How to Overcome Lust

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Overcome Lust
Video: How to Overcome Lust


Can't you resist the desire to lust when you are behind one person or many others? Overcoming lust is your personal choice, it is not a matter of imposition or you can easily cease like when switching on and off. Instead, you must aim to distract, replace or diminish your lustful thoughts. Here are some solutions that may work for you.


Part 1 of 4: Addressing the Root Cause

  1. Stop inducing yourself. You must stop looking for things that make you feel lewd, that is, you must learn to fight porn habits, avoid going to the movies, or avoid driving through certain areas of the road. This is difficult, but the habit of thinking about your physical desires and all the other bad habits, can be broken and the problem is patience!

  2. Learn to respect yourself and others. If you allow lust to drive relationships in your daily life, you are not fully attached to yourself. You let your desire for the flesh shape who you are and how you behave, instead of letting your mind and personality do the job. Also, you don't respect others when looking at them with lustful eyes. If you really have these feelings toward others, then you must find ways to counter them, to take them seriously and to think seriously about yourself.

  3. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Stimulants and alcohol work to remove inhibitions and make the fight against libido more difficult. If you use these substances a lot, stop, it helps a lot! You can still go to the pub with your friends, but order soft drinks or fruit juices instead of wine (it looks like wine on the outside so you won't feel shy).

  4. Acknowledge your needs. Most sutras acknowledge that a sexual desire is normal, so you don't need to feel guilty about that need. You have to admit them, because otherwise you will accidentally spark unhealthy thinking patterns and make those feelings even stronger! Allow yourself to feel these desires but you must not turn them into action.
  5. Find a different philosophy. There are many types of lust and also countless ways of looking at this problem. Now if that desire can or is making someone feel harmed, then it's time to find a way to deal with your problem. However, if lustful thoughts appeared between two consensus adults, then the problem is completely normal. Lust comes naturally, so if your worries stem from religious dogmas, you should learn more about the views of other religions. Each sect has a very different opinion on this.

Part 2 of 4: Distract Yourself

  1. Prepare. Without the preparation, of course you will encounter unexpected situations. You have to admit that you have a problem with lust in order to always plan ahead, foresee the places where the temptation is to come. Mental preparation and a plan of action determine the 50% chance of success in battle.
  2. Turn your eyes away. When you go to a place where there is a strong temptation, you need to get in the habit of looking away. That is when you see something that gives rise to desire, you must immediately look away. This is a very useful habit and needs to be prepared at all times.
  3. Focus on hobbies. You can also focus on doing what you enjoy, which is a great trick when you often have sexual thoughts at home or anywhere where the arousal occurs automatically, not by external factors. out. You should participate in a sport that requires physical activity because it is especially helpful, driving your thoughts to a healthier activity.
    • Consider learning other creative hobbies, such as braiding, because you can do it anywhere.
    • You can also challenge your memory by memorizing lots of scriptures.
    • Participate in volunteer work. Not only does this distract you, but it also helps others.
  4. Pray or recite a passage over and over. Another way to distract yourself is to read the sutras, whether it's reading aloud or in your mind. This not only helps you to remember God's love, but also reminds you to obey his commandments.
  5. Avoid the cause of the temptation. The best way to avoid sexual thoughts is to eliminate the cause of the manipulation, the arousing of lust. For many, porn is the main reason. If you find you can't focus on other more important things in your life, while your depraved movie collection is filling up like the pyramids of Egypt, then it's time to rest. You should install a filter on your computer to avoid seeing such images.

Part 3 of 4: Finding Ways to Interact Better

  1. Go out with a group of friends. If you can't avoid meeting someone who makes you feel lewd, find healthier ways to interact with them. One of the ways you can use it is to only meet the person when there are other people around, so you can avoid saying or doing the wrong.
  2. Meet in safe places. If the method of meeting the person around other people is still ineffective, you can choose to meet them in places like a church, a temple or another sacred place. God will protect you and direct your thoughts toward people, instead of lustful thoughts.
  3. Look them in the eye. When looking at her, focus on her eyes, not on other parts of her body to avoid sexual arousal. It is said that the eye is the window to the soul, so focus on the eyes to see their soul. This is also how you show respect to the other person.
  4. Join friendly activities. You only engage with her in activities that only true friends will do, not the same thing as dating. Think of adult teachings on how to behave in situations. If they approve of what you do, it is true.
  5. Do not touch. If you touch them, even the most ordinary places like the hand or the arm, erotic thought can arise. So if you are having problems like that, you must try not to touch anywhere on their body.
  6. Behave properly beside your lover. If you can't control your behavior every time you are with your boyfriend or girlfriend, then it may be time for you to get married. It was God's will and why he wanted to unite men and women into husband and wife, so that they could practice those feelings in a way he pleased.
    • Remember to only marry someone who is religious, physical, and spiritual, and only marry when you are serious. If you are not planning on living together for a long time, then it is not the time to begin a physical relationship.
    • But marriage is only the last resort if there is no other way to relieve the lust, because marriage is a serious issue that needs to be taken seriously.

Part 4 of 4: Getting Help

  1. Admit that you need help. If you can't choose a marriage solution and the other tips just aren't helping, that's when you need help. There is a saying: "Admitting you have a problem is the first step to overcoming it".
  2. Talk to your emotional support person. You should talk to a local chaplain, pastor or priest. They can give you advice and get you on the right track, because that's their job! Don't be ashamed, they are trained to handle such problems and they know well that this is not just your own problem, but even the most devout of them.
  3. Self-training. Separate yourself as far away from temptation as possible, men can join the military, women should go to a university or a women's-only high school. The family will understand and support this decision. This is an opportunity for you to interact with people of the same sex, thereby overcoming the habit of having lustful thoughts.
  4. Remember the consequences that lust can have. If you turn lustful thoughts into action, you are opening the door to the sprinkling and then into the body. Sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and other troubles await if you don't restrain yourself. You need to behave carefully and responsibly!
  5. Pray for God's help. God can protect you from unhealthy thoughts, but you must cooperate with him. If you want God's help, you have to keep your eyes open to recognize the solutions people are suggesting. Prayer can be hard to do at times, but you can still ask a friend, relative, or priest for help.
    • The Bible says, "Temptations come to you, nothing is too much for man to bear. God is faithful and who does not let you be tempted beyond you. Every time you are overwhelmed by mankind." Tempting to pull, he also leads the way out for you to overcome it. "


  • Learn desire control techniques to overcome lust. People who practice this technique reap many benefits in all aspects of life, including financial, emotional, work etc ... and also in love.
  • If you have lustful thoughts in the presence of many people (or simply on the road on a fine day, lustful thoughts come when you are walking behind exposed people), Here's a simple way you can do it: look at each of them for 2 seconds. Yes, every two seconds you turn to look at other people, no matter how attractive they are. Then you roll your eyes to another object. This is a way to remind you that everyone is equal in value and soul. You can do this while surfing Facebook: just look at each photo in the News Feed for two seconds and switch to another, and you should get started today!


  • If the thought of lewd makes you feel unhappy, then you need to deal with your problem. But if these desires are just offending others, you can see it as your problem, not their job. Only you and God know what you do.