How to remove leg scars

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove old scars on legs fast? - Dr. Rasya Dixit
Video: How to remove old scars on legs fast? - Dr. Rasya Dixit


Scars on your legs can make you shy about wearing short skirts or shorts that reveal your legs. While it is not possible to completely erase a scar, there are creams, gels, medical products and home remedies that can significantly reduce scars. Read this wikiHow article to learn more.


Method 1 of 4: Fading scars

  1. Know what kind of scar you have. Before choosing a treatment, it is essential to know which type of scar you need to deal with, as there are treatments that only work for certain types of scars. You should also consult your dermatologist before applying any other treatment. The main types of scars include:
    • Keloid scar: These are large, seemingly growing scars that stem from excessive self-healing. Keloids can develop over time and even recur after surgery. Keloids usually appear in people with darker skin.
    • Hypertrophic scar: These are raised scars, initially red or pink in color. They will fade on their own over time. These scars may be caused by burns or surgery and may be itchy.
    • Concave scar, also known as atrophic scar: These are deep concave scars left by severe acne or chickenpox nodules.
    • Stretch mark: These are thin purple-red scars that appear when you gain or lose weight too quickly. Stretch marks often occur in pregnant women. This type of scarring will fade with time and turn white.
    • Contracture scar: These scars are often caused by severe burns and can cover large areas of the skin. Shrinking scars cause a feeling of tightness, especially around joints, which can limit mobility.
    • Dark spots: These spots are not actually scars but are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, usually caused by mosquito or insect bites.

  2. Start treating scars as soon as they appear. Treat the scar - with cream or the appropriate treatment - as soon as the wound has healed. Most scar treatments will be much more effective when applied to new scars, thus saving you time and money during the treatment.
  3. Exfoliate regularly. Most scars gradually go away on their own as the skin regenerates - shedding old layers of skin and developing new ones. You can help speed this process up by regularly exfoliating the skin in the shower, using a bristle brush or pumice stone.
    • Avoid exfoliating new or healing wounds. Rubbing it down will slow healing or make the new wound worse.

  4. Apply sunscreen. This is one of the tips that is often overlooked, although it can help markedly fade scars. Many people fail to realize that new scars are extremely sensitive to UVA rays, and exposure to the sun can make them darker. If you apply a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least SPF 30 on areas with new scars, you can significantly reduce discoloration.
    • If you have a large scar - or a scar that is in a spot where sun is frequently exposed - you will likely need to wear sunscreen regularly for up to a year, while keeping an eye out too. wound healing process.

  5. Foot massage. Regular foot massage can help to dissolve the scarring fibrous tissue. Massage also improves blood circulation, which in turn helps prevent discoloration. You can massage in the shower with a bath brush or rub each leg in continuous rotation with your hands.
  6. Use concealer. Concealer can be great when used to cover leg scars. Be sure to choose a type that has the same color tone as your feet and blends it evenly with the surrounding skin. Waterproof concealer is best in erratic weather conditions, and professional makeup (much thicker than regular cosmetics) is perfect for scars that are too obvious. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Use home remedies

