How to find out the gender of the child

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Predict your baby’s gender? Fertility expert tells what works and what doesn’t
Video: Predict your baby’s gender? Fertility expert tells what works and what doesn’t


Waiting for a baby is a wonderful and exciting time! But it is even more interesting to find out the sex of the future baby. There are certain medical methods that allow you to determine the sex of the baby quite accurately already in the middle of pregnancy. This is the only reliable method. However, for fun, you can try traditional or old methods to determine the sex of your baby, although they are not very accurate.


Method 1 of 2: Reliable Medical Techniques

  1. 1 Mark your 18th week of pregnancy on your calendar. Usually, the sex of the baby can be determined as early as 16–20 weeks of gestation. Gender determination is easier around 18 weeks, so try to wait until that time. Schedule a second trimester ultrasound scan around this time.
    • The estimated due date (PDD) can be determined already at the first ultrasound scan, which is done at about 8-14 weeks of gestation. The first ultrasound scan helps to determine the gestational age with fairly high accuracy.
  2. 2 Make an appointment with a gynecologist and go through an ultrasound scan. Ultrasound (also sometimes called a sonogram) allows you to get an image of a child using ultrasound waves - this method of examination is safe and non-invasive. Consult an experienced professional. Usually, experts determine the sex of the child by the genitals. Before having an ultrasound, check with your doctor if you have to follow any instructions: you may need to drink a certain amount of fluids and not empty your bladder before the examination.
    • The doctor may not be able to determine the sex of the baby if the baby is lying in a position where the genitals are not visible.
    • Ultrasound does not always determine gender with 100% accuracy. And although today doctors determine gender with very high accuracy, there is always a factor of human error. In some situations, it can be difficult to determine the sex of the baby.
  3. 3 Get non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). If the ultrasound does not help determine the sex of the child, then ask your gynecologist if you can undergo non-invasive prenatal testing. NIPT is done by testing the mother's blood for the presence of female or male sex chromosomes.
    • This is a relatively common, accurate, and affordable analysis, but it will likely come with a price tag. Find out where this analysis can be done and how much it will cost.
    • NIPT also allows you to determine the risk of Down syndrome and some other fetal abnormalities, so doing this test is useful for several reasons. Usually it can be done after 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. 4 Ask your doctor about the possibility of invasive testing. Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis can determine the presence of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Usually, this analysis is done only in cases where the risk of genetic pathologies in the child is high.If the doctor has recommended that you do such an analysis, then ask at the same time to find out the sex of the child. Of course, just in order to determine the sex of the child, it is not worth doing this analysis, since the procedure itself is quite unpleasant and increases the risk of miscarriage.
    • Chorionic villus sampling is done at 10–13 weeks of gestation, and amniocentesis at 16–20 weeks.

Method 2 of 2: Traditional Methods

  1. 1 Watch for nausea in the morning. There is a belief that if the first three months of pregnancy a woman suffers significantly from nausea in the morning, then she will have a girl. Try tracking how you are feeling in the morning. If you have a girl, then you are likely to experience nausea and feeling unwell throughout the first trimester - this is confirmed by some modern research. Little or no nausea may mean you are having a boy.
    • Nausea in the morning during the first trimester of pregnancy is considered normal as hormone levels change, so this method cannot be considered accurate.
  2. 2 Analyze your eating habits. Another belief is associated with food and food cravings during pregnancy. It is believed that if you are drawn to sweets, then most likely you have a girl, and if you want salty or spicy more, then you will have a boy.
    • For example, if you are very attracted to eating donuts during pregnancy, then most likely you have a girl, and if you crave spicy chips, you will probably have a boy.
    • Remember that these are just folk beliefs.
  3. 3 Use the Chinese calendar to determine the gender of your baby. To predict the sex of a child using the Chinese chart, you will need to enter your date of birth and the date of conception. Just enter these two dates and at the intersection you will find out whether you will have a boy or a girl. This ancient method claims to be accurate, but no research has been done to confirm this accuracy. Use the Chinese gender chart for fun.
  4. 4 Assess where you are overweight. Look in the mirror and think about where you are overweight. This is a very old method of determining the sex of an unborn child, which, however, has not been scientifically confirmed in any way. If you have gained weight in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks, then perhaps you will have a girl, and if on your stomach, then a boy.
  5. 5 Pendulum with a ring. Tie on your wedding ring (or any other ring) and swing it over your belly. Watch how it sways. If the ring moves in a circle, then, according to legend, you will have a boy, and if it moves from side to side, then a girl. This is just a belief, but you can try it just for fun!


  • In fact, you cannot predict the sex of a baby based on what the belly looks like. This is usually related to the baby's muscle mass and your figure.


  • In some countries, it is forbidden to disclose the sex of the child to the parents-to-be. In other countries, similar rules depend on the specific hospital.