Method 2 of 3: Organization and Planning

  1. 1 Get your school supplies in order. To avoid wasting time looking for the things you want, keep your books, papers, writing kits, and other materials in an accessible place. To stay organized, clean up your folders and backpack every week or every month.
    • Consider combining many different folders into one and separating them with tabs. This will keep all your school assignments in one place.
  2. 2 Make a homework plan for the evening. Instead of grabbing the first book you see and doing your homework, plan ahead. There are several ways to help you plan your homework:
    • decide how much time you want to spend on homework in general;
    • make a list of all the tasks you need to complete;
    • determine how long it will take you for each task to complete the work on the desired date;
    • follow the list strictly, crossing out tasks as you complete them.
  3. 3 Start doing your homework right after school. If you put it off until late at night, it can happen that you work late, which is not very good, since it is more difficult for a person to work quickly when he is tired. Likewise, do not postpone lessons until the morning - either you will not have time to complete all the tasks, or you will make mistakes in a hurry.
  4. 4 Arrange tasks by importance and due date. As you write down tasks in your diary throughout the week, put A next to priority tasks, C next to tasks that don't require much attention, and B for tasks that fall somewhere in between. A task that needs to be completed the next day takes precedence over a task that needs to be completed by next Tuesday. Also, first of all, perform more voluminous tasks, and then tackle small ones.
    • A 10-page essay that you haven't started yet and which needs to be completed in a week should be labeled A or B, while a small 5-question assignment that should be ready in 3 days can be labeled B.
    • Don't wait until the last moment to finish the job.

Method 3 of 3: Motivate Yourself

  1. 1 Take breaks. You can't do a job faster if you sit at it for hours without rest. Approximately every 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break to walk a little, warm up, and give your brain and body a little rest.
  2. 2 Snack and drink water. Eat light, healthy, tasty snacks and drink plenty of water as you work on assignments to boost memory and energize your brain and body. Stay away from sodas, sugary foods, junk foods, and energy drinks so you don't lose strength halfway through.
    • Try celery and apple slices with peanut butter.
  3. 3 After you finish your homework, do something interesting. This will serve you as a reward. Plan to go to a friend's house, play your favorite video game, or play basketball in the yard, and treat yourself to sweets when you're done with your homework. Remembering that there is a fun activity awaiting you after completing your homework will motivate you to focus and work more effectively.


  • Wear comfortable clothes for homework.
  • Submit all assigned work on time.
  • Use your planner to keep track of tasks that need to be completed.
  • When working on one lesson, it is very easy to lose concentration and start thinking about other tasks that you have to complete. Better focus on the task at hand.
  • Don't fall asleep. Set an alarm every 5-10 minutes to remind you of your homework if you're afraid you'll fall asleep.
  • If you're a procrastinator, grab a calendar and plan every step for all big projects.
  • Classical music while you work will help improve your concentration.
  • Start with the hardest tasks, working your way up to the easiest, this will greatly facilitate the process.
  • Complete assignments while still at school if you have free time (for example, during a break or lunch, even during lessons, if you have a free minute)
  • When finished, check it out.


  • Do not hurry. If you rush through your homework and don’t try, you may end up with a bad grade.