  1. Use vitamin E oil. Vitamin E has been used for many years in many health and aesthetic therapies, and many people claim that it is very effective in treating scars. Vitamin E oil has a moisturizing effect and contains powerful antioxidants, helping to repair skin and repair damaged tissues.
    • You can take vitamin E tablets or apply vitamin E oil by poking a vitaminn E pill with a staple and applying oil to the damaged skin.
    • You may need to test a small amount before applying it to large areas of skin, as vitamin E oil can cause an allergic reaction in some people to the point of going to a dermatologist.
    • Be careful not to exceed the recommended daily dose of vitamin E oil, whether you apply it to the skin or drink only.
  2. Try cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is a natural product that can fade scars by moisturizing and softening the outermost and middle layers of the skin, while smoothing the skin's surface. You can use pure cocoa or apply cocoa butter lotion to the scarred areas 2-4 times daily.
    • You should massage the cocoa butter onto the skin with a circular motion, to ensure that the cocoa butter completely penetrates the skin.
    • Note that the cocoa butter treating new scars will be more effective than the old ones, but you will still see improvement in both types of scars.
  3. Apply lemon juice. Lemon juice is the most commonly used home remedy for scarring, although there are mixed reviews. It is believed that lemon juice can fade scars thanks to its bleaching effect to reduce redness, while exfoliating the skin to help regenerate the skin. Although lemon juice helps some people fade scars, this method is not recommended by dermatologists, as lemon juice can be so potent and dry out the skin, and it's not scientifically proven. is effective in scarring.
    • If you still decide to use lemon juice to fade the scar, cut a small slice of lemon and squeeze it directly onto the scars. Let the lemon juice stay on your skin overnight or for several hours. Do not apply fresh lemon juice more than once a day.
    • If you find that pure lemon juice seems too strong, you can dilute it with water before applying it to your skin, or mix it with ground cucumber to reduce the strength of the treatment.
  4. Use aloe. Aloe vera is a plant known for its moisturizing and soothing effects. Aloe vera is often used to treat burns, but can also be used as a natural and effective treatment for scarring. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it works best when treating new scars (although it should not be applied to open wounds). Aloe vera soothes and regenerates the skin, thanks to which the scars fade over time.
    • Break a branch of aloe vera and apply a sap-like gel directly to the affected area. Massage the gel into the skin in a circular motion. Aloe vera is very gentle on the skin, so you can apply it up to 4 times a day.
    • If aloe vera is not readily available (although most nurseries do), there are many creams and lotions containing aloe extract, which are just as effective.
  5. Try olive oil. Olive oil is another natural remedy that can improve scars. Extra virgin olive oil, in particular, is said to give the best results due to its higher acidity content than other olive oils, and higher amounts of vitamins E and K. Olive oil softens and moisturizes the skin, slows the growth of scar tissue, and the acids in the oil help remove dead skin.
    • Apply 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to the affected area and massage in a circular motion until the oil is absorbed into the skin. You can use olive oil to exfoliate your skin by mixing with a teaspoon of baking soda and massaging the scars, then rinse with warm water.
    • You can increase the effectiveness of this remedy by mixing with another oil. Combine 2 parts olive oil with 1 part rosehip, chamomile or calendula and apply this mixture to the scars. The additional oils will increase the soothing effects of olive oil.
  6. Try a cucumber. Cucumber is a natural remedy believed to dissolve scar tissue, while also cooling and soothing the inflamed skin around the scar. As with the above treatments, cucumbers work best when treating new scars. Peel a cucumber, cut it into pieces and place in a blender into a fine paste. Apply a thin layer over the affected area and leave it overnight, or a thick layer and rinse off after 20 minutes.
    • The remaining ground cucumber can be covered and stored in the refrigerator for several days, and you should continue to apply the cucumber to the affected area every night.
    • You can make this more effective by mixing ground cucumber with some of the remedies described above, such as lemon juice, olive oil, or aloe vera.

Method 3 of 4: Use over-the-counter products

  1. Try scarring creams or gels. There are many over-the-counter products available in drugstores that claim to fade or even remove scars. How well these products work for you depends on the type of scar and its severity.
    • Although health experts are not optimistic about the success rates of these creams, many people still find products like Mederma and Vita-K to be effective.
    • Mederma works well for stretch marks and other scars if used regularly 3-4 times daily for 6 months. It works to soften and smooth the scars on the legs or any area of ​​the body.
  2. Use a silicone scarring patch. Silicone scarring patches are a great new way to treat scars, especially for ugly scars. This is a self-adhesive silicone pad, so it sticks to the skin, while silicone technology works to provide moisture, soften and fade scars. You can purchase over-the-counter silicone scarring patches in pharmacies or online, each box usually provides a sufficient quantity for 8-12 weeks of use.
    • Silicone patches have been shown to be effective in treating scars, but it also requires time and patience to see noticeable results. The patch will wear away the scar daily, 12 hours a day, for a period of 2-3 months.
  3. Try bleaching cream. Bleaching creams, such as those containing hydroquinone, work to fade scars like stretch marks and dark spots by improving the hyperpigmentation that causes dark brown scars. , black, magenta or purple. These creams lighten the color of scars, so they will fade with time.
    • Note that hydroquinone-based creams, although effective, are banned in the European Union because they are thought to cause cancer and increase the risk of skin cancer.
    • Hydroquinone products are still available in the US in concentrations up to 2%. Products containing higher concentrations require a prescription.

