How to make Round Three look more attractive

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


To have a seductive look you must accentuate the natural curves of the body. Making your waist look smaller than your hips and your hips look smaller than your butt will make your butt stand out more, creating the illusion of a sexy bust. You can exercise, adjust your dress to highlight your bust, or use some tips to get the butt you want.


Method 1 of 3: Exercise for a sexy body

  1. Build your legs and butt muscles. The best way to have a nice butt is to develop gluteus muscles, which takes a lot of time. With exercise you won't see a significant difference within 3 weeks. For six weeks the outsider still cannot notice your change. There are many exercises to help tone the glutes.

  2. Try some basic exercises like bridge poses or kicks. You can do bridge pose with dumbbells or without dumbbells. Lie on your back, knees bent. If you want more weights, ask your assistant to place the bar across your hips. Raise your buttocks and lower slowly. Foot kicks are also a basic exercise. Find a spacious place and get into the crawl.Do each leg separately, lifting heels to the ceiling. Hold in the highest position for 3 seconds, then slowly lower your leg to the side of the other leg. Want to be heavier, you wear ankle dumbbells.

  3. Choose some more difficult exercises like squats or sagging. Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Raise back to upright position. Correct exercise with dumbbells on the shoulders will be one of the best butt exercises. Slack dancing requires balance, rhythmic coordination and patience for correct posture. Stand with your feet together and hands on hips. Step right foot forward. When you get out of slack position, jump up, and change your legs while jumping, this will allow your left leg to move forward and your right leg back.

  4. Collapse the central muscle. The central muscle exercises will help tighten the waist, creating the illusion of a charming bust. The smaller the waist, the more attractive the butt will look.
    • Planks are great for building core muscles. You can also easily move your glutes with this exercise. Start in a pushup position, arms held straight. Hold this position for as long as possible. During that time you should keep your back straight and center muscles. Squeeze your buttocks for extra benefits.
    • Superman exercises are also great for thinner central muscles while developing glute. Lie face down on the floor, arms stretched straight up. Squeeze your core and butt muscles to lift your arms, shoulders, and legs off the ground so your body is level on your hips. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then release.
  5. Stay away from cardio exercises. Cardio is beneficial for weight loss but harmful to any exercise regimen intended to develop an attractive body. It dissipates muscle before it burns fat, so you lose the curve you are looking for. Follow up with strength training exercises. If you want to do cardio, you can practice in combination with exercises using body mass.
  6. Play butt firming sports. Volleyball, gymnastics, roller skating, and basketball are all great for buttocks. They focus a lot on the glutes and help tone the core for a more beautiful curve.
  7. Train your muscles when you walk. Here's how to deliver two benefits at the same time. Focus on your body posture as you walk. Push your shoulders back, using your core muscles and keeping your back straight. This walking posture will naturally accentuate the buttocks, while tightening the abdominal muscles, resulting in a smaller waistline.

Method 2 of 3: Adjust the outfit to make the butt stand out more

  1. Shrink waist. The most important thing to have a nice butt is to show the difference between your waist and your buttocks. Bring out this curve by shrinking the waist. Wear a belt so that your waistline becomes the smallest position on your body. Wear clothes that flatter your small waistline as this is the point where the outfit starts to spread, and this naturally attracts people's eyes.
  2. Add eye-catching details to the buttocks. Once you can make your waist look smaller, you need to make sure your butt looks as good as possible. To do this you must choose the right outfit on the buttocks. There are many options, but what works best for others is not necessarily best for you.
    • Find the right clothes. Baggy pants will cover your butt. If you have a small butt, tight jeans are best for making your butt look bigger. If these pants are uncomfortable then you can also choose bootcut jeans, as long as it suits you. Be sure not to wear saggy crotch pants - this means there's too much fabric in here and it will make your butt not flatter.
    • Wear jeans with a back pocket. This is an easy way to increase the volume of your buttocks, but the flap should be at the widest part of the buttock. Anyone who looks at you will see a small waistline, then the eyes move along the curve down to the top of the pocket.
    • Be sure to position the pocket that matches your butt. The easiest way to draw on a "mother's butt" is to wear jeans with pockets too high or too low. Small and tall back pocket will help your butt look bigger. The bag should be placed directly on the rim of the buttock.
  3. Wear high heels. The higher the heel, the greater the charm. When you wear heels, its design often changes the curve of your spine. It causes your butt to stick out as you walk, creating a more attractive figure. These shoes also make the legs look slimmer, deceiving the viewer that you have a big butt. High heels increase the difference in gait for men and women, arousing arousal in men.

Method 3 of 3: Use a tip

  1. Wear shaping underwear. Posing underwear is a great way to fool people into looking until you really have a nice butt. You can use underwear to flatter any part of your body. To have a sexy butt, you need tight underwear at the waist. A tight jumpsuit or a corset will be the solution for you.
  2. Wear an outfit that highlights your butt. This garment is made for both men and women. This is the type of underwear that you will wear in the same way as regular underwear. They pad the buttocks to create a more rounded and curved circle. Here's a quick way to get a sexier curve.
  3. Wear butt lift jeans. Butt lift jeans are a fairly new idea. They incorporate elastic material into the fabric to lift the buttocks up about 2.5-5cm. They are priced similarly to regular jeans, available online or out of the store. The best way to find a pair of pants that suits you is to try it directly outside the store. The product has many different levels of lift. You should combine these pants with one of the tips to quickly create a sexy bust.


  • Don't get demoralized because someone else has a bigger butt than you. Use these steps to make others think you have a nice butt.
  • No matter what kind of butt you have, you have to dress to show your confidence. That is the key to looking glamorous.
  • Do not compare yourself to others because it is not beneficial or even harmful. Your view of yourself is what matters.