How to get a guy to dump his girlfriend and come to you

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dating Advice For Women: Will A Guy Leave His Girlfriend For You? (Shocking Reality)
Video: Dating Advice For Women: Will A Guy Leave His Girlfriend For You? (Shocking Reality)


Sometimes we fall in love with the perfect guy, but he's already in a relationship. As a rule, it is best not to interfere between partners, but you may feel that you are more suitable for him. In this case, you can drive a wedge between him and his girlfriend to provoke him to throw her. At the same time, show the guy why you are the best game for him. Then you may be able to make him fall in love with you enough to leave his girlfriend. However, after such manipulations, you are likely to have problems building healthy relationships.


Method 1 of 3: Drive a wedge between him and his girlfriend

  1. 1 Be an active listenerso that he likes to communicate with you. If he feels that you understand and hear him, he will feel more affection for you. Perhaps this way he will understand that you are a better match for him than his girlfriend. As he speaks, nod and say encouraging things such as "wow" or "aha" to show him that you are listening. Also, rephrase his speech so that he knows you understand.
    • Ask open-ended questions to get him talking. You might ask, "What did you do on the weekend?" - or: "What TV show are you watching now?"

    Option: If you're mostly texting (social media or email), be attentive by commenting on his words and showing empathy if he's going through tough times. For example, he sent you a message complaining that he is not doing his homework on time due to football practice. Instead of responding with an emoticon or a similar phrase: "I'm too late!" - say something like: "You are such a hard worker!" - or: "Maybe I can help you with your studies?"

  2. 2 Point out his girlfriend's flaws to spoil his opinion of her. We all have flaws, but, as a rule, we do not notice them when we are in love with a person. Help your boyfriend recognize all of his current girlfriend's flaws by mentioning her flaws whenever he talks about her.Make fleeting comments about what you don't like about her, and then quickly change the subject as if you don't care.
    • Say, “She always seems upset about something, but maybe it's all about her manner of speaking,” or, “Her hair would look beautiful if she looked after it, but I think it is her doesn't care. "
    • Mention his girlfriend only when he himself starts talking about her. Even though you want to open up your boyfriend's eyes to her flaws, it can backfire if you are too negative about her. Plus, you need him to think about you, not her.

    Advice: don't say anything positive about his girlfriend. Whenever he talks about her, mention something bad about her or change the subject.

  3. 3 Try to blame his girlfriend for the problems they have. Most couples have disagreements and, as a rule, both partners are to blame for the conflict. However, if you make him think that she alone is the root of all their troubles, he may want to break up with her. Whenever he mentions disagreements or problems between them, find a reason why his girlfriend might be to blame. Then casually mention that you're sorry she's causing him so much trouble.
    • For example, he tells you that they had a falling out because he was late for the last date. You might say, "Wow, it's awful that she's always trying to make you feel bad."
    • Likewise, suppose she is upset that he sees his friends more often than she does. You might say, "I can't believe she's trying to control you this way."
  4. 4 Take his time to see her less often. They will grow apart from each other if they don't spend time together. In addition, it is possible that she will break up with him herself, which will solve your problem. Invite him to a friendly get-together or with friends. Also, ask him for help so that he can see you more often.
    • For example, have an evening of games with your boyfriend and your friends. Invite a group of friends to play bowling or mini golf, or organize a movie trip for the new blockbuster.
    • If you're still in school, try paired assignments whenever possible.

    Advice: he can bring his girlfriend to a gathering, and that's okay. If this happens, stay close to him and try to keep his attention. Or, alternatively, focus your attention on his girlfriend so that she interacts with the guy less.

Method 2 of 3: Get His Attention

  1. 1 A lot of smile and often make eye contact with him. Smiling will make you seem cheerful and flirtatious. Likewise, short eye contact will convey your interest and draw his eyes to you. As you pass him, meet his eyes, smile, and then turn away. When communicating, look him in the eyes and smile or giggle to show him that you like him.
    • Look him in the eye for two to three seconds at a time. Do not stare at him intently, or he may feel uncomfortable.
    • If you find it difficult to look people in the eye, practice looking at yourself in the mirror. Then make eye contact with a loved one, such as a friend or relative.
  2. 2 Choose an outfitthat will help you look your best. Measure all your clothes to find out what makes you feel good about yourself. In the presence of your boyfriend, wear clothes that showcase your best features so that you look as attractive as possible. It will also boost your self-confidence, which will make the guy even more attracted to you.
    • Don't go after fashion. If you choose clothes that make you feel great, you will look your best.
    • For example, you can wear short shorts or a skirt to show off your gorgeous legs, a sleeveless top to show off your arms, or a plunging top to accentuate your chest.
  3. 3 Behave positively in his presence, so that he would be pleased to be near you. Make him enjoy your company by always radiating a positive outlook. When talking to a guy, only talk about the amazing things that happen in your life. Likewise, try to find the bright side in bad events to appear optimistic.
    • For example, tell him about your recent accomplishments, your goals, and what you do for pleasure.
    • Or here's another example: Let's say an outdoor concert you both planned to attend was canceled due to rain. You might say, “It's a shame the concert was canceled, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. I know a local coffee shop that has live music on Saturdays, so I'm going to scout out there. "
  4. 4 Pursue your interests to seem like a profitable party. Having a hobby and doing your favorite things will make you a more versatile person that people will be drawn to. Make a list of the things you enjoy and then set aside time each day to do them. Tell your boyfriend about your hobbies and post them on social media.
    • For example, take up painting, learn to play the guitar, or sew your own clothes.
    • If you are still in school, search for and join hobby groups. For example, you can join a theater class if you enjoy theater or acting.
  5. 5 Walk with friends or other guys so he can see that you are a fun girl. Guys want to be with girls who know how to enjoy life, so have fun. Have dinner with friends or do something together, such as ice skating or going to concerts. Also, flirt with other guys and feel free to hang out with them.
    • If he sees that you are interacting with other people, he will have more desire to get to know you better. This will make him wonder what he is missing.
    • Post pictures of your fun activities on social media so he can see you are having a great time.