Method 4 of 4: Using medical treatments

  1. Try skin abrasion. Skin abrasion is a method of peeling dead skin, using a circular metal brush or diamond sharpener to remove the outer skin layer above and around the scar. Within a few weeks after the treatment, the new skin will regrow and the scars will fade away. The skin abrasion method is commonly used for acne scars and other facial scars, but can also be used to treat scars on the legs with a qualified surgeon. The method of abrading on the feet is a delicate procedure because the skin on the feet is very thin and carries a greater risk of harm than good if done incorrectly.
    • Foot abrasion is usually only applied to dark spots or concave mosquito bites, etc. Keloids or hypertrophic scars (raised scars) should not be applied skin abrasion.
    • Make an appointment with a specialist board-certified plastic surgeon, able to assess your scar condition and determine if a skin removal method is right for you. Note that insurance usually does not cover cosmetic surgery.
  2. Chemical peels. Chemical peels can be used to treat superficial scars, especially those on the legs caused by hyperpigmentation. During a chemical peel, your dermatologist will apply a layer of acidic solution to the affected area and let it sit for about 2 minutes. You will feel a burning sensation, but it should go away once the acids are neutralized and the solution is washed off. Two weeks after the treatment, the top layers of the skin will begin to peel off, revealing new, smooth skin underneath.
    • Depending on the condition of the scar, you may have to go through several chemical peels before you see a noticeable difference in your skin.
    • Note, the new skin layer after chemical peels will be extremely sensitive; You must protect by staying out of the sun and use a high SPF sunscreen for many weeks to come.

  3. Try laser therapy. Laser therapy is a great option for improving deeper scars compared to scars where chemical peels and peels can be used.Laser therapy works by burning scar tissue, allowing new skin layers to grow and replacing the scarred surface. The skin area will be numbed with a special cream before the procedure begins, so this treatment is painless. Another advantage of this therapy is that the laser can be aimed precisely at the scar, so the surrounding skin is not affected.
    • Laser therapy should only be performed in a reputable hospital and with well-trained staff, as lasers can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
    • You may need to return to the hospital for a course of multiple sessions to completely remove the scar. The downside of this therapy is that it is quite expensive, costing from a few million to hundreds of millions of VND, depending on the size and depth of the scar.

  4. Steroid injections. Steroid injections are used in the treatment of keloids, which are notoriously difficult to treat. With small keloids, steroid injections containing substances such as hydrocortisone are injected directly into the skin surrounding the scar. Larger keloids are sometimes cut and frozen prior to steroid injections.
    • Steroid therapy is a process rather than a one-time procedure, and every two to three weeks you will need to return to the hospital for an injection.
    • This therapy has a high success rate, but is relatively expensive and can discolor skin if the patient has darker skin. Consult with your plastic surgeon to determine if this therapy is right for you.

  5. Try collagen or other fillers. Collagen injections or other fillers can be very effective in improving deep scars such as the pitting scars caused by chickenpox. Collagen is a natural animal protein that is injected into the skin with thin needles to fill concave scars. Although very effective, collagen therapy has no permanent results, as the body absorbs collagen naturally. You will need to go back to work for scarring after about 4 months.
    • Each collagen injection costs about 5 million, so going through the scar treatment can be very expensive.
    • You will need to try before you get the collagen injection to make sure there are no allergic reactions to this therapy.


  • Make sure you don't have an allergic reaction before trying any of these on your feet. Test a small amount first to make sure there is no allergic reaction.