How to quickly prepare for bed

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
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Video: How to QUICKLY Prepare a Garden Bed for Planting Vegetables?


A good night's sleep is important for your health and wellness the next day. A well-established sleep schedule will help you fall asleep faster as your brain gets used to slowing down at the same time. Getting ready for bed may seem like a lengthy and tedious process. However, if you plan your actions correctly, you can easily and quickly go to bed every night.


Method 1 of 3: Getting ready for bed

  1. 1 Unplug all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. Avoiding using your computer, TV, tablet, and smartphone before bed will help you fall asleep faster. All of these devices emit blue light, which reduces the urge to sleep. Plus, their screens are backlit and emit light directly into your eyes. Therefore, try not to use electronic devices at the end of the day.
    • Set up a reminder on your mobile phone to turn it off at night so that it doesn't distract you and you're not tempted to glance at its screen.
    • If you cannot stop using electronic devices in the evening, try to reduce the harm they cause. Use an app that filters out blue light before bed. In some modern phones and tablets, such an application is built-in from the very beginning.
    • Some LCD or backlit e-readers do not emit blue light or shine directly into the eyes. These e-books are comparable to regular e-books and can be read before bed.
  2. 2 Have a snack if you're hungry. Feeling hungry can make it difficult to fall asleep. If you feel hungry while getting ready for bed, have a light snack. If you feel thirsty in the morning, drink some water before bed.
    • Foods such as bananas, turkey meat, yogurt, peanut butter, dairy products, and whole grain crackers can help you fall asleep faster.
    • For many, caffeine-free, alcohol-free drinks such as herbal tea or warm milk help relax before bed.
    • Don't eat a lot before bed.
    • Do not eat fatty or spicy foods.
  3. 3 Have everything you need in the morning ready in advance. You can save time in the morning if you prepare everything before bed. For example, you can do the following in advance:
    • Lay out the necessary clothes.
    • Refuel the coffee maker.
    • Prepare and pack lunch.
  4. 4 Take a shower if you wash before bed. After you shower, you can wrap yourself in a towel and continue getting ready for bed while you dry.
    • A warm shower can help you relax before bed.
    • Most people don't need to wash their hair every day. Shampoo your hair no more than a few times a week. However, if you have fine, oily hair, you may need to wash it every day.
    • Contrary to popular belief, you can go to bed with damp hair. However, in this case, the hair should be pulled back, which is not suitable for all hairstyles.
    • If you wear makeup, remove it before bed. Leaving makeup overnight clogs the pores of your skin and can lead to acne.
  5. 5 Brush your teeth. You should brush your teeth before bed, and this should be done after you have finished eating and drinking. This will prevent bad breath in the morning and protect your teeth from cavities.
    • Brush your teeth within two minutes. A timer can be set to withstand this time. There are electric toothbrushes with a timer built into the handle.
    • Use a soft bristled brush to avoid damaging your tooth enamel.
    • For maximum protection of your teeth, use a fluoride paste.
    • Do not forget to brush your tongue as well.
    • Go to the restroom. After that, you can go to bed.
  6. 6 Get into bed. Try to keep your routine and go to bed at the same time. Going to bed too early or too late is equally harmful. If it usually takes you half an hour or more to fall asleep, keep that in mind and go to bed a little earlier.
    • If you have trouble falling asleep, keep a diary in which you write down everything related to sleep. Mark the time of going to bed in it. Keep a diary on your bedside table in case you can't fall asleep for a long time or wake up at night.
  7. 7 Read until you feel sleepy. If you are not the type of person who falls asleep as soon as you go to bed, you should do something that will keep your mind occupied and help you distract and relax. Since it is not recommended to look at LCD screens before going to bed, use a regular or suitable e-reader. As soon as you feel tired and sleepy, turn off the lights and close your eyes.
    • Don't read anything exciting at night. If you get too carried away, then don't want to sleep. Better to read some boring technical manual before bed, rather than a thrilling adventure novel.

Method 2 of 3: Correct Mode

  1. 1 Set a bedtime for yourself and stick to it. To sleep well, you need to stick to a specific regimen. It is important to go to bed at the same time.
    • Setting sleep times will help you plan the rest of your activities — in particular, you will know when to start getting ready for bed.
    • If you require get up at a certain time, focus on it to calculate when to go to bed.
    • While many believe that everyone needs to sleep eight hours a night, different people need different sleep times. Think about how long it will take for you to feel your best, and try to factor this into your daily routine.
  2. 2 Exercise 5-6 hours before bed. Daily workouts for 20-30 minutes will help you fall asleep faster. However, playing sports shortly before sleep activates the brain and the whole body, which make it difficult falling asleep. It is best to exercise 5-6 hours before bedtime.
  3. 3 Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before bed. All of them negatively affect the quality of sleep.
    • Stop drinking caffeine 4-6 hours before bed. To sleep well, avoid consuming coffee, tea, chocolate, caffeinated sodas, and some pain relievers at night. Keep in mind that even decaf coffees and teas contain some caffeine. If you are drinking tea at night to relax, switch to a caffeine-free herbal tea.
    • Many people smoke to relax, but like caffeine, nicotine is a stimulant. In addition, a temporary lack of nicotine (withdrawal syndrome) disrupts sleep and makes you wake up more often at night. Quitting smoking completely will significantly improve your sleep. However, if you cannot quit smoking, try to smoke your last cigarette at least two hours before bed.
    • Although alcohol can sometimes help you fall asleep faster, it does lead to more frequent awakenings during the night. Try not to consume alcohol at least an hour before going to bed so that your body can process it before bed.

Method 3 of 3: Falling asleep quickly

  1. 1 Make sure you sleep comfortably. After getting ready for bed, you should provide a comfortable sleeping environment. If you have an uncomfortable bed, it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep.
    • Depending on your preference, nightwear can be loose or tight, soft or tight. The main thing is that it suits you.
    • The bedroom should be fairly cool, but not cold.
    • Purchase suitable pillows, mattress, duvets and bedding. Try to choose the most comfortable items.
    • Don't forget about soundproofing. If you are sensitive to noise, even soft sounds can disrupt your sleep. Turn on a fan or noise generator to avoid hearing any extraneous sounds.
  2. 2 Make sure the bedroom is completely dark. One of the most important factors that promote good sleep is the darkening of the bedroom. Light reminds our bodies of daytime, which disrupts sleep.
    • An exception to this rule is the reading lamp, which can be easily turned off. Use a low-power night light or a small desk lamp.
    • If the light outside your bedroom window is too bright, consider adding blackout curtains. You can do the same if you have to work late and still sleep after sunrise.
  3. 3 Take sleeping pills at the right time. If your doctor has prescribed sleep medication for you, you should take it every night at the right time.
    • There are many different types of sleeping pills, and each has a different dosage and optimal time to take.
    • People react differently to medication, and some need to take sleeping pills at non-standard times.
    • Fast-acting drugs, which include most sleeping pills, should usually be taken just before bed.
    • Melatonin should be taken 1-5 hours before bedtime, depending on your reaction to the drug and your doctor's recommendation.


  • To save time, you can brush your teeth and remove makeup while you shower.
  • Take your time during hygiene procedures. Brushing your teeth thoroughly will help keep them healthy. Take your time when you shower, or you might slip.

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