    Advice: don't sit around waiting for this guy to want to date you. Go out and live your life to the fullest, and he is more likely to notice what a profitable party you are.

  6. 6 Load yourself up with deeds so that he thinks that you are in high demand. Make it clear that you are not wasting time waiting for it. Always tell him that you are busy, whether it’s true or not. Do your best to always have plans, whether it's studying at a local coffee shop, a movie with friends, or hanging out with your family.
    • Say things like, "I wish I had more free time, but I'm so busy!" - or: "I never run out of business, but I love my life!"
  7. 7 Touch coquettishly to his arm, shoulder, back, or leg. A casual touch is a great way to flirt without making it too obvious. It can also make him wonder what it would be like if you touched him more often. Start with a light touch on his arm and then lean against his shoulder. Then, as if by chance, run your hand along his thigh as you sit next to him.
    • Try to find excuses to approach him. For example, you can show him something (a book or an abstract).
  8. 8 Show interest in his hobbies so that he feels that you respect him. This will make him think you have something in common and show him that you care about him. Ask about his interests and listen for the answer. Mention them later in your conversation so he knows you listened to him and remember what he said.
    • For example, his favorite musical group is Leningrad.The next time you see him, say: “I heard the song“ Drink in St. Petersburg ”on the radio and I thought about you.” Likewise, if he tells you he loves science fiction, you can check out recent bestsellers in that genre to recommend a book to him.
  9. 9 Help him with his problems so that he feels your support. Invite him to discuss his problems and difficulties with you. When it opens up, become a "vest" in which to cry. This will help him realize that you are always there, and perhaps he wants to be with you.
    • Tell him, “You look very worn out. Do you want to talk about it? " - or: “Is everything all right? I'm here if you need to talk. "
  10. 10 Ask him for help so he feels like you need him. By making him feel needed, you can make him fall in love with you. Think of reasons to help you, such as with your homework or carrying a heavy object. You can also ask him to help you fix something or give his opinion. This will make him feel needed and valuable.
    • Say, "Could you help me with this presentation?" Or, "Can you help me put together this bookcase?"

    Advice: do not ask for help more than once a week. Also, be sure to communicate about other issues as well. You don't want him to think that you constantly need something from him.

  11. 11 Compliment him to show your interest. Everyone loves compliments, so praising him will make him feel good about himself. It will also show him your interest. Whenever you are near him, mark something that you like about him. Try to give him at least one compliment every time you see each other.
    • Say something like, “This shirt looks great on you,” “Your presentation was amazing,” “This new hairstyle is so cool,” or, “I played great last night!”
  12. 12 Ask him out on a date after breaking up with his girlfriend. Perhaps, after breaking up with a girl, he will not be ready to take the first step right away. You can speed up the process by asking him out first. Invite him to do something casual and fun, like playing mini golf or drinking coffee. Thus, he does not have to worry about rejection.
    • Say, "Let's play mini golf tonight," or, "Would you like to go to a stand-up show with me tonight?"

Method 3 of 3: Build Healthy Relationships

  1. 1 Spend time together to help your relationship grow. Make plans together at least a few times a week. Go on dates, spend time at home, or video chat with each other. This will help you build strong, healthy relationships.
    • For example, you can make Saturday an official date, and you can also see each other twice on weekdays.
    • For example, host games evenings, go to the movies, or go bowling.
  2. 2 Maintain open communication. Talk to your boyfriend every day, whether in person, by text, or over the phone. Also, listen to what he has to say. This will help you develop a strong bond and get to know each other better.
    • Send messages in the morning and before bed.
    • Start sharing funny pictures and memes.
  3. 3 Create intimacy by opening up to him. In a good relationship, there is emotional and physical intimacy. However, it's best to take your time to build a healthy relationship. First, tell him a little secret that you don't share with everyone. Then slowly reveal more information about yourself over time. Also, create physical intimacy by holding hands, hugging and snuggling together.
    • When you feel ready, try kissing and more intimate forms of touching.
    • Don't tell him anything he doesn't need to know yet. It's okay not to rush things.
  4. 4 Build trust between you to strengthen your relationship. Trust is very important in a relationship and usually takes a long time to develop.To build trust, always be honest with your partner and keep your word. Also, give your guy the credit and believe what he tells you.
    • Keep in mind that building trust can be difficult after you get him to break up with his girlfriend.
  5. 5 Maintain mutual independence while in a relationship. A healthy relationship allows both partners to live their own lives. This means that you both have to spend time with friends separately, do hobbies and enjoy different things. Make sure you maintain your personality when you date a guy. Likewise, encourage him to be independent too.
    • Despite the possible desire to spend as much time as possible with a guy, it is still harmful to be together all the time. Enjoy life away from each other and your time together will be even more fun.


  • Don't waste all your time trying to get this guy.
  • Don't tell him to break up with his girlfriend. This will only push him away from you. Let him make that decision himself.


  • If he breaks up with his girlfriend because of you, she will most likely be in great pain.
  • Keep in mind that the desired guy is more likely to be rebuilding from a past relationship, so your relationship may be short-lived. If you want to build a healthy relationship with him, you better give him time to get over the breakup.